Packages changed:
  aaa_base (84.87+git20230815.cab7b44 -> 84.87+git20231023.f347d36)
  attica-qt5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  baloo5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  bluedevil5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  bluez-qt (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  breeze (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  breeze-gtk (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  breeze5-icons (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  containerd (1.7.7 -> 1.7.8)
  discover (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  docker (24.0.6_ce -> 24.0.7_ce)
  dracut (059+suse.501.gc44a365d -> 059+suse.503.g41e99e72)
  drkonqi5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  evolution-data-server (3.50.0 -> 3.50.1)
  fde-tools (0.7.0 -> 0.7.1)
  firewalld (2.0.0 -> 2.0.1)
  frameworkintegration (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  glib2 (2.78.0 -> 2.78.1)
  gnome-control-center (45.0+34 -> 45.1)
  gnome-software (45.0 -> 45.1)
  gnome-terminal (3.50.0 -> 3.50.1)
  gnome-user-docs (45.0 -> 45.1)
  gpgme (1.22.0 -> 1.23.0)
  gvfs (1.52.0 -> 1.52.1)
  harfbuzz (8.2.1 -> 8.2.2)
  installation-images-MicroOS (17.97 -> 17.98)
  iptables (1.8.9 -> 1.8.10)
  kactivities-stats (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kactivities5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kactivitymanagerd (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  karchive (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kauth (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kbookmarks (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kcm_flatpak (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kcm_sddm (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kcmutils (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kcodecs (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kcompletion (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kconfig (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kconfigwidgets (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kcoreaddons (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kcrash (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdbusaddons (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kde-cli-tools5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kde-gtk-config5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kdeclarative (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kded (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdelibs4support (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdesu (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdnssd-framework (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdoctools (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kdump (1.9.6 -> 1.9.7)
  kernel-firmware (20231006 -> 20231019)
  kernel-source (6.5.6 -> 6.5.9)
  kfilemetadata5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kgamma5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kglobalaccel (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kguiaddons (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kholidays (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  khotkeys5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  khtml (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  ki18n (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kiconthemes (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kidletime (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kimageformats (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kinfocenter5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kinit (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kio (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kirigami2 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kitemmodels (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kitemviews (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kjobwidgets (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kjs (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kmenuedit5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kmod (30 -> 31)
  knewstuff (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  knotifications (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  knotifyconfig (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kpackage (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kparts (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kpeople5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kpipewire (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kpty (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kquickcharts (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  krunner (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kscreen5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kscreenlocker (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kservice (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  ksshaskpass5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  ktexteditor (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  ktextwidgets (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kunitconversion (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kwallet (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kwayland (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kwayland-integration (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kwidgetsaddons (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kwin5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kwindowsystem (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  kwrited5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  kxmlgui (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  layer-shell-qt (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  libKF5ModemManagerQt (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  libKF5NetworkManagerQt (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  libdrm (2.4.116 -> 2.4.117)
  libheif (1.16.2 -> 1.17.1)
  libkdecoration2 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  libkscreen2 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  libksysguard5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  libmysofa (1.3.1 -> 1.3.2)
  libnet (1.2 -> 1.3)
  libnvme (1.6 -> 1.6+5.g68c6ffb)
  libphonenumber (8.13.15 -> 8.13.23)
  libplacebo (6.338.0 -> 6.338.1)
  libqt5-qtbase (5.15.11+kde134 -> 5.15.11+kde138)
  libsndfile (1.2.0 -> 1.2.2)
  libsoup (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4)
  libstorage-ng (4.5.143 -> 4.5.155)
  libxkbcommon (1.5.0 -> 1.6.0)
  libzypp (17.31.22 -> 17.31.23)
  llvm17 (17.0.2 -> 17.0.3)
  man (2.11.2 -> 2.12.0)
  milou5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  mozilla-nss (3.93 -> 3.94)
  multipath-tools (0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e -> 0.9.6+115+suse.07776fb)
  nautilus (45.0 -> 45.1)
  net-snmp (5.9.3 -> 5.9.4)
  nftables (1.0.8 -> 1.0.9)
  oniguruma (6.9.8 -> 6.9.9)
  openssl-3 (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  openssl (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
  oxygen5-sounds (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  p11-kit (0.25.0 -> 0.25.1)
  pam_kwallet (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  pipewire (0.3.82 -> 0.3.83)
  plasma-browser-integration (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma-framework (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  plasma-nm5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-addons (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-desktop (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-disks (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-integration (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-pa (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-systemmonitor (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-thunderbolt (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  plasma5-workspace (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  powerdevil5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  prison-qt5 (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  purpose (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  python-httpcore (0.17.3 -> 0.18.0)
  python-httpx (0.24.1 -> 0.25.0)
  python-pycairo (1.24.0 -> 1.25.1)
  python-pytz (2023.3 -> 2023.3.post1)
  python-typing_extensions (4.7.1 -> 4.8.0)
  python-urllib3 (2.0.6 -> 2.0.7)
  qemu (8.1.0 -> 8.1.2)
  qqc2-desktop-style (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  redis (7.0.12 -> 7.2.2)
  samba (4.19.1+git.312.c912b3d2ef6 -> 4.19.2+git.322.7e9201cef5)
  sdbootutil (1+git20230817.2a3cd34 -> 1+git20231023.873adb9)
  sg3_utils (1.48+1.889c3e3 -> 1.48+3.b642f6a)
  shaderc (2023.6 -> 2023.7)
  solid (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  sonnet (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  sqlite3 (3.42.0 -> 3.43.2)
  suse-module-tools (16.0.36 -> 16.0.37)
  syndication (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  syntax-highlighting (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  systemd-default-settings (0.7 -> 0.8)
  systemsettings5 (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  threadweaver (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
  vim (9.0.1894 -> 9.0.2078)
  vte (0.74.0 -> 0.74.1)
  wtmpdb (0.9.2 -> 0.9.3)
  xcb-util-cursor (0.1.4 -> 0.1.5)
  xdg-desktop-portal (1.18.0 -> 1.18.1)
  xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (1.14.1 -> 1.15.1)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
  xorg-x11-server (21.1.8 -> 21.1.9)
  xwayland (23.2.1 -> 23.2.2)
  yast2 (4.6.2 -> 5.0.2)
  yast2-add-on (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-alternatives (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-control-center (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-core (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-country (5.0.1 -> 5.0.2)
  yast2-firewall (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-hardware-detection (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-journal (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-kdump (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-ldap (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-metapackage-handler (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-network (4.6.5 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-ntp-client (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-online-update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-packager (4.6.2 -> 5.0.1)
  yast2-pam (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-perl-bindings (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-pkg-bindings (4.6.2 -> 5.0.2)
  yast2-printer (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-proxy (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-ruby-bindings (4.6.2 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-samba-client (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-samba-server (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-scanner (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-security (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-services-manager (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-slp (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-snapper (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-storage-ng (5.0.1 -> 5.0.3)
  yast2-sysconfig (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-theme (4.6.0 -> 5.0.1)
  yast2-transfer (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-vm (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-x11 (5.0.1 -> 5.0.2)
  yast2-xml (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  yast2-ycp-ui-bindings (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)
  zeromq (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)
  zlib (1.2.13 -> 1.3)

=== Details ===

==== AppStream ====
Subpackages: libAppStreamQt2 libappstream4

- Fix the documentation being put in the devel subpackage while
  the doc subpackage was empty. I think the doc %files section was
  probably removed inadvertently since it wasn't mentioned in the
  changelog and the doc subpackage declaration was left around.
- Moved the appstreamcli-compose man page to the same package
  as the binary.
- Make AppStream-compose-devel explicitly require
  libappstream-compose0 to stop rpmlint from reporting an error.

==== aaa_base ====
Version update (84.87+git20230815.cab7b44 -> 84.87+git20231023.f347d36)
Subpackages: aaa_base-extras

- Update to version 84.87+git20231023.f347d36:
  * Remove %ghost lastlog entry, lastlog is long gone
  * Remove shaky safe-rm and safe-rmdir helpers (bsc#1159103)

==== attica-qt5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Attica5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== avahi ====
Subpackages: libavahi-client3 libavahi-common3 libavahi-core7

- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38473.patch: derive alternative host name from
  its unescaped version (bsc#1216419 CVE-2023-38473).

==== avahi-glib2 ====

- Add avahi-CVE-2023-38473.patch: derive alternative host name from
  its unescaped version (bsc#1216419 CVE-2023-38473).

==== baloo5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: baloo5-file baloo5-file-lang baloo5-imports baloo5-kioslaves baloo5-kioslaves-lang baloo5-tools baloo5-tools-lang libKF5Baloo5 libKF5BalooEngine5 libKF5BalooEngine5-lang

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * Use the FSID as the device identifier where possible (kde#402154)

==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== bluez-qt ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: bluez-qt-imports bluez-qt-udev libKF5BluezQt6

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== breeze ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers libbreezecommon5-5

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze gtk4-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== breeze5-icons ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== containerd ====
Version update (1.7.7 -> 1.7.8)

- Update to containerd v1.7.8. Upstream release notes:

==== discover ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang discover-notifier

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Fix network cache size for first run
  * packagekit: attach timer to stream rather than backend
  * packagekit: hold stream in a qpointer (kde#467888,kde#465711,kde#473921)
  * Only preload a couple of screens worth of comments (kde#474944)
  * flatpak: make FlatpakTransactionThread a qrunnable instead (kde#474231)

==== docker ====
Version update (24.0.6_ce -> 24.0.7_ce)
Subpackages: docker-bash-completion docker-rootless-extras

- Update to Docker 24.0.7-ce. See upstream changelong online at
- Rebase patches:
  * 0001-SECRETS-daemon-allow-directory-creation-in-run-secre.patch
  * 0002-SECRETS-SUSE-implement-SUSE-container-secrets.patch
  * 0003-BUILD-SLE12-revert-graphdriver-btrfs-use-kernel-UAPI.patch
  * 0004-bsc1073877-apparmor-clobber-docker-default-profile-o.patch
  * 0005-SLE12-revert-apparmor-remove-version-conditionals-fr.patch
  * cli-0001-docs-include-required-tools-in-source-tree.patch

==== dracut ====
Version update (059+suse.501.gc44a365d -> 059+suse.503.g41e99e72)
Subpackages: dracut-ima

- Update to version 059+suse.503.g41e99e72:
  * fix(dracut.spec): do not require libgcrypt20-hmac for dracut-fips (bsc#1216059)

==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Fix malloc-delete mismatch

==== efivar ====

- We don’t mandoc at all after all (gh#rhboot/efivar#229 and

==== evolution-data-server ====
Version update (3.50.0 -> 3.50.1)
Subpackages: libcamel-1_2-64 libebackend-1_2-11 libebook-1_2-21 libebook-contacts-1_2-4 libecal-2_0-2 libedata-book-1_2-27 libedata-cal-2_0-2 libedataserver-1_2-27 libedataserverui-1_2-4

- Update to version 3.50.1:
  + Bugs fixed:
  - Update default calendar colors
  - Mail: Correct conversion of UTF-16 encoded text files
  + Updated translations.

==== fde-tools ====
Version update (0.7.0 -> 0.7.1)

- Update to version 0.7.1
  + add-secondary-key: remove the generation of the secondary
  + add-secondary-key: remove the inclusion of
  + luks: list all underlying LUKS device
  + Introduce FDE_DEVS to list all LUKS devices
- Drop upstreamd patch
  + fde-tools-remove-redundant-2nd-pw-creation.patch

==== fftw3 ====

- Disable HPC flavors on %ix86
- Drop support for obsolete openmpi[123]
- Prepare support for openmpi5

==== firewalld ====
Version update (2.0.0 -> 2.0.1)
Subpackages: firewalld-bash-completion python3-firewall

- update to 2.0.1:
  * fix(cli): all --list-all-zones output identical (d30bc61)
  * fix(cli): properly show default zone attribute (ea8d9a8)
  * fix(cli): properly show active attribute for zones and policies (b202403)
  * fix(cli): --get-active-zones should include the default zone (dae9112)
  * fix(nftables): always flush main table on start (cd20981)
  * fix(runtimeToPermanent): deepcopy settings before mangling (9c53639)
  * docs: fix reference to lockdown-whitelist.xml in SYNOPSIS section (1c77205)
  * fix(firewall-config): escape markup stored in bindings store (c876fd0)
  * fix(tests): avoid deprecated assertRaisesRegexp for assertRaisesRegex (2935119)
  * fix(icmp): fix check_icmpv6_name() to use correct IPv6 names (af3c35b)
  * fix(ipset): fix configuring IP range for ipsets with nftables (6a050ec)
  * fix(ipset): fix configuring "timeout","maxelem" values for ipsets with nftables (7d3340c)
  * fix(core): fix exception while parsing invalid "tcp-mss-clamp" in policy (ff61209)
  * docs(policy): fix wrong documentation of in man firewalld.policy (21026d9)
- removed following patch:
  [- fix_list_all_zones_output.patch]

==== frameworkintegration ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: frameworkintegration-plugin libKF5Style5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== git ====

- Add rule for /etc/gitconfig in gitweb.cgi apparmor profile (bsc#1216501).
- gitweb.cgi AppArmor profile
  - make the profile a named profile
  - add local/ include to make custom additions easier

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.78.0 -> 2.78.1)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0

- Update to version 2.78.1:
  + Fix truncating files when `g_file_set_contents_full()` is
  + Fix `-Dlibelf=disabled` on Linux
  + Bugs fixed:
  - NetworkManager 1.44.0 crashes repeatedly with glib 2.78.0
  - gsubprocess-testprog.c: build error with cygwin
    (sys/ptrace.h: No such file or directory)
  - gio clears modification time in microseconds when setting
    with `set_modification_date_time`
  - Build of glib 2.78.0 ignores -Dlibelf=disabled
  - glib-2.78.0 fails at gio/tests/gsubprocess.p/gsubprocess.c.o
  - Segfault when creating GIO GPropertyAction without properties
  - `g_file_set_contents_full()` doesn't truncate the file
  - guniprop.c: Avoid creating (temporarily) out-of-bounds
  - Fixes for integer cast warnings when targeting CHERI
  - Fix test_find_program on FreeBSD
  - gconstructor.h: Ensure [c|d]tor prototypes are present for
  - Fix gutils-user-database test on macOS
  - Add value annotation to G_TYPE_FUNDAMENTAL_MAX
  - meson: Fix Windows build with PCRE2 as sibling subproject
  - gconstructor.h: Ensure [c|d]tor prototypes are present for
  - glocalfileinfo: Preserve microseconds for access/modify times
  - Make sure the `GTask` is freed on a graceful disconnect
  - Buffer needs to be aligned correctly to receive
  - gtestutils.h: Fix warning with -Wsign-conversion caused by
  - tests: Drop unnecessary include from gsubprocess-testprog.c
  - wakeup: do single read when using eventfd()
  - wakeup: Fix g_wakeup_acknowledge if signal comes in”
  - Use g_task_return in task threads
  - build: Fix -Dlibelf=disabled on Linux
  - gfileutils: Add a missing ftruncate() call when writing files
  + Updated translations.
- Drop 0005-gthreadedresolver-Fix-race.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Use sed call to replace gio-querymodules with gio-querymodules-64
  in gio-2.0.pc where appropiate.
- Require /usr/bin/dbus-daemon by the devel package: GDBusTest
  launches an own dbus-daemon with a separate environment, so that
  test code does not have to rely on the session bus. Ensure
  consumers of GDBusTest have the needed dep present.
- Change the dbus-launch Requires to %{_bindir}/dbus-launch: be
  flexible about potential future package layout changes.

==== glibc ====
Subpackages: glibc-extra glibc-locale glibc-locale-base nscd

- dtors-reverse-ctor-order.patch: Remove, has been reverted
- Avoid use of SSE in i586 build
- Add systemd also to gshadow lookups (jsc#PED-5188)
- For SLE continue to use nsswitch.conf without systemd

==== gnome-control-center ====
Version update (45.0+34 -> 45.1)
Subpackages: gnome-control-center-color gnome-control-center-goa gnome-control-center-user-faces

- Update to version 45.1:
  + About: Add more types of processor support
  + Accessibility: Make Cursor Size dialog close on Escape key
  + Keyboard: Allow closing Shortcuts dialog with Escape key
  + Mouse:
  - Fix linked style of primary mouse button in RTL languages
  - Avoid making videos blurry
  + Network:
  - Fix editing connections without a device
  - Revert "Disable DNS entry if automatic DNS option is enabled"

==== gnome-settings-daemon ====

- Add 538816ff42f682fc4b541810ca107486abab9976.patch: smartcard:
  Steal error when propagating through GTask.

==== gnome-shell ====
Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar

- Rebase patches for SLE-15-SP6 (bsc#1216072):
  + Rebase endSession-dialog-update-time-label-every-sec.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-disable-ibus-when-not-installed.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-domain.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-exit-crash-workaround.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-fate324570-Make-GDM-background-image-configurable.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-gdm-login-applet.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-jsc#SLE-16051-Input-method-recommendation.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-jscSLE9267-Remove-sessionList-of-endSessionDialog.patch
  + Rebase gnome-shell-screen-disappear.patch
  + Remove aboutMenu.js

==== gnome-software ====
Version update (45.0 -> 45.1)
Subpackages: gnome-software-plugin-packagekit

- Rebase gnome-software-disable-offline-update.patch(bsc#1216603).
- Add gnome-software-plugin-opensuse-distro-upgrade.patch: plugins:
  add opensuse-distro-upgrade plugin(glgo#GNOME/gnome-software!1557).
- Update to version 45.1:
  + Various styling fixes
  + Report PackageKit GPG-related errors in the GUI
  + Flatpak permission checks improvements
  + Optimize loading of the details page
  + Updated translations.

==== gnome-terminal ====
Version update (3.50.0 -> 3.50.1)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal nautilus-extension-terminal

- Update to version 3.50.1:
  * util: check flatpak for alternate terminals
  * prefs: Get the headerbar pref
  * build: Bump vte req version

==== gnome-user-docs ====
Version update (45.0 -> 45.1)

- Update to version 45.1:
  + Updates to GNOME Help.
  + Updated translations.

==== gpg2 ====
Subpackages: dirmngr

- Do not pull revision info from GIT when autoconf is run. This
  removes the -unknown suffix after the version number.
  * Add gnupg-nobetasuffix.patch [bsc#1216334]

==== gpgme ====
Version update (1.22.0 -> 1.23.0)
Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6 python311-gpg

- Update to 1.23.0:
  * Support GPGME_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST also for S/MIME. [T6559]
  * New keylist mode GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_WITH_V5FPR. [T6705]
  * New key capability flags has_*. [T6748]
  * gpgme-tool: Support use of Windows HANDLE. [T6634]
  * qt: Support refreshing keys via WKD. [T6672]
  * qt: Handle cancel in changeexpiryjob. [T6754]
  * Remove patches fixed upstream:
  - gpgme-qt-tests-Fix-build-in-source-directory.patch
  - gpgme-build-Suggest-out-of-source-build.patch

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin

- Fix a potential error when appending multiple keys into the
  synthesized initrd
  * Fix-the-size-calculation-for-the-synthesized-initrd.patch
- Fix Xen chainloding error of no matching file path found (bsc#1216081)
  * grub2-efi-chainload-harder.patch
- Use grub-tpm2 token to unlock keyslots to make the unsealing process more
  efficient and secure.
  * 0001-luks2-Use-grub-tpm2-token-for-TPM2-protected-volume-.patch
- Fix detection of encrypted disk's uuid in powerpc to cope with logical disks
  when signed image installation is specified (bsc#1216075)
  * 0003-grub-install-support-prep-environment-block.patch
- grub2.spec: Add support to unlocking multiple encrypted disks in signed
  grub.elf image for logical disks

==== gvfs ====
Version update (1.52.0 -> 1.52.1)
Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backend-goa gvfs-backend-samba gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse

- Use older way than autopatch on SLE/Leap, which is not ready for
  the macro.
- Rebase gvfs-nvvfs.patch.
- Update to version 1.52.1:
  + client: Prevent returning invalid mount cache entries.
  + dav: Fix authentication issues when DNS-SD URIs are used.
  + nfs: Fix IPv6 URI handling.
  + Updated translations.

==== gzip ====

- Fix s390x build with 'gcc -Dalignas=_Alignas' bug#66709

==== harfbuzz ====
Version update (8.2.1 -> 8.2.2)
Subpackages: libharfbuzz-gobject0 libharfbuzz-icu0 libharfbuzz-subset0 libharfbuzz0 typelib-1_0-HarfBuzz-0_0

- Update to version 8.2.2:
  + Fix regression from 8.1.0 in shaping fonts with duplicate
    feature tags.
  + Fix regression from 8.2.0 in parsing CSS-style feature strings.
  + Variable fonts instanciation now handles more tables.
  + Various CMake build improvements.
  + Various fixes to build without errors with gcc 4.9.2.

==== icewm ====
Subpackages: icewm-config-upstream icewm-default icewm-lang

- Drop pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer
  needed nor used (in our case, we use the new default Imlib2).
- Add explicit pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0) BuildRequires: Needed to
  build {_bindir}/icewm-menu-fdo.

==== installation-images-MicroOS ====
Version update (17.97 -> 17.98)

- merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#666
- remove termcap dependency, it's not used (bsc#1216448)
- 17.98

==== iptables ====
Version update (1.8.9 -> 1.8.10)
Subpackages: libip4tc2 libip6tc2 libxtables12 xtables-plugins

- The presence of nftables does not mandate that iptables use
  backend-nft [bsc#1206383].
- Update to release 1.8.10
  * xtables-translate: support rule insert with index
  * broute table support in ebtables-nft
  * nft-variants' debug output (pass multiple ``-v`` flags) now
    contains sets if present
  * Add mld-listener type names to icmp6 match
- Use nftables backend by default when nftables is installed, bsc#1206383

==== kaccounts-providers ====

- Only require signon-plugin-oauth2 when QtWebEngine is an option:
  signon-plugin-oauth2 depends on signon-ui, which in turn
  dependson QtWebEngine.

==== kactivities-stats ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kactivities5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kactivities5-imports libKF5Activities5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Avoid race condition on startup (kde#422682)

==== karchive ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kauth ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Auth5 libKF5Auth5-lang libKF5AuthCore5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kbookmarks ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kcm_flatpak ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Add missing KService dependency

==== kcmutils ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kcmutils-imports libKF5KCMUtils5 libKF5KCMUtilsCore5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kcodecs ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kcompletion ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kconfig ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigGui5 libKF5ConfigQml5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kconfigwidgets ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kcoreaddons ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5CoreAddons5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * Unset bug address for implicitly created KAboutData (kde#473517)

==== kcrash ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdbusaddons ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kdbusaddons-tools libKF5DBusAddons5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * kcmshell: focus on content area by default

==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * kded/config_editor: make it compile with GLib < 2.74
  * kded/config_editor: add a timer to reduce duplicate setting sync

==== kdeclarative ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kdeclarative-components libKF5CalendarEvents5 libKF5Declarative5 libKF5QuickAddons5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kded ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdelibs4support ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5KDELibs4Support5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====

- Fix non-working "Share" properties page in dolphin due to
  incorrect group check (kde#475946, boo#1215374), add

==== kdesu ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdnssd-framework ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdoctools ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5DocTools5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kdump ====
Version update (1.9.6 -> 1.9.7)

- upgrade to version 1.9.7
  * prevent dracut emergency shell
  * s390: consolidate low-level network configuration with zdev
  * s390: Explicitly request zFCP devices

==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20231006 -> 20231019)
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qcom kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network

- Update to version 20231019 (git commit d983107a2dfa):
  * Fix the robot email script
  * linux-firmware: Update AMD cpu microcode
  * Add support for sending emails while processing a PR/patch
  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware
  * linux-firmware: add Amlogic bluetooth firmware
  * Add a script for a robot to open up pull requests
  * i915: Add GuC v70.13.1 for DG2, TGL, ADL-P and MTL
  * iwlwifi: add a missing FW from core80-39 release
  * amdgpu: update raven firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.8 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update DCN 3.1.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SDMA 5.2.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.5 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 10.3.6 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.0 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update vega20 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update beige goby firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update vega12 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update vega10 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update dimgrey cavefish firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update picasso firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update navy flounder firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update vangogh firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update green sardine firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update sienna cichlid firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.11 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.1 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update navi14 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update renoir firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update navi12 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update VCN 4.0.4 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SDMA 6.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.7 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.2 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update yellow carp firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update navi10 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update raven2 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update SMU 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update PSP 13.0.10 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update GC 11.0.3 firmware from 5.7 branch
  * amdgpu: update aldebaran firmware from 5.7 branch

==== kernel-source ====
Version update (6.5.6 -> 6.5.9)

- Linux 6.5.9 (bsc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: hci_event: Ignore NULL link key (bsc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: Reject connection with the device which has same
  BD_ADDR (bsc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: Fix a refcnt underflow problem for hci_conn
- Bluetooth: vhci: Fix race when opening vhci device
- Bluetooth: hci_event: Fix coding style (bsc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: avoid memcmp() out of bounds warning (bsc#1012628).
- Bluetooth: hci_conn: Fix modifying handle while aborting
- ice: fix over-shifted variable (bsc#1012628).
- ice: Fix safe mode when DDP is missing (bsc#1012628).
- ice: reset first in crash dump kernels (bsc#1012628).
- net/smc: return the right falback reason when prefix checks fail
- btrfs: fix stripe length calculation for non-zoned data chunk
  allocation (bsc#1012628).
- nfc: nci: fix possible NULL pointer dereference in
  send_acknowledge() (bsc#1012628).
- regmap: fix NULL deref on lookup (bsc#1012628).
- KVM: x86: Mask LVTPC when handling a PMI (bsc#1012628).
- x86/sev: Disable MMIO emulation from user mode (bsc#1012628).
- x86/sev: Check IOBM for IOIO exceptions from user-space
- x86/sev: Check for user-space IOIO pointing to kernel space
- x86/fpu: Allow caller to constrain xfeatures when copying to
  uabi buffer (bsc#1012628).
- KVM: x86/pmu: Truncate counter value to allowed width on write
- KVM: x86: Constrain guest-supported xfeatures only at
  KVM_GET_XSAVE{2} (bsc#1012628).
- x86: KVM: SVM: always update the x2avic msr interception
- x86: KVM: SVM: add support for Invalid IPI Vector interception
- x86: KVM: SVM: refresh AVIC inhibition in svm_leave_nested()
- audit,io_uring: io_uring openat triggers audit reference count
  underflow (bsc#1012628).
- tcp: check mptcp-level constraints for backlog coalescing
- mptcp: more conservative check for zero probes (bsc#1012628).
- selftests: mptcp: join: no RST when rm subflow/addr
- mm: slab: Do not create kmalloc caches smaller than
  arch_slab_minalign() (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Fix OOB read in ntfs_init_from_boot (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Fix possible null-pointer dereference in hdr_find_e()
- fs/ntfs3: fix panic about slab-out-of-bounds caused by
  ntfs_list_ea() (bsc#1012628).
- fs/ntfs3: Fix shift-out-of-bounds in ntfs_fill_super
- fs/ntfs3: fix deadlock in mark_as_free_ex (bsc#1012628).
- Revert "net: wwan: iosm: enable runtime pm support for 7560"
- netfilter: nft_payload: fix wrong mac header matching
- io_uring: fix crash with IORING_SETUP_NO_MMAP and invalid SQ
  ring address (bsc#1012628).
- nvmet-tcp: Fix a possible UAF in queue intialization setup
- drm/i915: Retry gtt fault when out of fence registers
- drm/mediatek: Correctly free sg_table in gem prime vmap
- drm/nouveau/disp: fix DP capable DSM connectors (bsc#1012628).
- drm/edid: add 8 bpc quirk to the BenQ GW2765 (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: hda/realtek - Fixed ASUS platform headset Mic issue
- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASUS ROG GU603ZV (bsc#1012628).
- ALSA: hda/relatek: Enable Mute LED on HP Laptop 15s-fq5xxx
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix use after free on driver unbind
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x-sdw: fix runtime PM imbalance on probe
  errors (bsc#1012628).
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: drop bogus bind error handling
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix unbind tear down order (bsc#1012628).
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix resource leaks on bind errors
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix regulator leaks on probe errors
- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix runtime PM imbalance on remove
- qed: fix LL2 RX buffer allocation (bsc#1012628).
- xfrm: fix a data-race in xfrm_lookup_with_ifid() (bsc#1012628).
- xfrm6: fix inet6_dev refcount underflow problem (bsc#1012628).
- xfrm: fix a data-race in xfrm_gen_index() (bsc#1012628).
- xfrm: interface: use DEV_STATS_INC() (bsc#1012628).
- net: xfrm: skip policies marked as dead while reinserting
  policies (bsc#1012628).
- fprobe: Fix to ensure the number of active retprobes is not zero
- wifi: cfg80211: use system_unbound_wq for wiphy work
    ... changelog too long, skipping 934 lines ...
- commit 3169a10

==== kfilemetadata5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== kglobalaccel ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kglobalaccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5 libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kguiaddons ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5GuiAddons5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * mark geo-scheme-handler as non-gui executable on macOS/Windows

==== kholidays ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== khtml ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== ki18n ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kiconthemes ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kidletime ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kimageformats ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * avif: support repetition count
  * raw: fix multi image load
  * hdr: fix oss-fuzz issue 62197
  * hdr: fix crash (oss-fuzz)
  * xcf: fix crash (oss-fuzz issue 62075)
  * xcf: fix oss-fuzz issue

==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * find KF5Auth

==== kinit ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kio ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kio-core

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * dbusactivationrunner: only activate well-formed services (kde#475266)
  * DBusActivationRunner: fix object path according to spec
  * Undeprecate KCoreDirLister::setMimeExcludeFilter
  * Fix incomplete error strings in MimeTypeFinderJob
  * Don't crash if KMountPoint gives nothing back while checking for CIFS (kde#474451)
  * trashimpl: optimize TrashSizeCache::calculateSize
  * trash: Optimize trashimpl::adaptTrashSize
  * [kfilewidget] Fixing saving to files with quotes (kde#426728)
  * KPropertiesDialog: Force PlainText on size label
- Drop patch, merged upstream:
  * 0001-Don-t-crash-if-KMountPoint-gives-nothing-back-while-.patch

==== kirigami2 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Kirigami2-5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * AboutPage: Allow overriding donateUrl by aliasing it from AboutItem (kde#474864)

==== kitemmodels ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kitemmodels-imports libKF5ItemModels5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kitemviews ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kjobwidgets ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kjs ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Better construct command line (kde#474758)

==== kmod ====
Version update (30 -> 31)
Subpackages: kmod-bash-completion libkmod2

- Fix tests
  * refresh configure-Detect-openssl-sm3-support.patch
  * refresh kmod-Add-pkgconfig-file-with-kmod-compile-time-confi.patch
  * refresh usr-lib-modules.patch
- Update to release 31
  * Allow passing a path to modprobe so the module is loaded from
    anywhere from the filesystem.
  * Use in-kernel decompression if available.
  * depmod learned a `-o <dir>` option to allow using a separate
    output directory.
- Delete depmod-Introduce-outdir-option.patch,

==== knewstuff ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: knewstuff-imports libKF5NewStuff5 libKF5NewStuffCore5 libKF5NewStuffWidgets5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== knotifications ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== knotifyconfig ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kpackage ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kparts ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kpeople5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kpipewire ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: kpipewire-imports libKPipeWire5 libKPipeWireDmaBuf5 libKPipeWireRecord5

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== kpty ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kquickcharts ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== krunner ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * runnerpython: Fix install script paths to desktop files

==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: kscreen5-plasmoid

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Only modify `Coordinate Transformation Matrix` (kde#474110)
  * Drop unused KIconThemes dependency

==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * greeter: disable qml disk cache (kde#471952)

==== kservice ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * KService: allow .desktop files without an Exec line (kde#430157)

==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== ktexteditor ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== ktextwidgets ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kunitconversion ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kwallet ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: kwallet-tools kwalletd5 libKF5Wallet5 libkwalletbackend5-5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kwayland ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== kwidgetsaddons ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * Amend unit test to check propagation of options to date picker
  * Remove "No date" option from date picker popup used by date combo box
  * Set the modes on the date picker
  * Fix file rating being unreadable in certain themes (kde#339863)

==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * platformsupport/scenes/opengl: don't release egl resources from the thread (kde#466174)
  * kcms/screenedges: Fix listing of effects
  * Fix misgenerated QHoverEvent
  * Add QKeySequence to VirtualDesktopManager::addAction overload (kde#475748)
  * kcms/screenedges: Fix buttons overlap on a too narrow vertical screen (kde#475579)
  * kcms/screenedges: Slightly refactor monitor size calculation
  * kcms/screenedges: Remove commented out dead code
  * Use itemChange instead of a connect to windowChanged
  * plugins/slide: add special case for instant animations (kde#472901)
  * plugins/screencast: Remove "frame dropped" log messages
  * fix segfault in  EglGbmBackend::textureForOutput
  * Drop unused kitemviews dependency
  * Add missing QtNetwork dependency
  * plugins/qpa: implement platform accessibility (kde#472643)
  * backends/drm: check activePending instead of active for when applying a new gamma ramp is allowed (kde#471562)

==== kwindowsystem ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * Explain in deprecation message that logical coordinates must be used in KF6

==== kwrited5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== kxmlgui ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== lastlog2 ====
Subpackages: liblastlog2-1

- Fix lastlog.8 .so reference

==== layer-shell-qt ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== libKF5ModemManagerQt ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== libdrm ====
Version update (2.4.116 -> 2.4.117)
Subpackages: libdrm2 libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_nouveau2 libdrm_radeon1

- Update to 2.4.117
  * modetest: print modifiers in hex as well
  * modetest: custom mode support
  * meson: fix intel requirements
  * meson: Use feature.require() and feature.allowed()
  * meson: replace deprecated program.path -> program.full_path
  * modetest: avoid erroring if there's no gamma legacy support
  * amdgpu: Fix pointer/integer mismatch warning
  * amdgpu: Use PRI?64 to format uint64_t
  * util: add NV24 and NV42 frame buffer formats
  * util: add pattern support for DRM_FORMAT_NV{24,42}
  * modetest: add support for DRM_FORMAT_NV{24,42}
  * util: fix grey in YUV SMPTE patterns
  * modetest: fix mode_vrefresh() for interlace/dblscan/vscan
  * util: remove unused definitions of RED, GREEN, and BLUE
  * amdgpu: add marketing names from amd-5.4.6 (22.40.6)
  * amdgpu: add marketing names from amd-5.5.1 (23.10.1)
  * amdgpu: add marketing names from PRO Edition 23.Q3 W7000
  * amdgpu: add marketing names from Adrenalin 23.7.2
  * amdgpu: add marketing names from Adrenalin 23.9.1
  * modetest: document why no blob is created for linear gamma LUT
  * modetest: allocate and commit atomic request around set_property()
  * modetest: permit -r and -s to work together
  * modetest: allow using -r and -P
  * modetest: add support for writeback connector
  * amdgpu: amdgpu_drm.h for new GPUVM fault ioctl
  * amdgpu: add support for querying VM faults information
  * xf86drm: mark DRM_MAX_MINOR as deprecated
  * ci: bump FreeBSD to 13.2

==== libgcrypt ====

- Do not pull revision info from GIT when autoconf is run. This
  removes the -unknown suffix after the version number.
  * Add libgcrypt-nobetasuffix.patch [bsc#1216334]

==== libgpg-error ====

- Do not pull revision info from GIT when autoconf is run. This
  removes the -unknown suffix after the version number.
  * Add libgpg-error-nobetasuffix.patch [bsc#1216334]

==== libheif ====
Version update (1.16.2 -> 1.17.1)
Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-libheif libheif-rav1e libheif1

- update to 1.17.1:
  * fix issue of loading images with premultiplied alpha channel
  * correctly set compatible_version for macOS dylib builds
  * fix loading HDR PNGs, but encoding them as 8-bit SDR
  * fix saving AVIF with alpha using the SVT-AV1 encoder
- cmake-presets version 3 requires cmake >= 3.21
- update to 1.17.0:
  * Kvazaar encoder (HEIC) as alternative to x265
  * ffmpeg decoder (HEIC) decoding with potential hardware decoder support
  * jpegdec / jpegenc codecs for JPEG in HEIF
  * j2kdec, j2kenc codecs for JPEG-2000 in HEIF (still experimental)
  * added support for region masks
  * added support for alpha channels in images decoded with JS/WASM
  * heif-enc and heif-convert can be called with only input filenames,
    input and output filename, or with -o option. This makes the use of the
    two command more consistent.
  * added 4:2:2 <-> 4:4:4 color conversion with bilinear upscaling / average
  * heif_context_get_image_handle() can now also access non-top-level images
  * add script to build Android libraries for all platforms
  * known bugs have been fixed

==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private10

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== libksba ====

- Do not pull revision info from GIT when autoconf is run. This
  removes the -unknown suffix after the version number.
  * Run autoreconf for the added patch and add the build
    dependecies on autoconf, automake and libtool.
  * Add libksba-nobetasuffix.patch [bsc#1216334]

==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen8 libKF5ScreenDpms8 libkscreen2-plugin

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats-data libKSysGuardSystemStats1 libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-plugins

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== libmysofa ====
Version update (1.3.1 -> 1.3.2)

- Update to 1.3.2:
  * allow slightly more dense HRTFs
  * allow all kinds of room types
  * target exporting
  * bug fix in memory reader
  * enable big endian support
- Drop 0001-fix-big-endian-convertion-of-double-value.patch
- Add Install-header-when-only-building-shared-lib.patch

==== libnet ====
Version update (1.2 -> 1.3)

- update to 1.3:
  * Add support for LLDP, mandatory TLVs.
  * Add support for Cisco UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD), RFC5171
  * Calling libnet_init() with a RAW type no longer sets a TX buffer max
    size. Use the new libnet_setfd_max_sndbuf() instead when needed.
  * Fix #122: unused parameter warnings
  * Fix #123: potential memory leak in libnet_cq_add()
  * Fix #124: potential name conflict with C++ keyword new
  * Fix #96: pointer type warnings when dumping raw data with %p
  * Fix #97: non-standard types
  * Fix #98: lots of signed vs unsigned comparisons
  * Fix #102: possible buffer overflows in libnet_plist_chain_dump_string()
  * Fix #120: possible NULL pointer dereference in libnet_cq_add()
  * Fix #120: memory leak in libnet_plist_chain_new()
  * Fix segmentation fault in libnet_ifaddrlist()
  * Fix #150: segfault when number of IPs > 512
- Drop upstreamed reproducible.patch

==== libnma ====
Subpackages: libnma-glib-schema libnma-gtk4-0 libnma0 typelib-1_0-NMA4-1_0

- Drop pkgconfig(gck-1) and pkgconfig(gcr-3) BuildRequires: No
  longer needed, we build with gck-2 and gcr-4.

==== libnvme ====
Version update (1.6 -> 1.6+5.g68c6ffb)
Subpackages: libnvme-mi1 libnvme1

- Update to version 1.6+5.g68c6ffb:
  * avoid stack corruption by unaligned DMA to user space buffers
    (bsc#1216344, gh#linux-nvme/libnvme#727)

==== libphonenumber ====
Version update (8.13.15 -> 8.13.23)

- Update to version 8.13.28:
  * Updated phone metadata, carrier data, geocoding data, short
    number metadata for a number of region and calling codes
- drop 0001-Build-with-C-17.patch now upstream

==== libplacebo ====
Version update (6.338.0 -> 6.338.1)

- Update libplacebo to version 6.338.1. See details in:

==== libqt5-qtbase ====
Version update (5.15.11+kde134 -> 5.15.11+kde138)
Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3

- Update to version 5.15.11+kde138:
  * QLibraryPrivate: Actually merge load hints
  * QPluginLoader: report the right load hints
  * xkb: fix build with libxkbcommon 1.6.0 and later
  * a11y atspi: Map ButtonMenu role to AT-SPI equivalent

==== libsndfile ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.2)

- Update to 1.2.1:
  * Various bug fixes (issue #908, #907, #934, #950, #930)
- Update to 1.2.2:
  * Fixed invalid regex in src/
  * Fixed passing null pointer to printf %s in tests
- Fix signed integers overflows in au_read_header()
  (bsc#1213451, CVE-2022-33065):

==== libsoup ====
Version update (3.4.3 -> 3.4.4)
Subpackages: libsoup-3_0-0 typelib-1_0-Soup-3_0

- Update to version 3.4.4:
  + Improve HTTP/2 performance when a lot of buffering happens
  + Support building libnghttp2 as a subproject

==== libstorage-ng ====
Version update (4.5.143 -> 4.5.155)
Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1

- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#963
- extended testsuite
- 4.5.155
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#962
- improved error reporting in SystemCmd
- 4.5.154
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#961
- added testcase
- 4.5.153
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#960
- make more use of new SystemCmd interface
- added const
- 4.5.152
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#959
- removed unused function
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#958
- make more use of new SystemCmd interface
- prefer make_unique over new
- fixed compound action generation for removing btrfs qgroup
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#957
- extended testsuite
- 4.5.151
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#956
- improved error handling in SystemCmd
- 4.5.150
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#955
- use _exit if exec fails
- 4.5.149
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#954
- allow to disallow remove actions on some devices
- improved tests
- removed unneeded include statements
- make more use of new SystemCmd interface
- increase minor library version
- 4.5.148
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#953
- support RAID level LINEAR (bsc#1215022)
- 4.5.147
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#952
- extended testsuite
- 4.5.146
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#951
- allow SystemCmd to take a vector with command arguments
- fixed typo
- added integration tests
- 4.5.145
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#950
- allow to disable use of key file in commit
- added note
- 4.5.144

==== libxkbcommon ====
Version update (1.5.0 -> 1.6.0)
Subpackages: libxkbcommon-x11-0 libxkbcommon0 libxkbregistry0

- Update to release 1.6.0
  * Remove keysyms: XKB_KEY_dead_lowline,
    XKB_KEY_dead_aboveverticalline, XKB_KEY_dead_belowverticalline,
  * Add Compose iterator API to iterate the entries in a compose
  * Structured log messages with a message registry. There is an
    ongoing work to assign unique identifiers to log messages and
    add a corresponding error index documentation page.
  * Add a new warning for numeric keysyms references in XKB files:
    the preferred keysym reference form is its name or its Unicode
    value, if relevant.
  * Add the upper bound `XKB_KEYSYM_MAX` to check valid keysyms.
  * Add a warning when loading a keymap using RMLVO with no layout
    but with the variant set.
  * Add support for ``modifier_map None { … }``. This feature is
    missing compared to the X11 implementation. It allows to reset
    the modifier map of a key.

==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.31.22 -> 17.31.23)

- Stop using boost version 1 timer library (fixes #489,
- version 17.31.23 (22)

==== llvm17 ====
Version update (17.0.2 -> 17.0.3)

- Update to version 17.0.3.
  * This release contains bug-fixes for the LLVM 17.0.0 release.
    This release is API and ABI compatible with 17.0.0.
- Rebase llvm-do-not-install-static-libraries.patch.
- Disable zstd support for now regardless of whether libzstd-devel
  is installed. (boo#1216121)
- Limit number of LTO threads on 32-bit architectures to prevent
  out-of-memory during linking.

==== man ====
Version update (2.11.2 -> 2.12.0)

- Update to 2.12.0:
  * Fix some manual page portability issues with groff 1.23.0.
  * Fix test failures when a working `iconv` is not available.
  * Ensure that timestamps read from the database can go past the year 2038,
    even on systems where this is not the default.
  * Fix `manpath` not parsing `PATH` entries with trailing slash correctly
    for guessing `MANPATH` entries.
  * More accurately document the behaviour of passing file names as arguments
    to `man` without the `-l`/`--local-file` option.
  * Avoid duplicate cleanup of old cat pages by both `man-db.service` and
  * Update system call lists in `seccomp` sandbox from `systemd`.
  * Upgrade to Gnulib `stable-202307`.
  * Work around the Firebuild accelerator in `seccomp` sandbox: if this is in
    use then we need to allow some socket-related system calls.
  * `man -K` now deduplicates search results that point to the same page.
  * Warn if `mandb` drops to `--user-db` mode due to running as the wrong
  * Change section title recommendations in `man(1)` to mention `STANDARDS`
    rather than `CONFORMING TO`, in line with `man-pages(7)`.
  * Add a `STANDARDS` section to `man(1)` itself.
  * Document that `man -K` may suffer from false negatives as well as false
  * Take advantage of newer `groff` facilities to implement `man
  - -no-hyphenation` and `man --no-justification`, if available.
  * `man -f` and `man -k` now pass any `-r`/`--regex` or `-w`/`--wildcard`
    options on to `whatis` and `apropos` respectively.
  * Always pass a line length to `nroff`, even if we believe that it matches
    the default.
  * Allow disabling `groff` warnings via `man --warnings`, by prefixing a
    warning name with `!`.
- Drop man-db-groff-1.23.0-warnings.patch
- Refresh man-db-2.9.4.patch

==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: milou5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== mozilla-nss ====
Version update (3.93 -> 3.94)
Subpackages: libfreebl3 libsoftokn3 mozilla-nss-certs

- update to NSS 3.94
  * bmo#1853737 - Updated code and commit ID for HACL*
  * bmo#1840510 - update ACVP fuzzed test vector: refuzzed with
    current NSS
  * bmo#1827303 - Softoken C_ calls should use system FIPS setting
    to select NSC_ or FC_ variants
  * bmo#1774659 - NSS needs a database tool that can dump the low level
    representation of the database
  * bmo#1852179 - declare string literals using char in pkixnames_tests.cpp
  * bmo#1852179 - avoid implicit conversion for ByteString
  * bmo#1818766 - update rust version for acvp docker
  * bmo#1852011 - Moving the init function of the mpi_ints before
    clean-up in ec.c
  * bmo#1615555 - P-256 ECDH and ECDSA from HACL*
  * bmo#1840510 - Add ACVP test vectors to the repository
  * bmo#1849077 - Stop relying on std::basic_string<uint8_t>
  * bmo#1847845 - Transpose the PPC_ABI check from Makefile to gyp
- rebased patches
- added nss-fips-test.patch to fix broken test

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e -> 0.9.6+115+suse.07776fb)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.9.6+115+suse.07776fb
  * multipathd: Added support to handle FPIN-Li events for FC-NVMe
- Update to version 0.9.6+110+suse.5dfdf35:
  * The options "bindings_file", "prkeys_file", and "wwids_file",
    which have been deprecated since multipath-tools 0.8.8,
    aren't supported any more. The paths to these files are now
    hard-coded to "bindings", "prkeys" and "wwids" under
  * Strictly avoid assigning map aliases that are already taken
  * Improve handling of user-friendly names
  * avoid "multipath -d" (dry-run) changing SCSI timeouts in sysfs
- spec file:
  * adapt prefix values to upstream changes
  * fix compilation flags for "make check"
  * pass EXTRAVERSION to build

==== nautilus ====
Version update (45.0 -> 45.1)
Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus libnautilus-extension4

- Update to version 45.1:
  + Don't crash when opening Properties from admin://*
  + Don't crash on unmount
  + Stop jumping to top when using the Menu key
  + Properly reorder bookmarks by drag and drop
  + Re-add search results when switching view mode
  + Fix compilation on 32-bit musl
  - Fix various leaks and warnings
  + Updated translations.
- Update to version 45.0+12:
  + gtk/placessidebar: Use list box for coordinates translation.
  + list-base: Stop jumping to top on Menu key.
  + Updated translations.
- Switch to source service, explicit commit from the stable branch.

==== net-snmp ====
Version update (5.9.3 -> 5.9.4)
Subpackages: libsnmp40 perl-SNMP snmp-mibs

- net-snmp-5.9.4-systemd-no-utmp.patch: prefer systemd-logind over
  utmp to count number of logged in users, utmp is not reliable for
  this and has a Y2038 problem (jsc#PED-3144)
- Update to net-snmp-5.9.4 (bsc#1214364).
  add (rename):
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fixed-python2-bindings.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-modern-rpm-api.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-perl-tk-warning.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-pie.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-socket-path.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-subagent-set-response.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-testing-empty-arptable.patch
  delete (now part of v5.9.4):
  * net-snmp-5.9.3-disallow_SET_requests_with_NULL_varbind.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.3-grep.patch
  delete (rename):
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-add-lustre-fs-support.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.2-fix-create-v3-user-outfile.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.3-fixed-python2-bindings.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-fix-Makefile.PL.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-modern-rpm-api.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-net-snmp-config-headercheck.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-perl-tk-warning.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.2-pie.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-snmpstatus-suppress-output.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-socket-path.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-subagent-set-response.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-suse-systemd-service-files.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-testing-empty-arptable.patch
- Removing legacy MIBs used by Velocity Software (jira#PED-6416).
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-velocity-mib.patch
- Re-add support for hostname netgroups that was removed accidentally and
  previously added with FATE#316305 (bsc#1207697).
  '@hostgroup' can be specified for multiple hosts
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-add-netgroups-functionality.patch
- Hardening systemd services setting "ProtectHome=true" caused home directory
  size and allocation to be listed incorrectly (bsc#1206044).
  add (rename):
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmpd.service.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.4-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch
  delete (rename):
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmpd.service.patch
  * net-snmp-5.9.1-harden_snmptrapd.service.patch

==== nftables ====
Version update (1.0.8 -> 1.0.9)
Subpackages: libnftables1

- Update to release 1.0.9
  * Custom conntrack timeouts can use time specification with
    units other than seconds.
  * Allow combination of dnat with numgen.
  * Allow for using constants as key in dynamic sets.
  * Support for matching on the target address of a IPv6 neighbour
  * Restore bitwise operations in combination with maps, e.g. jump
    to chain depending on bitwise operation on packet mark.
  * Fix crash with log prefix longer that 127 bytes.
- Drop merged 0001-Revert-py-replace-distutils-with-setuptools.patch

==== oniguruma ====
Version update (6.9.8 -> 6.9.9)

- Update to 6.9.9
  - Update Unicode version 15.1.0
  - Fixed: (?I) option was not enabled for character classes (Issue
  - Changed specification to check for incorrect POSIX bracket
    (Issue #253).
  - Changed [[:punct:]] in Unicode encodings to be compatible with
    POSIX definition. (Issue #268)
  - Fixed: ONIG_OPTION_FIND_LONGEST behavior

==== open-iscsi ====
Subpackages: iscsiuio libopeniscsiusr0

- Updated to latest upstream, which includes (bsc#1210514):
  * several fixes to harden iscsiuio, which updates its version
    number to, including:
  - logging now uses syslog
  - shutdown now waits for helper threads to complete
  - netlink socket cleanup
  * some minor bug fixes, some helping builds on musl
  This updates open-iscsi-SUSE-latest.diff.bz2

==== open-vm-tools ====
Subpackages: libvmtools0 open-vm-tools-desktop

- Fix (bsc#1216432) - VUL-0: CVE-2023-34058: open-vm-tools: SAML token
  signature bypass vulnerability.
- Fix (bsc#1216433) - VUL-0: : CVE-2023-34059: open-vm-tools: file
  descriptor hijack vulnerability
  + Add patch:
  - CVE-2023-34058.patch
  - CVE-2023-34059.patch
- Drop pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer
  needed, nor used (since 12.3.0 release).

==== openssh ====
Subpackages: openssh-clients openssh-common openssh-server

- Add cb4ed12f.patch: Fix build using zlib 1.3. The check expected
  a version in the form a.b.c[.d], which no longer matches 1.3.

==== openssl-3 ====
Version update (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)
Subpackages: libopenssl3

- Update to 3.1.4:
  * Fix incorrect key and IV resizing issues when calling
    EVP_EncryptInit_ex2(), EVP_DecryptInit_ex2() or EVP_CipherInit_ex2()
    with OSSL_PARAM parameters that alter the key or IV length
    [bsc#1216163, CVE-2023-5363].
- Performance enhancements for cryptography from OpenSSL 3.2
  [jsc#PED-5086, jsc#PED-3514]
  * Add patches:
  - openssl-ec-Use-static-linkage-on-nistp521-felem_-square-mul-.patch
  - openssl-ec-56-bit-Limb-Solinas-Strategy-for-secp384r1.patch
  - openssl-ec-powerpc64le-Add-asm-implementation-of-felem_-squa.patch
  - openssl-ecc-Remove-extraneous-parentheses-in-secp384r1.patch
  - openssl-powerpc-ecc-Fix-stack-allocation-secp384r1-asm.patch
  - openssl-Improve-performance-for-6x-unrolling-with-vpermxor-i.patch
- FIPS: Add the FIPS_mode() compatibility macro and flag support.
  * Add patches:
  - openssl-Add-FIPS_mode-compatibility-macro.patch
  - openssl-Add-Kernel-FIPS-mode-flag-support.patch
- As of openssl 3.1.3, the devel package installs at least 5200
  manpage files and is the owner of the most files in the man3
  directory (in second place after lapack-man); move these manpages
  off to the -doc subpackage to reduce the walltime to install just
  openssl-3-devel (because there is also an invocation of mandb
  that runs at some point).

==== openssl ====
Version update (3.1.3 -> 3.1.4)

- Update to 3.1.4

==== oxygen5-sounds ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== p11-kit ====
Version update (0.25.0 -> 0.25.1)
Subpackages: libp11-kit0 p11-kit-tools

- Update to 0.25.1:
  * fix probing of C_GetInterface [#535]
  * p11-kit: add command to list tokens [#581]
  * p11-kit: add command to list mechanisms supported by a token [#576]
  * p11-kit: add command to generate private-public keypair on a token
    [#551, #582]
  * p11-kit: add commands to import/export certificates and public
    keys into/from a token [#543, #549, #568, #588]
  * p11-kit: add commands to list and delete objects of a token
    [#533, #544, #571]
  * p11-kit: add --login option to login into a token with object
    and profile management commands [#587]
  * p11-kit: adjust behavior of PKCS#11 profile management commands
    [#558, #560, #583, #591]
  * p11-kit: print PKCS#11 URIs in list-modules [#532]
  * bug and build fixes [#528 #529, #534, #537, #540, #541, #545,
    [#547], #550, #557, #572, #575, #579, #585, #586, #590]
  * test fixes [#553, #580]
  * Remove patch fixed upstream:
  - d1d4b0ac316a27c739ff91e6c4153f1154e96e5a.patch

==== pam_kwallet ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: pam_kwallet-common

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== patterns-base ====
Subpackages: patterns-base-base patterns-base-bootloader patterns-base-documentation patterns-base-enhanced_base patterns-base-minimal_base patterns-base-sw_management patterns-base-x11 patterns-base-x11_enhanced

- Do not recommend yast stuff in x11 pattern. That's what the yast
  patterns are for

==== patterns-fonts ====
Subpackages: patterns-fonts-fonts patterns-fonts-fonts_opt

- Require fonts so the pattern also works when Recommends are turned off
- Don't pull in Type 1 ghostscript-fonts-* and texlive-lm-fonts by default

==== patterns-microos ====
Subpackages: patterns-microos-alt_onlyDVD patterns-microos-apparmor patterns-microos-base patterns-microos-base-microdnf patterns-microos-base-packagekit patterns-microos-base-zypper patterns-microos-basesystem patterns-microos-cloud patterns-microos-cockpit patterns-microos-defaults patterns-microos-desktop-common patterns-microos-desktop-gnome patterns-microos-desktop-kde patterns-microos-hardware patterns-microos-ima_evm patterns-microos-onlyDVD patterns-microos-ra_agent patterns-microos-ra_verifier patterns-microos-selinux patterns-microos-sssd_ldap

KAccounts to be installed by default for KDE Plasma option (boo#1216397)
- Requires:   kaccounts-integration
- Requires:   kaccounts-providers
- Requires:   kio-gdrive

==== pipewire ====
Version update (0.3.82 -> 0.3.83)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-libjack-0_3 pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools

- Update to version 0.3.83:
  * Highlights
  - A quantum change regression was fixed.
  - Use a 2 socket server now for the manager and the
    applications with (when wireplumber is updated) different
  - Reduce memory usage a little in audioconvert and use fewer
  - Some JACK deadlocks were fixed.
  - More bugfixes and improvements.
  * PipeWire
  - Fix quantum change regression.
  - Use a 2 socket server by default. One for the session-manager
    and one for applications.
  - Fix a potential use-after-free in node and device cleanup.
  * modules
  - Some hardcoded buffer size limits were removed.
  - Fix ASYNC flag on combined-streams.
  - Add support for on-demand combined-streams using metadata.
  * SPA
  - alsa-udev will now ignore PCMs with the ACP_IGNORE udev
    environment variable.
  - The audioadapter now uses at least 2 buffers when the
    follower is async.
  - The number of buffers used by plugins was tweaked a little.
    Most plugins now only ask 1 buffer.
  - Memory usage in audioconvert was reduced.
  - Fix some unaligned reads and writes and undefined left shifts
    reported by ASAN.
  - Rework vulkan dependency checking.
  - Don't try to link ALSA devices when prepare fails. This
    fixes some crashes.
  - Fix a stall when the allowed codecs are changed in ALSA.
  - Improve ALSA rate control for sources to avoid xruns.
  - Try to fix IEC958 TrueHD and DTS playback.
  * Bluetooth
  - Improve fallback SCO mtu when the kernel doesn't tell us.
  * JACK
  - The fixed buffer size limit was removed.
  - Add an option to make input buffers writable (default true).
  - A potential deadlock was fixed when applications lock the
    process function.
  - Use a separate thread to dispatch notifications to avoid
  - Potentially fix silent export in ardour in some cases.

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Add missing KService dependency

==== plasma-framework ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Plasma5 plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-desktoptheme

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Revert "Don't force active dialogs right after showing"
  * [libreswan] should save even when group name is empty.

==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Don't add recursively every file copied to desktop
  * kcm/recentFiles: making it compatible with kconfigwidgets:v5.102.0

==== plasma5-disks ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Force WindowCloseButtonHint for toplevel dialogs (kde#464193)

==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 5.27.9

==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * applet: refresh slider value when `to` changes on startup (kde#472245)
  * Use context object with KConfigWatcher signal

==== plasma5-systemmonitor ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== plasma5-thunderbolt ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy

- Add patch to fix the logout applet:
  * 0001-applets-lock_logout-use-PlasmaCore.IconItem.patch
- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Do not consider icon changes excess notification creation
  * lockscreen: handle user switching also on nopassword page (kde#458951)
  * applets/lock_logout: add a11y properties and restore tooltip
  * runners/recentdocuments: Fix results being discarded when casing is different (kde#474782)
  * [plasmacalendarintegration] Fix selected regions are randomly reset to default (kde#472483)
  * libtaskmanager: test waylandtasksmodel

==== policycoreutils ====
Subpackages: policycoreutils-python-utils python3-policycoreutils

- Add reproducible-build.patch to make the output of "sepolicy manpage"
  deterministic (bsc#1216452)

==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * Provide a default action in Suspend session config (kde#475866)

==== prison-qt5 ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Prison5 prison-qt5-imports

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== psmisc ====

- Fix version at configure time as there was no .tarball-version

==== purpose ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Purpose5 libKF5PurposeWidgets5

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== python-httpcore ====
Version update (0.17.3 -> 0.18.0)

- Update to 0.18.0:
  - Add support for HTTPS proxies.
  - Handle sni_hostname extension with SOCKS proxy.
  - Change the type of Extensions from Mapping[Str, Any] to
    MutableMapping[Str, Any].
  - Handle HTTP/1.1 half-closed connections gracefully.
  - Drop Python 3.7 support.
- Update httpcore-allow-deprecationwarnings-test.patch
- Skip failing tests test_ssl_request and test_extra_info

==== python-httpx ====
Version update (0.24.1 -> 0.25.0)

- Update to 0.25.0:
  - Drop support for Python 3.7.
  - Support HTTPS proxies.
  - Change the type of Extensions from Mapping[Str, Any] to
    MutableMapping[Str, Any].
  - Add socket_options argument to httpx.HTTPTransport and
    httpx.AsyncHTTPTransport classes.
  - The Response.raise_for_status() method now returns
    the response instance. For example: data =
  - Return 500 error response instead of exceptions when
    raise_app_exceptions=False is set on ASGITransport.
  - Ensure all WSGITransport environs have a SERVER_PROTOCOL.
  - Always encode forward slashes as %2F in query parameters
  - Use Mozilla documentation instead of for
    HTTP error reference
- Requires higher version of httpcore.

==== python-lark ====

- Remove not needed python-Js2Py BuildRequires

==== python-pexpect ====

- add 742.patch, gh#pexpect/pexpect#742 This makes it compatible with
  python3.12 gh#pexpect/pexpect#736#issuecomment-1427273882

==== python-psutil ====

- Rebase logind_y2038.patch based on the reviewed code

==== python-pycairo ====
Version update (1.24.0 -> 1.25.1)

- update to 1.25.1:
  * fix a crash in pypy3.10
  * Fix the build with CPython 3.13.0a1
- introduced from 1.25.0:
  * update to cairo 1.18.0 (for windows only)
  * new apis:
  - FontOptions.get_color_mode(), FontOptions.set_color_mode(), ColorMode
  - FontOptions.set_color_palette(), FontOptions.get_color_palette(), COLOR_PALETTE_DEFAULT
  - FontOptions.set_custom_palette_color(), FontOptions.get_custom_palette_color()
  - Pattern.get_dither(), Pattern.set_dither(), Dither

==== python-pytz ====
Version update (2023.3 -> 2023.3.post1)

- Update to 2023.3.post1
  * Replace deprecated datetime.utcfromtimestamp()
  * Resurrect Python 2.7 tests
  * Add support for Python 3.12
- Drop pytz-%{version}.tar.gz.asc and python-pytz.keyring
  * PyPI hides the .asc files and wants to drop the support
  * related:

==== python-typing_extensions ====
Version update (4.7.1 -> 4.8.0)

- Update to 4.8.0:
  - Add typing_extensions.Doc, as proposed by PEP 727
  - Drop support for Python 3.7 (including PyPy-3.7)
  - Fix bug where get_original_bases() would return incorrect
    results when called on a concrete subclass of a generic class
  - Fix bug where ParamSpec(default=...) would raise a TypeError
    on Python versions <3.11

==== python-urllib3 ====
Version update (2.0.6 -> 2.0.7)

- update to 2.0.7 (bsc#1216377, CVE-2023-45803):
  * Made body stripped from HTTP requests changing the request method
    to GET after HTTP 303 "See Other" redirect responses.

==== qemu ====
Version update (8.1.0 -> 8.1.2)

- [openSUSE] supportconfig: Adapt plugin to modern supportconfig
- [openSUSE] Add -p1 to autosetup in spec files
  * So patches can be applied easily (might be useful for development)
- Update to version 8.1.2:
  This fixes the following upstream issues:
  It also contains a fix for:
  * CVE-2023-42467
  As well as several upstream backports (list available at:
- Update to version 8.1.1:
  Upstream backports and bugfixes, among which:
  * tpm: fix crash when FD >= 1024 and unnecessary errors due to EINTR (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
  * meson: Fix targetos match for illumos and Solaris. (Jonathan Perkin)
  * s390x/ap: fix missing subsystem reset registration (Janosch Frank)
  * ui: fix crash when there are no active_console (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
  * virtio-gpu/win32: set the destroy function on load (Marc-Andr303251 Lureau)
  * target/riscv: Allocate itrigger timers only once (Akihiko Odaki)
  * target/riscv/pmp.c: respect mseccfg.RLB for pmpaddrX changes (Leon Schuermann)
  * target/riscv: fix satp_mode_finalize() when satp_mode.supported = 0 (Daniel Henrique Barboza)
  * hw/riscv: virt: Fix riscv,pmu DT node path (Conor Dooley)
  * [...]
  * target/arm: Fix 64-bit SSRA (Richard Henderson)
  * target/arm: Fix SME ST1Q (Richard Henderson)
  * accel/kvm: Specify default IPA size for arm64 (Akihiko Odaki)
  * kvm: Introduce kvm_arch_get_default_type hook (Akihiko Odaki)
  * include/hw/virtio/virtio-gpu: Fix virtio-gpu with blob on big endian hosts (Thomas Huth)
  * target/s390x: Check reserved bits of VFMIN/VFMAX's M5 (Ilya Leoshkevich)
  * target/s390x: Fix VSTL with a large length (Ilya Leoshkevich)
  * target/s390x: Use a 16-bit immediate in VREP (Ilya Leoshkevich)
  * target/s390x: Fix the "ignored match" case in VSTRS (Ilya Leoshkevich)
  Full list available at:
- Fix (bsc#1215486):
  * [openSUSE][RPM] spec: enable the Pipewire audio backend (bsc#1215486)
- (Properly) fix: bsc#1213210
  * linux-user/elfload: Enable vxe2 on s390x
- Fix: bsc#1215677
  * optionrom: Remove build-id section

==== qqc2-desktop-style ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== redis ====
Version update (7.0.12 -> 7.2.2)

- redis 7.2.2:
  * (CVE-2023-45145) The wrong order of listen(2) and chmod(2) calls creates a
    race condition that can be used by another process to bypass desired Unix
    socket permissions on startup, bsc#1216376
  * WAITAOF could timeout in the absence of write traffic in case a new AOF is
    created and an AOF rewrite can't immediately start
  * Fix crash when running rebalance command in a mixed cluster of 7.0 and 7.2
  * Fix the return type of the slot number in cluster shards to integer, which
    makes it consistent with past behavior
  * Fix CLUSTER commands are called from modules or scripts to return TLS info
    redis-cli, fix crash on reconnect when in SUBSCRIBE mode
  * Fix overflow calculation for next timer event
- redis 7.2.1:
  * (CVE-2023-41053) Redis does not correctly identify keys accessed by SORT_RO and,
    as a result, may grant users executing this command access to keys that are not
    explicitly authorized by the ACL configuration. (bsc#1215094)
  * Fix crashes when joining a node to an existing 7.0 Redis Cluster
  * Correct request_policy and response_policy command tips on for some admin /
    configuration commands
- Refresh redis.hashes
- redis 7.2.0
  - Bug Fixes
  - redis-cli in cluster mode handles unknown-endpoint (#12273)
  - Update request / response policy hints for a few commands
  - Ensure that the function load timeout is disabled during
    loading from RDB/AOF and on replicas. (#12451)
  - Fix false success and a memory leak for ACL selector with bad
    parenthesis combination (#12452)
  - Fix the assertion when script timeout occurs after it
    signaled a blocked client (#12459)
  - Fixes for issues in previous releases of Redis 7.2
  - Update MONITOR client's memory correctly for INFO and
    client-eviction (#12420)
  - The response of cluster nodes was unnecessarily adding an
    extra comma when no hostname was present. (#12411)
- refreshed redis-conf.patch:
- switch to autosetup now that we switched the last patch to patch
  level 1

==== samba ====
Version update (4.19.1+git.312.c912b3d2ef6 -> 4.19.2+git.322.7e9201cef5)
Subpackages: libsamba-policy0-python3 samba-ad-dc-libs samba-client samba-client-libs samba-libs samba-libs-python3 samba-python3

- Update to 4.19.2
  * Use-after-free in aio_del_req_from_fsp during smbd shutdown
    after failed IPC FSCTL_PIPE_TRANSCEIVE; (bso#15423).
  * clidfs.c do_connect() missing a "return" after a
    cli_shutdown() call; (bso#15426).
  * macOS mdfind returns only 50 results; (bso#15463).
  * GETREALFILENAME_CACHE can modify incoming new filename with
    previous cache entry value; (bso#15481).
  * libnss_winbind causes memory corruption since samba-4.18,
    impacts sendmail, zabbix, potentially more; (bso#15464).
  * ctdbd: setproctitle not initialized messages flooding logs;
  * CVE-2023-5568 Heap buffer overflow with freshness tokens in
    the Heimdal KDC in Samba 4.19; (bso#15491).
  * The heimdal KDC doesn't detect s4u2self correctly when fast
    is in use; (bso#15477).
- packaging: Remove /etc/slp.reg.d from samba spec file;
- use systemd-logind rather than utmp for y2038 safety;

==== sdbootutil ====
Version update (1+git20230817.2a3cd34 -> 1+git20231023.873adb9)
Subpackages: sdbootutil-rpm-scriptlets sdbootutil-snapper

- Update to version 1+git20231023.873adb9:
  * Use correct image name on aarch64
- Add changes from gh#openSUSE/sdbootutil#21:
  * sdbootutil.spec: Add missing efibootmgr dependency
  * sdbootutil.spec: Make sdbootutil-snapper a hard dependency
- Update to version 1+git20231005.890f70c:
  * Add --no-reuse-initrd option
  * Refactor boot descriptive entries
  * feat: more descriptive bootmenu entries
  * Remove stray set -x
  * speed up snapper list
  * Fix misleading comment
  * Fix helptext

==== sg3_utils ====
Version update (1.48+1.889c3e3 -> 1.48+3.b642f6a)
Subpackages: libsgutils2-1_48-2

- remove /tmp/rescan-scsi-mpath-info.txt
- fix multipath issue when called with -s and
  without -u (bsc#1215720, bsc#1216355)

==== shaderc ====
Version update (2023.6 -> 2023.7)

- Update to release 2023.7
  * Adapt a test to different error message from SPIRV-Tools

==== solid ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Solid5 solid-imports solid-tools

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== sonnet ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5SonnetCore5 libKF5SonnetUi5 sonnet-imports

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== sqlite3 ====
Version update (3.42.0 -> 3.43.2)
Subpackages: libsqlite3-0 sqlite3-tcl

- sqlite3-rtree-i686.patch: temporary build fix for 32-bit x86.
- Update to: 3.43.2:
  * Fix a couple of obscure UAF errors and an obscure memory leak.
  * Omit the use of the sprintf() function from the standard
    library in the CLI, as this now generates warnings on some
  * Avoid conversion of a double into unsigned long long integer,
    as some platforms do not do such conversions correctly.
- Update to: 3.43.1
  * Fix a regression in the way that the sum(), avg(), and total()
    aggregate functions handle infinities.
  * Fix a bug in the json_array_length() function that occurs when
    the argument comes directly from json_remove().
  * Fix the omit-unused-subquery-columns optimization (introduced
    in in version 3.42.0) so that it works correctly if the
    subquery is a compound where one arm is DISTINCT and the other
    is not.
- Update to 3.43.0:
  * Add support for Contentless-Delete FTS5 Indexes. This is a
    variety of FTS5 full-text search index that omits storing the
    content that is being indexed while also allowing records to
    be deleted.
  * Enhancements to the date and time functions:
    + Added new time shift modifiers of the form
    + Added the timediff() SQL function.
  * Added the octet_length(X) SQL function.
  * Added the sqlite3_stmt_explain() API.
  * Query planner enhancements:
    + Generalize the LEFT JOIN strength reduction optimization so
    that it works for RIGHT and FULL JOINs as well. Rename it to
    OUTER JOIN strength reduction.
    + Enhance the theorem prover in the OUTER JOIN strength
    reduction optimization so that it returns fewer
  * Enhancements to the decimal extension:
    + New function decimal_pow2(N) returns the N-th power of 2 for
    integer N between -20000 and +20000.
    + New function decimal_exp(X) works like decimal(X) except that
    it returns the result in exponential notation - with a "e+NN"
    at the end.
    + If X is a floating-point value, then the decimal(X) function
    now does a full expansion of that value into its exact
    decimal equivalent.
  * Performance enhancements to JSON processing results in a 2x
    performance improvement for some kinds of processing on large
    JSON strings.
  * The VFS for unix now assumes that the nanosleep() system call
    is available unless compiled with -DHAVE_NANOSLEEP=0.

==== suse-module-tools ====
Version update (16.0.36 -> 16.0.37)
Subpackages: suse-module-tools-scriptlets

* weak-modules2: ignore INITRD_MODULES (jsc#PED-1915), obtain
    list of modules from dracut.conf.d instead

==== syndication ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== syntax-highlighting ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)
Subpackages: libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5 syntax-highlighting-imports

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.110.0:
  * Set mode for more config file endings (kde#475078)
  * Highlight MapCSS numeric and string condition values
  * textproto syntax: Support multipart strings.
  * textproto syntax: Add test case for octal escape sequences.
  * textproto syntax: Support some types of comments.
  * textproto syntax: Allow empty strings.
  * textproto syntax: Allow commas between fields.
  * Add TextProto syntax (protocol buffer Text Format Language).

==== systemd ====
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-boot systemd-coredump systemd-doc udev

- Import commit b53f364c264cd598d4210b64285a55d362b47b89
  b53f364c26 test: install af_packet kernel module on openSUSE
  86b7521a3c shared/wall: use logind if build without utmp support
  65aac5858f errno-util: allow ERRNO_IS_* to accept types wider than int
  8f93b89db4 basic/errno-util: add wrappers which only accept negative errno
  1b815b3e76 Introduce RET_GATHER and use it in src/shared/
- Drop 0001-conf-parser-introduce-early-drop-ins.patch
  The usage of drop-ins is now the official way for configuring systemd and its
  various daemons on Factory/ALP.
- Ship the main configuration files in /usr/lib/
  Besides the fact that shipping files in /etc is not recommended anymore, this
  change will hopefully encourage users to customize the defaults via the mean
  of drop-ins hence removing the risk of conflicts with downstream
  In contrary, shipping empty directories *.conf.d/ in /etc is not a concern and
  should suggest users to create drop-ins (bsc#1207056).
- systemd.spec: add files.portable and files.journal-remote
- Don't include entries listed in kbd-model-map.xkb-generated (provided by kbd
  package) in kbd-model-map anymore. Yast, the only user of these entries,
  directly parses kbd-model-map.xkb-generated now (bsc#1211104).
- tmpfiles-suse.conf: drop entries for /run/lock and /var/log/wtmp
  /run/lock is now defined by filesystem package and wtmp has been replaced by
  wtmpdb on TW.

==== systemd-default-settings ====
Version update (0.7 -> 0.8)
Subpackages: systemd-default-settings-branding-SLE systemd-default-settings-branding-openSUSE

- The usage of drop-ins is now the official way for configuring systemd and its
  various daemons on Factory/ALP. Hence the early drop-ins SUSE specific
  "feature" has been abandoned.
- Import 0.8
  f34372f User priority '26' for SLE-Micro
  c8b6f0a Revert "Convert more drop-ins into early ones"

==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.27.8

==== threadweaver ====
Version update (5.110.0 -> 5.111.0)

- Update to 5.111.0
  * New feature release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.110.0

==== u-boot-rpiarm64 ====
Subpackages: u-boot-rpiarm64-doc

Fix boo#1216036. Tested on RPi4. Boot from USB and uSD fine.
  For details see:
  * Patches added:

==== vim ====
Version update (9.0.1894 -> 9.0.2078)
Subpackages: vim-data vim-data-common vim-small xxd

- Update to version 9.0.2078
  * several problems with type aliases
  * Vim9: No support for type aliases
  * TextChangedI may not always trigger
  * Completion menu may be wrong
  * don't echo empty lines (#13431)
  * typo in quickfix.c comments
  * update debian related runtime files (#13423)
  * Vim9: no nr2str conversion in list-unpack
  * objdump files not recognized
  * [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode
  * possible to escape bracketed paste mode with Ctrl-C
  * [security] overflow in :history
  * clarify bracketed paste mode
  * missing code formatting in if_pyth.txt
  * xxd: coloring was disabled on Cygwin
  * xxd: corrupting files when reversing bit dumps
  * EXPAND flag set for filetype option
  * cannot use buffer-number for errorformat
  * Fix typos in several documents (#13420)
  * pacman hooks are detected as conf filetype
  * Janet files are not recognised
  * not able to detect xkb filetypes
  * *.{gn,gni} files are not recognized
  * small updates to the documentation for varargs
  * Update ftplugin - comment motions (#13412)
  * outstanding exceptions may be skipped
  * tests: avoid error when no swap files exist
  * Vim9: no strict type checks for funcrefs varargs
  * do not use hard-coded match id (#13393)
  * no digraph for quadruple prime
  * Vim9: non-consistent error messages
  * win32: iscygpty needs update
  * Add new ftplugin (#13385)
  * zig filetype detection test wrong
  * win32: using deprecated wsock32 api
  * Vim9: wrong error for non-existing object var
  * Update Zig runtime files (#13388)
  * Vim9: crash with deferred function call and exception
  * Vim9: not recognizing qualified class vars for infix ops
  * python: uninitialized warning
  * perl: warning about inconsistent dll linkage
  * tests: checking for swap files takes time
  * Vim9: exceptions confuse defered functions
  * allow for overriding systemd ftplugin settings (#13373)
- Update to version 9.0.2043
  * Vim9: issue with funcref assignmentand varargs
  * Test_cq_zero_exmode fails without channel feature
  * trim(): hard to use default mask
  * include syntax script for json5 (#13356)
  * trim(): hard to use default mask
  * completion shows current word after completion restart
  * Vim9: object method funcref not cleaned up after use
  * A few remaining cmdline completion issues with C-E/Y
  * if_python: rework python3.12 build dependency
  * [security] use-after-free with wildmenu
  * don't try to copy SMACK attribute, when none exist
  * gcc overflow-warning for f_resolve
  * Fix more typos (#13354)
  * cannot get mouse click pos for tab or virt text
  * correct <PageUp>/<PageDown> behavior in 'wildmenu' (#13336)
  * TextChangedI may be triggered by non-insert mode change
  * no max callback recursion limit
  * Vim9: no support for partials using call()
  * confusing build dependencies
  * Vim9: no support for bitwise operators in lambda funcs
  * win32: python3 dll loading can be improved
  * no cmdline completion for ++opt args
  * no filetype detection for Debian sources
  * need more tests for :cq
  * getmousepos() returns wrong index for TAB char
  * Coverity complains about change in charset
  * Update Serbian messages translation (#13324)
  * Update ftplugin (#13327)
  * Vim9: islocked() needs more work
  * Improve command-line completion docs (#13331)
  * Vim9: no support for funcrefs
  * complete_info() returns wrong index
  * linebreak applies for leading whitespace
  * Vim9: assignment operators don't work for class vars
  * Vim9: does not handle islocked() from a method correctly
  * confusing ifdefs in if_<lang>.c
  * Unicode tables outdated
  * Vim9: error message can be more accurate
  * INI files not detected
  * [security] use-after-free from buf_contents_changed()
  * cmdline-completion for comma-separated options wrong
  * test: undofile left behind
  * Vim9: covariant parameter types allowed
  * Vim9: need more tests
  * partially revert patch v9.0.1997
  * Missing test file
  * xxd: compilation warning
  * make command name for &iskeywordprg more unique (#13297)
  * Vim9: need cleanup of class related interface code
  * updated translation of xxd manpage
  * Vim9: segfault with islocked()
  * Vim9: use-after-free in deep call stack
  * Update ftplugin (#13213)
    ... changelog too long, skipping 140 lines ...
  * Add g:c_syntax_for_h to filetype-overrule docs

==== vlan ====

- Drop url for sources, they are no longer valid.

==== vte ====
Version update (0.74.0 -> 0.74.1)

- Update to version 0.74.1:
  * ci: Only upload docs for tags
  * widget: VteTerminalSpawnAsyncCallback's error is nullable
  * Updated translations.
- Drop f1a547f1dfebd8860021b6b727fa5d5717e9f143.patch: fixed

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Add webkit2gtk3-create-destroy-egl-image.patch: fix "No provider
  of EglDestroyImage Found" (boo#1216483).

==== webkit2gtk4 ====
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk6_0-1 libwebkitgtk6_0-4 webkitgtk-6_0-injected-bundles

- Add webkit2gtk3-create-destroy-egl-image.patch: fix "No provider
  of EglDestroyImage Found" (boo#1216483).

==== wsdd ====

- Leap 15.6 has no python 3.10 anymore, use 3.11 instead

==== wtmpdb ====
Version update (0.9.2 -> 0.9.3)
Subpackages: libwtmpdb0

- Update to version 0.9.3
  - wtmpdb last: don't print date in the future if there is no
    db entry

==== xcb-util-cursor ====
Version update (0.1.4 -> 0.1.5)

- Update to version 0.1.5
  * This release sets the close-on-exec flag when opening files on
    platforms that support O_CLOEXEC, and resyncs the
    _XcursorThemeInherits code with libXcursor, including a fix for
    an off-by-one error in memory allocation that triggered errors
    from AddressSanitizer.

==== xdg-desktop-portal ====
Version update (1.18.0 -> 1.18.1)

- Update to version 1.18.1:
  + Communicate better when the Background portal kills an app.
  + Properly quote Flatpak command in the Background portal.
  + Improve documentation of the "cursor_mode" propery of the
    ScreenCast backend D-Bus interface.
  + Fix ScreenCast portal removing transient restore permissions
    too early. This fixes screen sharing dialogs on Chromium asking
    for the screen multiple times.
  + Only send the Closed session signal to the sender.
  + Add Meson options to disable building with Bubblewrap, and
    without the Flatpak portal documentation. Disabling Bubblewrap
    is highly discouraged, and only meant to be used on platforms
    that do not currently support it. By disabling Bubblewrap,
    bitmap validation happens without a sandbox, which is highly
    insecure since image parsing is a common source of exploits.
    Really, just do not disable Bubblewrap please.
  + Improve the manpage of portals.conf.
  + Various spelling fixes to the Document portal.
  + Add a new website! We don't have a fancy domain yet, but the
    website can be accessed at
  + Improve pid mapping for host system apps. This should get rid
    of some rare, unnecessary warnings.
  + Adjust documentation of Global Shortcuts portal's timestamps to
    millisecond granularity.
  + Bump minimum Meson version to 0.58.

==== xdg-desktop-portal-gtk ====
Version update (1.14.1 -> 1.15.1)

- Update to version 1.15.1:
  + Fix build of feature-gated portals.
- Update to version 1.15.0:
  + Switch to the Meson build system, and drop Autotools
  + Drop most use of private GNOME API; the following portal
    interfaces have been removed:
  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Screenshot
  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.ScreenCast
  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.RemoteDesktop
  - org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Background
  + Do not add duplicate notifications
  + Expose the org.gnome.desktop.calendar settings
  + Fix type for org.gnome.desktop.background.picture-uri setting
  + Support current_folder in
  + Update list of translatable files
  + Updated translations.
- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port.

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.27.8 -> 5.27.9)

- Update to 5.27.9
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.27.8:
  * remote desktop: Close streams on session exit
  * data/kde-portals.conf: Fallback to GTK portals for Settings (kde#474746)
  * Add missing KF5Service find_package call
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-kde_portals.patch

==== xorg-x11-server ====
Version update (21.1.8 -> 21.1.9)
Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb xorg-x11-server-extra

- Update to version 21.1.9
  * This release contains fixes for CVE-2023-5367, CVE-2023-5380
    and CVE-2023-5574 as reported in today's security advisory:
- adjusted u_Use-better-fallbacks-to-generate-cookies-if-arc4rand.patch

==== xwayland ====
Version update (23.2.1 -> 23.2.2)

- Update to version 23.2.2
  * This release contains the fix for CVE-2023-5367 and CVE-2023-5574
    in today's security advisory:
    Xwayland does not support multiple protocol screens (Zaphod) and is thus
    not affected by CVE-2023-5380.
  * Additionally, there is a change in the default behaviour of Xwayland:
    Since version 23.2.0 Xwayland (via liboeffis) automatically tries to
    connect to the XDG Desktop Portal's RemoteDesktop interface to obtain
    the EI socket. That socket is used to send XTest events to the
  * However, the connection to the session-wide Portal is unsuitable when
    Xwayland is running in a nested compositor. Xwayland cannot tell whether
    it's running on a nested compositor and to keep backwards compatibility
    with Xwayland prior to 23.2.0, Xwayland must now be started with
    "-enable-ei-portal" to connect to the portal.
  * Compositors (who typically spawn Xwayland rootless) must now pass this
    option to get the same behaviour as 23.2.x.
  * Finally, Xwayland now uses libbsd-overlay instead of libbsd.

==== yast2 ====
Version update (4.6.2 -> 5.0.2)
Subpackages: yast2-logs

- Fix firewalld zones reader adapting it to the new firewall-cmd
  - -list-all-zones output format (bsc#1216534)
- 5.0.2
- Fix case-insensitive finding of LICENSE.*.TXT (bsc#1215698)
- 5.0.1
- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-add-on ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-alternatives ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-control-center ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
Subpackages: yast2-control-center-qt

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-core ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-country ====
Version update (5.0.1 -> 5.0.2)
Subpackages: yast2-country-data

- BuildRequire kbd to fix the build (bsc#1211104)
- 5.0.2

==== yast2-firewall ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-hardware-detection ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-journal ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-kdump ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-ldap ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-metapackage-handler ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-network ====
Version update (4.6.5 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-ntp-client ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-online-update ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)
Subpackages: yast2-online-update-frontend

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-packager ====
Version update (4.6.2 -> 5.0.1)

- Properly save the repo file when changing URL of a repository
  from a service (bsc#1214135)
- Also display a warning when changing URL of a service repository,
  the change might be lost after the service is refreshed
- 5.0.1
- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-pam ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-perl-bindings ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-pkg-bindings ====
Version update (4.6.2 -> 5.0.2)

- Pkg.SourceEditSet() - Allow setting the repository service name
  (related to bsc#1214135)
- 5.0.2
- Fixed crash in the Pkg.Commit() function when passing
  "exclude_docs" or "no_signature" options (bsc#1215238)
- 5.0.1
- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-printer ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-proxy ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-ruby-bindings ====
Version update (4.6.2 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-samba-client ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-samba-server ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-scanner ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-security ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-services-manager ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-slp ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-snapper ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-storage-ng ====
Version update (5.0.1 -> 5.0.3)

- GuidedProposal: new internal setting to control how existing
  swap partitions are reused. Relevant for Agama and related to
  bsc#1175535 and bsc#1215639.
- 5.0.3
- New MdLevel value for linear RAIDs (bsc#1215022)
- 5.0.2

==== yast2-sysconfig ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-theme ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.1)
Subpackages: yast2-theme-breeze

- Dropped unmaintained "gulp-stylelint" internal development dependency
- Manually updated the internal development dependencies to the latest
  NPM packages
- The stylesheets have been rebuilt with the new dependencies
- Updated
- 5.0.1
- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-transfer ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-update ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-vm ====
Version update (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-x11 ====
Version update (5.0.1 -> 5.0.2)

- Prevent testX from hanging in second stage if no supported WM
  can be started (bsc#1216297)
- 5.0.2

==== yast2-xml ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== yast2-ycp-ui-bindings ====
Version update (4.6.0 -> 5.0.0)

- 5.0.0 (bsc#1185510)

==== zeromq ====
Version update (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)
Subpackages: libzmq5 zeromq-tools

- update to 4.3.5:
  * Relicensing from LGPL-3.0+ (with custom exceptions) to MPL-2.0 is now complete.
    libzmq is now distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. Relicensing
    grants have been collected from all relevant authors, and some functionality
    has been clean-room reimplemented where that was not possible. In layman terms,
    the new license provides the same rights and obligations as before. Source
    files are now tagged using the SPDX license identifier format.
    Details of the relicensing process can be seen at: #2376
    Relicensing grants have been archived at:
    A special thanks to everybody who helped with this long and difficult task,
    with the process, the reimplementations, the collections and everything else.
  * New DRAFT (see NEWS for 4.2.0) socket options:
    ZMQ_BUSY_POLL will set the SO_BUSY_POLL socket option on the underlying
    sockets, if it is supported.
    ZMQ_HICCUP_MSG will send a message when the peer has been disconnected.
    ZMQ_XSUB_VERBOSE_UNSUBSCRIBE will configure a socket to pass all
    unsubscription messages, including duplicated ones.
    ZMQ_TOPICS_COUNT will return the number of subscribed topics on a
    PUB/SUB socket.
    ZMQ_NORM_NUM_AUTOPARITY and ZMQ_NORM_PUSH to control various aspect of
    NORM sockets.
    See doc/zmq_setsockopt.txt and doc/zmq_getsockopt.txt for details.
  * New DRAFT (see NEWS for 4.2.0) zmq_ppoll APIs was added that differs from
    zmq_poll in the same way that ppoll differs from poll.
    See doc/zmq_ppoll.txt for details.
  * Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
- qemu-user.patch: upstreamed, removed

==== zlib ====
Version update (1.2.13 -> 1.3)
Subpackages: libminizip1 libz1

- Update to 1.3:
  * Building using K&R (pre-ANSI) function definitions is no longer supported.
  * Fixed a bug in deflateBound() for level 0 and memLevel 9.
  * Fixed a bug when gzungetc() is used immediately after gzopen().
  * Fixed a bug when using gzflush() with a very small buffer.
  * Fixed a crash when gzsetparams() is attempted for a transparent write.
  * Fixed test/example.c to work with FORCE_STORED.
  * Fixed minizip to allow it to open an empty zip file.
  * Fixed reading disk number start on zip64 files in minizip.
  * Fixed a logic error in minizip argument processing.
- Added patches:
  * zlib-1.3-IBM-Z-hw-accelerated-deflate-s390x.patch
- Refreshed patches:
  * zlib-1.2.12-add-optimized-slide_hash-for-power.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-add-vectorized-longest_match-for-power.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-adler32-vector-optimizations-for-power.patch
  * zlib-1.2.13-optimized-s390.patch
  * zlib-format.patch
  * zlib-no-version-check.patch
- Removed patches:
  * bsc1210593.patch
  * zlib-1.2.13-fix-bug-deflateBound.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-s390-vectorize-crc32.patch
  * zlib-1.2.13-IBM-Z-hw-accelerated-deflate-s390x.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-add-optimized-slide_hash-for-power.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-fix-invalid-memory-access-on-ppc-and-ppc64.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-add-vectorized-longest_match-for-power.patch
  * zlib-1.2.12-adler32-vector-optimizations-for-power.patch
- Fix CVE-2023-45853, integer overflow and resultant heap-based buffer
  overflow in zipOpenNewFileInZip4_6, bsc#1216378
  * CVE-2023-45853.patch