Packages changed: ImageMagick ( -> Mesa (23.0.0 -> 23.0.1) Mesa-demo Mesa-drivers (23.0.0 -> 23.0.1) PackageKit-Qt5 (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1) adwaita-icon-theme (43 -> 44.0) at-spi2-core (2.46.0 -> 2.48.0) btrfsprogs bubblewrap (0.7.0 -> 0.8.0) cairo (1.17.6 -> 1.17.8) containerd (1.6.16 -> 1.6.19) containers-systemd (0.0+git20220811.226e80e -> 0.0+git20230324.9cd3b7a) ctags curl (7.88.1 -> 8.0.1) debianutils dmidecode (3.4 -> 3.5) drkonqi5 evince (43.1 -> 44.1) evolution-data-server (3.46.4 -> 3.48.0) ffmpeg-5 flatpak (1.14.3 -> 1.14.4) fuse3 (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1) fwupd-efi (1.2 -> 1.3) gcc (12 -> 13) gcc13 (13.0.1+git5428 -> 13.0.1+git6840) gcr (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) gdm (43.0 -> 44.0) gjs (1.74.2 -> 1.76.0) glib-networking (2.74.0 -> 2.76.0) glib2 (2.74.6 -> 2.76.1) glibc glibmm2_4 (2.66.5 -> 2.66.6) glslang (12.0.0 -> 12.1.0) gnome-autoar (0.4.3 -> 0.4.4) gnome-branding-MicroOS (20230126 -> 20230323) gnome-calculator (43.0.1 -> 44.0) gnome-clocks (43.0 -> 44.0) gnome-control-center (43.4.1 -> 44.0+7) gnome-desktop (43.2 -> 44.0) gnome-disk-utility (43.0 -> 44.0) gnome-initial-setup (43.2 -> 44.0) gnome-online-accounts (3.46.0 -> 3.48.0) gnome-session (43.0 -> 44.0) gnome-settings-daemon (43.0 -> 44.0) gnome-shell (43.3 -> 44.0+28) gnome-shell-extensions (43.1 -> 44.0) gnome-software (43.5 -> 44.0) gnome-system-monitor (42.0 -> 44.0) gnome-terminal (3.46.8 -> 3.48.0) gnome-tweaks (42.beta -> 42.beta+60) gnome-user-docs (43.0 -> 44.0) gobject-introspection (1.74.0 -> 1.76.1) gpgme (1.18.0 -> 1.19.0) grub2 gsettings-desktop-schemas (43.0 -> 44.0) gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-good gtk3 (3.24.35+10 -> 3.24.37) gtksourceview5 (5.6.2 -> 5.8.0) gupnp-igd gvfs (1.50.3 -> 1.50.4) highway (1.0.3 -> 1.0.4) hostname hplip installation-images-MicroOS (17.78 -> 17.81) iproute2 jitterentropy kImageAnnotator (0.6.0 -> 0.6.1) kernel-default-base (6.2.6 -> 6.2.8) kernel-firmware (20230313 -> 20230320) kernel-source (6.2.6 -> 6.2.8) keyutils kiconthemes ldb (2.6.1 -> 2.7.1) libadwaita (1.2.3 -> 1.3.1) libaio libass (0.17.0 -> 0.17.1) libavtp libbsd libcap libeconf (0.5.1 -> 0.5.2) libftdi1 libgweather4 libinput (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) liblouis (3.24.0 -> 3.25.0) libopenmpt (0.6.8 -> 0.6.9) libostree (2022.7 -> 2023.2) libpeas (1.34.0 -> 1.36.0) libqt5-qtbase (5.15.8+kde160 -> 5.15.8+kde183) libqt5-qtimageformats (5.15.8+kde6 -> 5.15.8+kde9) libqt5-qtlocation (5.15.8+kde3 -> 5.15.8+kde4) libqt5-qtmultimedia (5.15.8+kde1 -> 5.15.8+kde3) libqt5-qtwayland (5.15.8+kde57 -> 5.15.8+kde63) librest librsvg (2.55.1 -> 2.56.0) libsigc++2 (2.10.8 -> 2.12.0) libsoup (3.2.2 -> 3.4.0) libstorage-ng (4.5.85 -> 4.5.88) lua54 lzo microos-tools (2.19 -> 2.20) mpg123 (1.31.2 -> 1.31.3) multipath-tools (0.9.4+79+suse.25c23a9 -> 0.9.4+86+suse.4d8901e) mutter (43.3+2 -> 44.0+8) nautilus (43.2 -> 44.0) net-tools openssh orca (43.1 -> 44.0) pam pam-config (1.9 -> 2.2) pam-full-src patterns-microos pipewire plasma-branding-MicroOS (20230214 -> 20230323) podman (4.4.2 -> 4.4.4) protobuf protobuf-c pulseaudio python-CommonMark python-M2Crypto python-async_timeout python-charset-normalizer (3.0.1 -> 3.1.0) python-click python-cryptography (39.0.2 -> 40.0.1) python-gobject (3.42.2 -> 3.44.1) python-hiredis (2.0.0 -> 2.2.2) python-pexpect python-pyOpenSSL (23.0.0 -> 23.1.1) python-pytz (2022.7.1 -> 2023.2) python-urllib3 (1.26.14 -> 1.26.15) qemu rpm rubygem-ruby-dbus (0.19.0 -> 0.20.0) runc (1.1.4 -> 1.1.5) samba (4.17.5+git.320.c38ca0f84a -> 4.18.0+git.294.508b693e5c) selinux-policy (20221019 -> 20230321) shaderc (2022.4 -> 2023.2) snapper spandsp sqlite3 (3.41.0 -> 3.41.2) system-config-printer systemd systemd-presets-branding-MicroOS talloc (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0) tdb (1.4.7 -> 1.4.8) tevent (0.13.0 -> 0.14.1) texinfo (7.0.2 -> 7.0.3) tigervnc (1.13.0 -> 1.13.1) timezone (2022g -> 2023b) tracker (3.4.2 -> 3.5.0) tracker-miners (3.4.3 -> 3.5.0) transactional-update (4.1.4 -> 4.1.5) vlan vmaf vte (0.70.3 -> 0.72.0) webkit2gtk3 (2.38.5 -> 2.40.0) xdg-desktop-portal-gnome (43.1 -> 44.0) xdg-user-dirs-gtk xdm xfsprogs (6.1.1 -> 6.2.0) xorg-x11-server xscreensaver xwayland (22.1.8 -> 23.1.0) xz (5.4.1 -> 5.4.2) yast2 (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2) yast2-country (4.6.0 -> 4.6.1) yast2-storage-ng (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2) zchunk (1.2.4 -> 1.3.0) zenity (3.44.0 -> 3.91.0) === Details === ==== ImageMagick ==== Version update ( -> Subpackages: ImageMagick-config-7-SUSE libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10 libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI10 - version update to - modified patches % ImageMagick-library-installable-in-parallel.patch (refreshed) - Revert last change - it leads to file conflict involving .la files - Build AVX2 enabled hwcaps library for x86_64-v3 ==== Mesa ==== Version update (23.0.0 -> 23.0.1) Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1 - Update to version 23.0.1 * bug fix release which fixes bugs found since Mesa 23.0.0 - supersedes U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch ==== Mesa-demo ==== Subpackages: Mesa-demo-egl Mesa-demo-x - don't package "line" sample (conflict with /usr/bin/line of util-linux) - readded -32bit packages - switched to meson build - needs n_install-more-egl-binaries.patch, so all binaries are installed we had before ... ==== Mesa-drivers ==== Version update (23.0.0 -> 23.0.1) Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva - Update to version 23.0.1 * bug fix release which fixes bugs found since Mesa 23.0.0 - supersedes U_glx-fix-indirect-initialization-crash.patch ==== PackageKit-Qt5 ==== Version update (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1) - Update to 1.1.1 * Add explicit CMake option to control Qt major version * Return if we can't handle the transaction role * Transaction: Implement all methods * Read the Sender transaction property * Apply stricter compiler flags when building the library - Rebase 0001-Fix-PackageKit-not-emitting-network-state-changed-si.patch ==== adwaita-icon-theme ==== Version update (43 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Stable version bump only. - Update to version 44.beta: + Fullcolor: - Use scalables instead of large bitmaps, using the app icon toolchain. - Low res only at 16x16, lean onto the scalables for everything else. + symbolic: updated rounded style. ==== at-spi2-core ==== Version update (2.46.0 -> 2.48.0) Subpackages: libatk-1_0-0 libatk-bridge-2_0-0 libatspi0 typelib-1_0-Atk-1_0 typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0 - Update to version 2.48.0: + Add a "atk-only" build option. This allows atk to be built without libdbus installed, but it does not build libatspi or the atk bridge. + Fix some typos in the documentation. - Update to version 2.47.90: + Downgrade meson requirement to 0.63. + at-spi-dbus-bus service: set stop timeout to 5s. + Fix possible crash in screen_reader_signal_watcher. - Update to version 2.47.1: + The meson options -Dx11 and -Dintrospection are now implemented with meson features. + Use gi-docgen to generate documentation. + Register key grabs using the focused window, rather than the root window. This should prevent the window from losing focus when a key grab is used. + atk-adaptor: Handle sockets in GetChildren. + Improve documentation of the dbus interfaces. + Various code clean-ups. Some unused code has been removed. - Change -Dx11=yes and -Dintrospection=yes to -Dx11=enabled and - Dintrospection=enabled, following upstreams changes to use meson features. - Add pkgconfig(gi-docgen) and python3-Sphinx BuildRequires: new dependencies to build the documentation. - Drop gtk-doc BuildRequires: no longer needed. ==== btrfsprogs ==== Subpackages: btrfsprogs-udev-rules libbtrfs0 libbtrfsutil1 - Split bash-completion to separate sub-package ==== bubblewrap ==== Version update (0.7.0 -> 0.8.0) - update to v0.8.0: * Add --disable-userns option to prevent the sandbox from creating its own nested user namespace * Add --assert-userns-disabled option to check that an existing userns was created with --disable-userns * Give a clearer error message if the kernel doesn't have CONFIG_SECCOMP and CONFIG_SECCOMP_FILTER ==== cairo ==== Version update (1.17.6 -> 1.17.8) Subpackages: libcairo-gobject2 libcairo-script-interpreter2 libcairo2 - Update to version 1.17.8: + In a continuing effort to reduce the amount of legacy code, and increase the long-term maintainability of cairo, the following backends have been removed: - GL and GLES drawing + Additionally, cairo's Autotools build system has been removed; from now on, cairo will only support the Meson build system. While the end result should be identical, further testing is appreciated. + In this snapshot, cairo gained support for rendering COLRv1 fonts, and rendering SVG and COLRv1 fonts with custom palettes. + Support for macOS and Windows has been improved, with lots of build and bug fixes. + Lots of safety issues have been fixed, with array bounds checking and plugging memory leaks, as well as fixes for bugs identified via fuzzying. + This is going to be the last snapshot of the 1.17 development cycle; we only expect minor bug fixing and improvements until the 1.18.0 release. - Switch to meson buildsystem: Add meson BuildRequires and macros. - Update Source Url to new home. - Drop build_gl_backend define and conditional pkgconfig(egl) and pkgconfig(gl) BuildRequires: No longer supported. - Add generic c++_compiler and c_compiler BuildRequires: New dependencies. - Drop 0001-Set-default-LCD-filter-to-FreeType-s-default.patch: Fixed upstream. - Add upstream bug fix patches: + cairo-1.17.8-fix-tee-compilation.patch + cairo-1.17.8-ft-font-missing-glyph.patch ==== containerd ==== Version update (1.6.16 -> 1.6.19) - Update to containerd v1.6.19 for Docker v23.0.2-ce. Upstream release notes: <> Includes fixes for: - CVE-2023-25153 bsc#1208423 - CVE-2023-25173 bsc#1208426 ==== containers-systemd ==== Version update (0.0+git20220811.226e80e -> 0.0+git20230324.9cd3b7a) - Update to version 0.0+git20230324.9cd3b7a: * container-certbot-renew.service is a oneshot service ==== ctags ==== - mark u-a generics as non-%ghost ==== curl ==== Version update (7.88.1 -> 8.0.1) Subpackages: libcurl4 - Update to 8.0.1: * Bugfixes: - fix crash in curl_easy_cleanup - Update to 8.0.0: * Security fixes: - TELNET option IAC injection [bsc#1209209, CVE-2023-27533] - SFTP path ~ resolving discrepancy [bsc#1209210, CVE-2023-27534] - FTP too eager connection reuse [bsc#1209211, CVE-2023-27535] - GSS delegation too eager connection re-use [bsc#1209212, CVE-2023-27536] - HSTS double-free [bsc#1209213, CVE-2023-27537] - SSH connection too eager reuse still [bsc#1209214, CVE-2023-27538] * Changes: - build: remove support for curl_off_t < 8 bytes * Bugfixes: - aws_sigv4: fall back to UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD for sign_as_s3 - BINDINGS: add Fortran binding - cf-socket: use port 80 when resolving name for local bind - cookie: don't load cookies again when flushing - curl_path: create the new path with dynbuf - CURLSHOPT_SHARE.3: HSTS sharing is not thread-safe - note Curl_dyn_add* calls Curl_dyn_free on failure - ftp: active mode with SSL, add the filter - hostip: avoid sscanf and extra buffer copies - http2: fix for http2-prior-knowledge when reusing connections - http2: fix handling of RST and GOAWAY to recognize partial transfers - http: don't send 100-continue for short PUT requests - http: fix unix domain socket use in https connects - libssh: use dynbuf instead of realloc - ngtcp2-gnutls.yml: bump to gnutls 3.8.0 - sectransp: make read_cert() use a dynbuf when loading - telnet: only accept option arguments in ascii - telnet: parse telnet options without sscanf - url: fix the SSH connection reuse check - url: only reuse connections with same GSS delegation - urlapi: '%' is illegal in host names - ws: keep the socket non-blocking * Rebase libcurl-ocloexec.patch ==== debianutils ==== - Move run-parts to /usr/bin, Run-parts runs just fast as regular user. ==== dmidecode ==== Version update (3.4 -> 3.5) - arm-use-alignment-workaround.patch: Fix the massive build warnings on armv7l. - Update to upstream version 3.5: * Decode HPE OEM records 216, 224, 230, 238 and 242. * Fortify entry point length checks. * Add a --no-quirks option. * Drop the CPUID exception list. * Do not let --dump-bin overwrite an existing file. * Ensure /dev/mem is a character device file. * Obsoletes news-fix-typo.patch and dmioem-fix-segmentation-fault-in-dmi_hp_240_attr.patch. ==== drkonqi5 ==== Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang - Replace '%service_del_postun -n' with '%service_del_postun_without_restart' ==== evince ==== Version update (43.1 -> 44.1) Subpackages: evince-plugin-pdfdocument libevdocument3-4 libevview3-3 typelib-1_0-EvinceDocument-3_0 typelib-1_0-EvinceView-3_0 - Update to version 44.1: + Quick fix release from the right branch. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.0: + Avoid a crash caused by double free + Change its wording to the more descriptive "Print this section" + Convert utf8 fullwidth numbers to halfwidth + Disable GtkTreeView's builtin search + Explicitly enable Outline search + Fix double free of GtkEntryCompletion + Improve Outline context menu + Leave outline search menu item always on + Remove redundant ellipses + Tweak 'Expand all under this element' item sensitivity + Use the same term for the Outline sidebar + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Update + backend: Handle NULL returned from poppler_layers_iter_get_title + build: - Build the backends on the top backend directory - Replace custom target with i18n.merge_files - Disable gtk_doc when introspection is disabled - Fix deprecation warning on meson - Fix docs cross build - Update desktop database at post install - Update libgd to current master + data: Update URLs by GNOME Discourse + help: - Update URLs by GNOME Discourse - Use action-name properties in help overlay - Correct UI steps in gedit for SyncTex plugin + libview: Fix crash when releasing click with selected text holding click button + shell: - Code clean up - Derive EvMessageArea from GtkBin to simplify GTK4 move - Derive EvToolbar from GtkBin instead of HdyHeaderBar - Dispose using g_clear_object and g_clear_pointer - Do not hard-code event to open context menus - Do not wrap SearchBar in GtkRevealer - Go to requested page for links to external PDF documents - Port GtkMenu to use GActions - Remove active-icon-name property - Remove complexity in menu popup - Remove goto-bookmark action and bookmark_menu - Remove unused toolbar navigation_action widget - Simplify definition of EvToolbar type - Simplify title set logic and sanitize before use - Support display page numbers above 10000 - Use a GtkBox to simplify GTK4 move - Use composite template for EvToolbar - Use stack children to keep record of the sidebar page + Updated translations. - Add desktop-file-utils BuildRequires, new dependency. ==== evolution-data-server ==== Version update (3.46.4 -> 3.48.0) Subpackages: libcamel-1_2-64 libebackend-1_2-11 libebook-1_2-21 libebook-contacts-1_2-4 libecal-2_0-2 libedata-book-1_2-27 libedata-cal-2_0-2 libedataserver-1_2-27 libedataserverui-1_2-4 - Update to version 3.48.0: + e-cal-util: Check for duplicate UIDs when generating alarms + EReminderWatcher: Ensure correct default timezone set on ECalClient + ci: - Use CCache and store the flatpak-builder cache - ci: Run the CI for the current commit + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.47.3: + OAuth2 credentials prompter: Log what URI is being opened in the WebKitWebView. + Bugs fixed: - alarm-notify: Incorrectly handles changes in recurring events. - build: Make it possible to override C++ standard. - libedataserverui: Tweak lookout of the Trust Prompt dialog. + Updated translations. - Pass ENABLE_OAUTH2_WEBKITGTK4=ON to cmake, and drop pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-5.0) and add pkgconfig(webkitgtk-6.0) BuildRequires. - Update to version 3.47.2: + IMAPx: Utilize normalization of the Inbox folder name. + OAuth2 Credentials Prompter: Allow pasting the whole URL as an authorization code. + Enable GitLab CI for easier testing of the changes. + OAuth2: Show errors returned by the server in the prompt window. + Parse URI strings into GUri in a relaxed mode. + OAuth2: Extract returned information from URI query or fragment. + IMAPx: Folder refresh could remove new message from local summary. + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.47.1: + Handle negative value for GUri's port. + Stored values are never read. + Fix memory leaks found by clang static analyzer. + EVCard: Slightly speed up vCard parsing and export to text. + camel-db.c: Rearrange transaction handling. + CamelDB: Fix an uninitialized variable warning. + build: Add a check for localtime_r(). + build: Update check for elfutils/libdwfl.h. + Add EXTENSIONS_DIR compile time option. + Replace use of g_source_set_name_by_id(). + Add ECacheKeys helper object for ref-counted data stored in an ECache table. + Calendar: Extract categories parsing into a utility function. + Contacts: Add 'categories' backend property with a list of used categories. + Fix a crash under source_registry_object_added_no_owner(). + ESoupAuthBearer: Add debug prints. + Updated translations. - Pass -DENABLE_OAUTH2_WEBKITGTK4=OFF to meson: we don't yet have a webkitgtk-gtk4-build-with-oauth2. ==== ffmpeg-5 ==== Subpackages: libavcodec59 libavfilter8 libavformat59 libavutil57 libpostproc56 libswresample4_ff5 libswscale6 - Obsolete old FFmpeg 5 libswresample4, otherwise they'll conflict - Conflict with otherproviders(ffmpeg-tools). ==== flatpak ==== Version update (1.14.3 -> 1.14.4) Subpackages: flatpak-remote-flathub libflatpak0 system-user-flatpak - Update to version 1.14.4 (CVE-2023-28101, CVE-2023-28100): + Escape special characters when displaying permissions and metadata, preventing malicious apps from manipulating the appearance of the permissions list using crafted metadata (CVE-2023-28101, boo#1209410). + If a Flatpak app is run on a Linux virtual console (tty1, tty2, etc.), don't allow copy/paste via the TIOCLINUX ioctl (CVE-2023-28100). Note that this is specific to virtual consoles: Flatpak is not vulnerable to this if run from a graphical terminal emulator such as xterm, gnome-terminal or Konsole. (boo#1209411) + Updated translations. ==== fuse3 ==== Version update (3.14.0 -> 3.14.1) Subpackages: libfuse3-3 - Update to release 3.14.1 * The extended attribute name passed to the setxattr() handler is no longer truncated at the beginning. * The additional setattr() flags introduced in 3.14 are no longer available for now. They will hopefully be reintroduced in the next release. ==== fwupd-efi ==== Version update (1.2 -> 1.3) - Disable ix86 and arm32: shim doesn't build on these platforms - Update ARM-fixes.patch to current git copy to add checks for an incompatible crt0 - Add ARM-fixes.patch: multiple fixes for ARM EFI after binutils 2.38 - Remove arm32-short-wchar.patch: included in ARM-fixes.patch - Add arm32-short-wchar.patch: fix an issue where fwup_sbat.o had a different wchar length - Update to version 1.3: * Release fwupd-efi 1.3 * Fix a regression when applying updates on an HP M60 * Show the version when starting fwupd-efi * trivial: Update precommit versions to fix CI * meson: fix ARM system crt0 name * trivial: post release version bump - Add binutils-2.38-arm-objcopy.patch: use objcopy with ARM on binutils 2.38+ - Add binutils-2.38-arm-system-crt0.patch: system crt0 doesn't need to contain the SBAT section if we have binutils 2.38+ - Enable ARM and ix86 support ==== gcc ==== Version update (12 -> 13) - Switch gcc to default 13. ==== gcc13 ==== Version update (13.0.1+git5428 -> 13.0.1+git6840) Subpackages: libgcc_s1 libgfortran5 libgomp1 libobjc4 libstdc++6 libstdc++6-pp libubsan1 - TEMP: patch to fix misbehavior on aarch64 with floating point. - Bump to c4792bd1de0621932a47fb86aca09fafafdb2972, git6840. - Add cross-bpf packages. See for the general state of BPF with GCC. - Bump to 5f413dc41ee4f8bc3a0fc295f98b75dceae52fa8, git6773. - Always enable the link mutex. - Bump to 529e03b9882fe48cfa3c182abb12a5858a5762a2, git6353. - Rebase gcc44-rename-info-files.patch patch. ==== gcr ==== Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) Subpackages: gcr-ssh-agent gcr-ssh-askpass gcr-viewer typelib-1_0-Gck-2 typelib-1_0-Gcr-4 - Update to version 4.1.0: + The soversion is now properly set to 4. + certificate: Print dates in ISO8601 format + viewer: Support certificates read from PKCS#11 store + gcr: Add means to construct GcrCertificate from PKCS#11 URI + Several smaller fixes found with ASAN + Stop using GSlice + a11y: Improve reading of certificate info by screen readers + Updated translations. - Rename sub-packages following upstreams correction of soversion. libgcr-4-0_0_0 is now libgcr-4-4, and libgck-2-0_0_0 is now libgck-2-2. ==== gdm ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gdm-schema gdmflexiserver libgdm1 typelib-1_0-Gdm-1_0 - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Lots of code clean ups. + Fix detection of virt on efi setups. + Fix btmp accounting on failed logins. + Ensure pam_close_session is called even if worker is killed. + Updated translations. - Drop gdm-switch-user-tty7.patch: fixed upstream. - Refresh patches with Quilt. - Rebase gdm-xauthlocalhostname.patch due to code clean up commit: 88d79fe24cda8623a4b460c0aa9628178c26f745. ==== gjs ==== Version update (1.74.2 -> 1.76.0) Subpackages: libgjs0 typelib-1_0-GjsPrivate-1_0 - Update to version 1.76.0: + No changes from release candidate 1.75.90. - Update to version 1.75.90: + Closed bugs and merge requests: - NEWS: fix a typo causing codespell to fail - doc: Add more apps written in GJS - Gio: Use proper default priority on async generators - gjs 1.75.2 GObjectValue build test failing on ARM - testGObjectValue: Enable creating object with a string property - Handle transfer-none string return value from vfunc implemented in JS - Various maintenance, performance improvements - Update to version 1.75.2: + There are new `Gio.Application.prototype.runAsync()` and `GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync()` methods which do the same thing as `run()` but return a Promise which resolves when the main loop ends, instead of blocking while the main loop runs. Use one of these methods (by awaiting it) if you use async operations with Promises in your application. Previously, it was easy to get into a state where Promises never resolved if you didn't run the main loop inside a callback. + There are new `Gio.InputStream.prototype.createSyncIterator()` and `Gio.InputStream.prototype.createAsyncIterator()` methods which allow easy iteration of input streams in consecutive chunks of bytes, either with a for-of loop or a for-await-of loop. + DBus proxy wrapper classes now have a static `newAsync()` method, which returns a Promise that resolves to an instance of the proxy wrapper class on which `initAsync()` has completed. + DBus property getters can now return GLib.Variant instances directly, if they have the correct type, instead of returning JS values and having them be packed into GLib.Variants. + Dramatic performance improvements in the legacy `imports.signals` module, which has also gained a `connectAfter()` method that works like the same-named method in GObject signals. (However, the signals module remains legacy, and is mostly there for historical reasons with GNOME Shell. Don't use it in new code.) + For years we have had a typo in `Cairo.LineCap.SQUARE`, incorrectly naming it `SQUASH`. This is fixed and the typoed name is retained as an alias. + Also in Cairo, the value of `Cairo.Format.RGB16_565` was wrong. This was fixed with a breaking change, because anyone using it was probably already not getting the results they expected. + Continuing the Cairo improvements, SVG surfaces have gained `Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.finish()` and `Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.flush()` because previously SVG surfaces were only written to disk when the SVGSurface object was garbage collected, making it uncertain to rely on them. + The debugger now handles Symbol values and Symbol property keys of objects. Previously, these were not displayed correctly. + Various type-safety refactors. + Many bug fixes and performance improvements. ==== glib-networking ==== Version update (2.74.0 -> 2.76.0) - Update to version 2.76.0: + Fix OpenSSL sessions becoming unresumable. + Fix installed libproxy test. - Update to version 2.76.beta: + Hopefully fix environment proxy resolver on Windows. + Remove static_modules build option, use - Ddefault_library=static instead. + Updated translations. - Update to version 2.76.alpha: + OpenSSL: add session resumption support. + GnuTLS: several session resumption improvements. + Skip TLS exporter test for TLS 1.2. + Default values for build options have changed, no longer use auto. + Fix static linking on Windows. + Don't use system trust on iOS. + Updated translations. - Drop glib-networking-gnutls-tls-exporter-tls12.patch: fixed upstream. ==== glib2 ==== Version update (2.74.6 -> 2.76.1) Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0 - Update to version 2.76.1: + Fix build failures in third party C++ projects using `g_strdup()` via C++ qualified symbol lookup. + Downgrade critical warnings from `GFileInfo` about missing attributes to debug messages, as it was affecting too many apps; the critical warnings will be reinstated early in the 2.78 cycle, so apps should continue to fix their ambiguous use of `GFileInfo` API. + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#159, glgo#GNOME/GLib#352, glgo#GNOME/GLib#919, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2922, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2936, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2943, glgo#GNOME/GLib#2948, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3241, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3315, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3318, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3319, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3321, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3323, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3324, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3325, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3330, glgo#GNOME/GLib!3338. + Updated translations. - Update to version 2.76.0: + Fix several regressions in handling `GFileInfo` attributes + Bugs fixed: - ETAG_VALUE not set in GFileInfo when requested - File attributes are not set when their value is FALSE/NULL - gfile: Fix file size detection when copying on btrfs - glocalfileinfo: . Mark the lost+found dir as hidden again . Ensure that is-backup is always set + Updated translations. - Rebase patches with quilt. - Update to version 2.75.4: + Emit a critical warning when acquiring the notification queue during GObject finalization. A type's `finalize()` implementation should not call public API that emits property notifications. + Updated translations. - Rebase glib2-suppress-schema-deprecated-path-warning.patch with quilt. - Fix license files in packages: COPYING in the source tree is a symlink to LICENSES/LGPL-2.1-or-later.txt, but rpm's %license macro copies the symlink, not the target. Explicitly package LICENSES/LGPL-2.1-or-later.txt in this case (boo#1208497). - Update to version 2.75.3: + Drop the implementation of GSlice, and make the API use the system `malloc()` internally. + Use a thread-spawning thread to keep thread scheduler settings consistent; fixes GThreadPool critical warnings due to failing to set scheduler settings in some situations. + GIR annotation improvements for multiple APIs. + Optimise printing of nested maybes in `g_variant_print()`. + Use `tap` test protocol within GLib, and support TAP 13/14. + Fix a regression in glib-compile-schemas 2.75.2 causing schemas and override files to be sorted incorrectly. + Support per-desktop overrides in `GSettingsAction`. + Various optimisations to `GString`. + Reduce allocations in message printing functions if there’s nothing to format. + Add inline version of `g_strdup()`, allowing the compiler to do `NULL` folding and constant folding on `strlen()` calls. + Add a `GPathBuf` API for building and manipulating file paths. + Add `g_string_free_and_steal()` and use it to warn on unused results from`g_string_free (_, FALSE)`. + Add `g_free_sized()` and `g_aligned_free_sized()` to mirror the upcoming `free_sized()` function in C23; use these if porting away from `g_slice_free()`. + Fix underspecified dependencies on generated headers in ``, which should reduce spurious build failures. + Updated translations. - Update to version 2.75.2: + Add `g_ptr_array_sort_values()` and `g_ptr_array_sort_values_with_data()` APIs. + Some fixes for activation of UWP apps on Windows. + Support Markdown output from `gdbus-codegen`. - Changes from version 2.75.1: + Add new `GFileInfo` properties for large thumbnails. + Fix missing input validation in `GDBusMenuModel`. + Change default `g_desktop_app_info_search()` algorithm to include substring matches. + Various GVariant security fixes when handling untrusted data. + Add support for XDG Activation protocol in `GAppLaunchContext`. + Return `application/x-zerosize` rather than `text/plain` as content type for empty files. + Deprecate `-Druntime_libdir` configure option because it was unused. + Check for snap plugs when accessing portals. + Add `GArray` and `GPtrArray` constructors to take or copy C arrays. + Add `GHashTable` methods to get and steal hash table keys and values as `GPtrArray`s. + Change the default D-Bus system bus socket address from `/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket` to `/run/dbus/system_bus_socket`, in line with changes in dbus.git. - Drop glib2-dbus-socket-path.patch: fixed upstream. ==== glibc ==== Subpackages: glibc-extra glibc-locale glibc-locale-base nscd - Exclude static archives from preparation for live patching (bnc#1208721) ==== glibmm2_4 ==== Version update (2.66.5 -> 2.66.6) Subpackages: libgiomm-2_4-1 libglibmm-2_4-1 - Update to version 2.66.6: + Glib: Dispatcher: Don't warn when a Dispatcher is deleted while messages are pending. + Gio: NetworkMonitor::get_default(): Add refreturn. + gmmproc: Disable warning C4273 on Visual Studio. + Meson build: - Detect if we build from a git subtree. - Don't copy files with configure_file(). ==== glslang ==== Version update (12.0.0 -> 12.1.0) - Update to release 12.1.0: * Reject non-float inputs/outputs for version less than 120 * Fix invalid BufferBlock decoration for SPIR-V 1.3 and above * Add HLSL relaxed-precision float/int matrix expansions * Block decorate Vulkan structs with RuntimeArrays * Support InterlockedAdd on float types - Delete 0001-build-set-SOVERSION-on-all-libraries.patch: fixed upstream - Split part of glslang-devel to glslang-nonstd-devel. ==== gnome-autoar ==== Version update (0.4.3 -> 0.4.4) - Update to version 0.4.4: + Add application/zstd to supported mime-types. + Fix test suite failure with recent GLib version. + Add autoar_extractor_set_passphrase function. - Update to version 0.4.3+9: + ci: - Drop workaround to remove mount options - Explicitiely set the storage driver - Use rawhide for the fedora job + extractor: - Add autoar_extractor_set_passphrase function - Fix parameter name in documentation comment - Make error codes public - Use g_file_info_remove_attribute instead of invalid type - Use specific error code when passphrase wasn't provided + tests: Skip file size check for directories - Switch to git checkout via source service. - Enable test macro again as upstream fixed the issue. - Temp disable test due to changes in new glib2 2.76.0 release: wait for upstream to fix in either glib or in gnome-autoar. ==== gnome-branding-MicroOS ==== Version update (20230126 -> 20230323) - Use new transactional-update drop-in config for Desktop notification configuration - 20230323 ==== gnome-calculator ==== Version update (43.0.1 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-calculator - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Improved factorization + Number format selection documentation improvements + Made builtin function descriptions translatable + Fixed display showing 0 on startup + Improved button tooltips + Added signed int support to programming mode + i and e constants updated according to ISO 80000-2:2009 + Help overlay updates + Added preferences shortcut + Destroy dialog after clicking cancel + Updated translations. ==== gnome-clocks ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-clocks - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Display seconds in the world clock detail view + Reset snooze time when disabling alarms + Add mnemonics to the view switcher + Say ahead/behind instead of later/earlier + Fix button layout in the timer view + Add missing ellipses to button labels + Remove an incorrect tooltip + Help fixes + Updated translations. ==== gnome-control-center ==== Version update (43.4.1 -> 44.0+7) Subpackages: gnome-control-center-color gnome-control-center-goa gnome-control-center-user-faces - Update to version 44.0+7: + common: hostname-entry: Update hostname only after apply is clicked + sound: Prevent duplicate sound device entries + color: Do not try to access to null pointer in destruction + display: Allow configuring all monitors and apply settings at once + Updated translations. - Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit tag from stable gnome-44 branch. - Update to version 44.0: + Mouse: Prevent infinit loop on Mouse setting changes. + Usage: Fix confirmation dialog when clearing file history. + Notifications: Replace occurrence of "Applications" with "Apps" string. + Power: Label the main "batery" as UPS when that's what it is. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Improve state of switchers throughout the app + Keyboard: Various fixes to the shortcut editor + Mouse & Touchpad: Polish the panel redesign + Printers: Update to more modern CUPS APIs + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Redesigned Sound panel + Redesigned Mouse & Touchpad panel + Share Wi-Fi networks using QR code + Many consistency improvements + WireGuard support + Mouse & Touchpad: - Redesign the panel with videos of the preferences - Move mouse test into a separate dialog + Network: - Add support for sharing Wi-Fi networks through QR code - Add WireGuard support + Sound: - Move application volumes to a dialog - Move sound themes to a dialog + Updated translations. - Disable gnome-control-center-disable-error-message-for-NM.patch ==== gnome-desktop ==== Version update (43.2 -> 44.0) Subpackages: libgnome-desktop-3-20 libgnome-desktop-3_0-common libgnome-desktop-4-2 typelib-1_0-GnomeDesktop-3_0 - Update to version 44.0: + Fix idle monitor watch leak. + Save original thumbnail dimensions in metadata. + Fix Turkish keyboard layout. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Add GnomeWallClock:force-seconds property. + Updated translations. ==== gnome-disk-utility ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + flatpak: - Use popt default branch - popt switched to cmake + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + flatpak: People like to rename branches back and forth. + Add .dir-locals. + various: Remove GNU Emacs file variables. + Updated translations. - Add appstream-glib BuildRequires and a check section, where we validate appstream data and desktop file during build. - Update to version 44.beta: + Update + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.alpha: + change-passphrase-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + ci: Use OCI images hosted on Quay + createotherpage: Re-factor + crypttab-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + estimator: - Don't override finalize() - Port to use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE + filesystemdialog: Port to use GtkBuilder Templates + flatpak: Use new default branch name for popt + format-disk-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + help-overlay: Remove visible properties + new-disk-image-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + partition-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + passwordstrength: - Don't override setter - Port to use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE + unlock-dialog: Port to GtkBuilder templates + Updated translations. - Pass sysconfdir=%{_distconfdir} to meson and move org.gnome.SettingsDaemon.DiskUtilityNotify.desktop autostart file to /usr/etc/ subdirs. ==== gnome-initial-setup ==== Version update (43.2 -> 44.0) - Generate %pre from sysusers.d file using sysuser-tools - Update to version 44.0: + Bug fixes: The privacy policy links on the Privacy page are now usable. This was a regression in the GTK 4 port, first released as 43.0. + Updated translations. ==== gnome-online-accounts ==== Version update (3.46.0 -> 3.48.0) Subpackages: libgoa-1_0-0 libgoa-backend-1_0-1 - Update to version 3.48.0: + Updated translations. - Rebase patch with quilt. - Update to version 3.47.1: + Build fixes + Expired Kerberos tickets not re-acquired on resume from suspend + Update CalDAV/CardDAV OwnCloud endpoints + Attempt to cope with multiple credential caches per identity + Error in solving Nextcloud account address + Updated translations. ==== gnome-session ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-session-core gnome-session-default-session gnome-session-wayland - Update to version 44.0: + No changes, stable bump only. - Update to version 44.rc: + Code clean ups + Better handling when dbus-daemon dies + Improved log output + Updated translations. - Pass systemduserunitdir=%%{_userunitdir} to meson, ensure we set the correct dir during build. - Drop gnome-session-exit-when-lost-name-on-bus.patch: Fixed upstream. - Bump basever define to 44 following upstream changes. ==== gnome-settings-daemon ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Power: Default to sleep after 15 minutes. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Housekeeping: Fix capitalization of systemd notifications + Power: Improve low power notifications + Xsettings: Always fallback to IBus IM for X11 clients + Updated translations. ==== gnome-shell ==== Version update (43.3 -> 44.0+28) Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar - Update to version 44.0+28: * status/network: Generalize code to hide subtitle * screenshot: Get cursor texture from window + st/icon-theme: Disconnect from settings signals on disposal + workspacesView: Update visibility after updating workspaces + screenshot: Use meta_window_has_pointer () for pointer check + main: - Add missing newlines - Fix syncing animations-enabled + style: Reduce padding between quick menu toggle text and separator + modalDialog: Fix fading out dialog + endSessionDialog: Catch async errors + tests: - Set GNOME_SHELL_SESSION_MODE to user - Add default test setup with common env settings + extension-tool: Set reminder for removing old compat code + Updated translations. - Move patch to SLE only patches: + gnome-shell-jscSLE9267-Remove-sessionList-of-endSessionDialog.patch - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Add Soup to global Requires exclude, and add a manual typelib(Soup) = 3.0 Requires. Only require 3.0, before we got a dependency on Soup 2.4 as well. - Add St, Cogl and Clutter typelibs to global Requires exclude aswell. These typelibs are provided by multiple packages, but currently gnome-shell gets these provided by itself or mutter. We already have an explicit mutter requires in place so no more changes are needed for now from our end. - Drop explicit typelib(Rsvg) Requires, no longer needed. - Update to version 44.rc: + Unmute to default volume when slider was at 0 + Fix missing battery percentage in the top bar + Fix unexpected focus order after activating apps + Stop using GTK for systray support + Expose GtkIconTheme replacement to extensions + Disallow using (most of) GTK in the compositor process + Plugged leak + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-3.0) with pkgconfig(gnome-desktop-4) BuildRequires following upstream changes. - Temp disable gtk-doc, fails build atm. - Update to version 44.beta: + Fix screencast UI being erroneously disabled + Fix unresponsive screen area when quick settings are opened + Ensure completions are disabled when hiding on-screen keyboard + Fix missing name in wired network quick settings button + Properly apply saved shortcuts inhibition permissions + Don't let wayland popovers block overview + Improve high contrast styling + Open correct Settings panel from on-screen keyboard menu + Test running gnome-shell in CI + Do not use symbolic app icons for High Contrast + Prepare extension loading for ESM + Fix input source switching with focus on password entry + Ensure quick settings toggles align with the pixel grid + Lower OOM score of gnome-shell process + Polish page switching behavior during DND in app grid + Tweak lock- and login screen styling + Consistently link to Settings from menus + Make it easier for extensions to add a credential manager + Fix mount operation dialog when Disks is not available + Refine quick settings + Mute/unmute volume when clicking slider icon + Add device menu to Bluetooth quick settings + Expose list of background apps in quick settings + Compile extension GSettings after install + Fixed crash + Plugged memory leak + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups + Updated translations. - Replace pkgconfig(libmutter-11), pkgconfig(mutter-clutter-11), pkgconfig(mutter-cogl-11) and pkgconfig(mutter-cogl-pango-11) with a new mutter_api define and set it to 12. Also add a new mutter_req define and set it to 44.beta. Make future versionbumps more practical. - Rebase patches with quilt. Disable gnome-shell-exit-crash-workaround.patch for now, should no longer be needed + Not sure I trust the rebase quilt did. - Drop gnome-shell-main-Leak-the-GJS-context-and-ShellGlobal.patch: Fixed upstream. - Add a glob to typelib exclude. ==== gnome-shell-extensions ==== Version update (43.1 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-classic gnome-shell-extensions-common - Update to version 44.0: + Version bump only. - Update to version 44.rc: + Version bump only. - Update to version 44.beta: + Tweak menu alignment. + Updated translations. ==== gnome-software ==== Version update (43.5 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-software-plugin-packagekit - Update to version 44.0: + Fix missing separators in system updates dialog. + Updated translations. ==== gnome-system-monitor ==== Version update (42.0 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Code improvements + Fixed help overlay shortcuts + Use WMClass for application + Don't reset the graph when toggling smooth draw + Updated translations. ==== gnome-terminal ==== Version update (3.46.8 -> 3.48.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-gnome-terminal nautilus-extension-terminal - Update to version 3.48.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.47.99: + util: Also check /usr/etc for xdg-terminal-exec configuration + docs: Document new color schemes - Update to version 3.47.92: + all: - Implement xdg-terminal-exec support - Make env filtering uniform - ODR fix - Replace %m with using g_strerror() in printf calls + build: - Add define for openbsd - Add install tags - Assert sanity - Build fix for netbsd - Fix libc feature defines - Fix nautilus extension install directory - More detailed version info - Output warning on unstable release - Remove erroneous volatile - Remove unnecessary meson version check - Update meson req version - Update nautilus extension build req - Update README - Use built-in mandir option - Use non-deprecated API - Validate all desktop files - Validate metainfo files + client: - Improve env var filters - legacy: Drop debug messages - legacy: Fix typo assigning XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN - More env vars to filter - Transport XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN to the server - Use verified schema - utils: Fix unused function warning on non-debug build + desktop: - Use Preferences icon - Use standard key + docs: - Fix some typos in README - Fix some wrong info in README + icons: Add separate icons for Preferences + l10n: Remove mjw from LINGUAS + metainfo: - Add launchable info - Fix broken metainfo translations - Pass validation + nautilus: - Don't include gdk headers in the nautilus extension - Fix build - Fix macro redefinition warning - Try to fix the build with nautilus 43 + po: Mark bogus translated string as fuzzy + prefs: - Add NoDisplay desktop file for the prefs binary - Fix default terminal check - Fix serialisation format - Fix standalone launch of g-t-preferences - Hold application while the prefs are shown - Make preferences dialogue OOP - Move prefs binary to libexecdir - Reduce default bus timeout - Sink a floating variant - Try to improve translator hint comment - Use autocleanup more - Use default timeout when debugging - Use different wm class - Use new icon + profile: - Use correct schema source for the profiles list schema - Use the correct schema source to lookup schemas + Revert "screen: Use clean env when creating new tab" + screen: - Add some missing casts - Use correct environment filter + settings: - Consolidate settings related code into one source file - Import some backend specific code from glib - Remove direct dconf dependency + util: Fix interpretation of TryExec desktop entry key + Updated translations. ==== gnome-tweaks ==== Version update (42.beta -> 42.beta+60) - Update to version 42.beta+60: + Removed libsoup mention. + data: Remove extension mentions. + appdata: Remove GNOME 3 mention. + Remove deprecated option for separate Lock screen wallpaper. + Updated translations. - Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit commit id. ==== gnome-user-docs ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updates to GNOME Help. + Updates to System Admin Guide. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Updates to GNOME Help. + Updates to System Admin Guide. + Updated translations. ==== gobject-introspection ==== Version update (1.74.0 -> 1.76.1) Subpackages: girepository-1_0 libgirepository-1_0-1 - Update to version 1.76.1: + Handle null default values. + Documentation fixes. - Update path regex used in gobjectintrospection.attr: the old one was not sufficiently escaped, which resulted in many more files being scanned than needed. - Update to version 1.76.0: + Update the GIR data for GLib. + Documentation fixes. - Update to version 1.75.6: + Documentation fixes. + Fix build when using GLib as a subproject. + Update the GIR data for GLib. - Update to version 1.75.4: + Brown-paper bag release to fix the GLib dependency. - Changes from version 1.75.2: + Split 'disguised' attribute into two separate attributes. + Add copy/free function annotations for plain-old data types. + Include the default value of GObject properties in the GIR data. + Drop wrap files for recursive dependencies. + Add more marshalling tests. + Update the GIR data for GLib, GObject, GModule, and GIO. ==== gpgme ==== Version update (1.18.0 -> 1.19.0) Subpackages: libgpgme11 libgpgmepp6 python310-gpg - Update to 1.19.0: * New context flag "no-auto-check-trustdb". [T6261] * Optionally, build QGpgME for Qt 6 * Support component "gpgtar-name" in gpgme_get_dirinfo. [T6342] * Extended gpgme_op_encrypt*, gpgme_op_encrypt_sign*, and gpgme_op_sign* to allow creating an encrypted and/or signed archive. [T6342] * Extended gpgme_op_decrypt*, gpgme_op_decrypt_verify*, and gpgme_op_verify* to allow extracting an encrypted and/or signed archive. [T6342] * cpp: Handle error when trying to sign expired keys. [T6155] * cpp: Support encryption flags ThrowKeyIds, EncryptWrap, and WantAddress. [T6359] * cpp, qt: Fix building with C++11. [T6141] * qt: Fix problem with expiration dates after 2038-01-19 on 32-bit systems when adding an existing subkey to another key. [T6137] * cpp: Allow setting the curve to use when generating ECC keys for smart cards. [T4429] * qt: Extend ListAllKeysJob to allow disabling the automatic trust database check when listing all keys. [T6261] * qt: Allow deferred start of import jobs. [T6323] * qt: Support creating and extracting signed and encrypted archives. [T6342] * Rebase gpgme-suse-nobetasuffix.patch * Remove patches upstream: - gpgme-D546-python310.patch - gpgme-1.18.0-T6137-qt_test.patch - python311.patch - drop python2 subpackage handling. we do not support python 2.x anymore, and if we would it would happen via singlespec ==== grub2 ==== Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin - Fix aarch64 kiwi image's file not found due to '/@' prepended to path in btrfs filesystem. (bsc#1209165) * grub2-btrfs-05-grub2-mkconfig.patch - Restrict cryptsetup key file permission for better security (bsc#1207499) * 0001-loader-linux-Ensure-the-newc-pathname-is-NULL-termin.patch * 0002-Restrict-cryptsetup-key-file-permission-for-better-s.patch - Meanwhile, memtest86+ gained EFI support, but using the grub command line to run it manually is quite tedious... Adapt 20_memtest86+ to provide a proper menu entry. Executing memtest requires to turn security off in BIOS: (Boot Mode: Other OS). ==== gsettings-desktop-schemas ==== Version update (43.0 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Build improvements. + Updated translations. ==== gstreamer-plugins-bad ==== Subpackages: libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 libgstbadaudio-1_0-0 libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0 libgstcodecs-1_0-0 libgstcuda-1_0-0 libgstisoff-1_0-0 libgstmpegts-1_0-0 libgstphotography-1_0-0 libgstplay-1_0-0 libgstplayer-1_0-0 libgstsctp-1_0-0 libgsturidownloader-1_0-0 libgstva-1_0-0 libgstvulkan-1_0-0 libgstwayland-1_0-0 libgstwebrtc-1_0-0 libgstwebrtcnice-1_0-0 - Add libgsttranscoder-1_0-0 to baselibs.conf ==== gstreamer-plugins-good ==== Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-gtk - Conflict with gstreamer-plugins-ugly < 1.22.0 to ensure we don't have conflicts with gstreamer-plugins-ugly 1.20.1 since was moved from -ugly to -good (boo#1209541) ==== gtk3 ==== Version update (3.24.35+10 -> 3.24.37) Subpackages: gtk3-data gtk3-immodule-amharic gtk3-immodule-inuktitut gtk3-immodule-thai gtk3-immodule-tigrigna gtk3-immodule-vietnamese gtk3-schema gtk3-tools libgtk-3-0 typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 - Re-add macros.gtk3: there are quite a few consumers left requiring the defined macros. - Prepend gtk3 to binary_version and _immoduledir macro names to avoid possible name clash now that they are being defined in the macros.gtk3 file instead of the spec file. - Update to version 3.24.37: + Support the file transfer portal for copy-paste and DND + Treat XKB_MODE_NAME_LODO as super key + Refactor startup notification handling to be in sync with GTK 4 + GL: Synchronie when calling MakeCurrent + CSS: Fix a problem with stopping animations + Wayland: Drop the legacy text input module + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.24.36: + GtkLabel: Tweak selection behavior. + GtkEmojiChooser: Properly handle empty recent section. + GtkFileChooser: Make ~ key work regardless of dead keys. + Wayland: - Fix problems with X<>Wayland DND. - Revert cursor changes from 3.24.35. - Fix handling of surrounding text in input. + Updated translation. - Switch from Autotools to Meson, dropping libtool build requirement while adding meson and ninja. And replace configure, make_build, and make_install macros with meson, meson_build and meson_install. - Adopt the use of autosetup and autopatch macro facilities to improve package maintainability. - Drop multibuild facility due to the fact that Gtk 3 Meson build scripts can't fully disable some components. And, at least for now, we cannot achieve the same degree of modularity we had with Autotools. - Drop macros.gtk3 file as no package (if it ever had any) consumes its macros. - After switching to Meson, the build doesn't produce a Wayland Input Method module anymore, at least not as a standalone. Update baselibs.conf accordingly. And some GResource files are now being provided in the devel package for working with emojis. - Define __provides_exclude_from macro with ^%{_libdir}/gtk-3.0 as its value to prevent the automatic provision generator to offer private modules as requirable symbols. - Make cloudproviders to be easily switchable, through bcond facility, to allow people to test it, or for maintainers to turn it on and off easily. - Make gettext-its-gtk3 and gtk3-devel-doc sub-packages arch-independent (noarch), as they don't contain any binaries. - Convert IM modules cache update post(un) scriptlets to RPM file triggers. Though we had good results with icon cache update scriptlets previously, we still can't use transfiletriggers to trigger the cache update only once, post transaction, because Zypper is still working on implementing support for them. - Refresh patch with Quilt: gtk3-revert-forced-xftdpi.patch. ==== gtksourceview5 ==== Version update (5.6.2 -> 5.8.0) - Update to version 5.8.0: + vim: avoid large numbers of small deletions in filter command. + adwaita.xml: add missing def:deletion style. + todotxt.lang: add support for todo.txt format. - Update to version 5.7.2: + Documentation improvements + Updated languages: java.lang, html.lang + Fix Y offset calculation when GtkTextView:top-margin is set + Completion now requeries providers upon manual activation + CSS updates for completion popover to reduce allocation jitter + Assistants will more aggresively update positioning. It is heavily suggested that you have GNOME/gtk!5564 in whatever GTK you are linking against to reduce the potential for frames rendered with missing allocations/text - Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen). - Update to version 5.7.1: + Updated languages: c.lang, docker.lang, nix.lang + Add missing version functions to GIR generation. + Moving through snippets now retires the completion popover. + Documentation updates. - Changes from version 5.7.0: + gutterrenderermarks: avoid potential infinite loop with marks + build: drop unnecessary vapigen check + cpp.lang: add constinit keyword + java.lang: fix escaped characters + lean.lang: strings may contain line breaks + nix.lang: Add Nix syntax highlighting + reasonml.lang: add ReasonML language ==== gupnp-igd ==== - Add upstream patches to hopefully fix racy tests: + 2c413bbd8b9afc41648f21ad173f0caf81a5f98b.patch + bbe36b279e247cd8ec4ab00bcdf02178af8a99af.patch - Add fa1546614190942ab266832e7470a6debf8c32cb.patch: test: Port to g_inet_address_new_loopback. ==== gvfs ==== Version update (1.50.3 -> 1.50.4) Subpackages: gvfs-backend-afc gvfs-backend-samba gvfs-backends gvfs-fuse - Update to version 1.50.4: + dav: Prevent usage of NULL for nonexistent source file + client: Fix copy/move operation from/to Flatpak sandbox + http: Report original sizes regardless of compression usage + Fix string comparison on various places + Updated translations. - Split out a new sub-package gvfs-backend-goa. This allows end-users to remove last remains of soup2 and gdata dependencies. Add a Supplements on gvfs and gnome-online-accounts to pull it in for most of our users. - Add explicit pkgconfig(libxml-2.0) BuildRequires: Meson checks for it. ==== highway ==== Version update (1.0.3 -> 1.0.4) - Update to release 1.0.4 * Add PPC8..10, SSE2, AVX3_ZEN4, NEON_WITHOUT_AES targets * Add Expand, LoadExpand, integer AbsDiff, SumsOf8AbsDiff * Improved Half/Twice support, codegen for Shift*Same * Faster KV128 sorting * Update RISC-V V intrinsics for 1.0-draft - Remove arm-disable-runtime-dispatch.patch (appears merged) ==== hostname ==== - Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798) ==== hplip ==== Subpackages: hplip-hpijs hplip-udev-rules - Add patch to fix hplip applying printf string format parsing to printer attributes returned from CUPS (such as "dnssd://foo%20series._ipp._tcp.local/?uuid=...") which results in a segfault (boo#1209866, lp#2013185): * fix-printer-attributes-parsing.patch ==== installation-images-MicroOS ==== Version update (17.78 -> 17.81) - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#639 - modernized mount-rootfs-and-do-chroot script - advertise mount-rootfs-and-do-chroot in motd - add motd to rescue system - 17.81 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#638 - etc: update module.config to match 6.3 - 17.80 - merge gh#openSUSE/installation-images#637 - Drop aaa_base prein execution - 17.79 ==== iproute2 ==== Subpackages: iproute2-bash-completion - Delete xfrm-support-displaying-transformations-used-for-Mob.patch (mip6d-ng is abandoned too) ==== jitterentropy ==== - Fix a stack corruption on s390x: [bsc#1209627] * Output size of the STCKE command on s390x is 16 bytes, compared to 8 bytes of the STCK command. Fix a stack corruption in the s390x version of jent_get_nstime(). Add some more detailed information on the STCKE command. * * Add jitterentropy-fix-a-stack-corruption-on-s390x.patch ==== kImageAnnotator ==== Version update (0.6.0 -> 0.6.1) - Update to version 0.6.1 Fixed * Fix for unnecessary scrollbars. * Add KDE support for scale factor. * Show tab tooltips on initial tabs. * Sticker resizing is broken when bounding rect flipped. ==== kernel-default-base ==== Version update (6.2.6 -> 6.2.8) - Add exfat (boo#1208822) ==== kernel-firmware ==== Version update (20230313 -> 20230320) Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qcom kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network - Update to version 20230320 (git commit bcdcfbcf0a8f): * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX101 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX203 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210 * linux-firmware: add firmware files for NXP BT chipsets * rtw89: 8852b: update format-1 fw to v0.29.29.0 * rtw89: 8852b: add format-1 fw v0.29.26.0 * rtw89: 8852b: rollback firmware to v0.27.32.1 * i915: Update MTL DMC to v2.12 * i915: Update ADLP DMC to v2.19 * mediatek: Update mt8192/mt8195 SCP firmware to support MM21 and MT21 - Update topics list - Drop the manual revert of 8852b firmware file, as it's merged into the upstream - Revert pssufix change that caused the package renaming and broke dependencies from other packages - Revert the broken rtw89/rtw8852b_fw.bin firmware temporarily (bsc#1209449) ==== kernel-source ==== Version update (6.2.6 -> 6.2.8) - Linux 6.2.8 (bsc#1012628). - xfrm: Allow transport-mode states with AF_UNSPEC selector (bsc#1012628). - drm/virtio: Pass correct device to dma_sync_sgtable_for_device() (bsc#1012628). - drm/msm/gem: Prevent blocking within shrinker loop (bsc#1012628). - drm/panfrost: Don't sync rpm suspension after mmu flushing (bsc#1012628). - fbdev: chipsfb: Fix error codes in chipsfb_pci_init() (bsc#1012628). - cifs: Move the in_send statistic to __smb_send_rqst() (bsc#1012628). - drm/meson: fix 1px pink line on GXM when scaling video overlay (bsc#1012628). - clk: HI655X: select REGMAP instead of depending on it (bsc#1012628). - selftests: amd-pstate: fix TEST_FILES (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: SOF: Intel: MTL: Fix the device description (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: SOF: Intel: HDA: Fix device description (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: SOF: Intel: SKL: Fix device description (bsc#1012628). - ASOC: SOF: Intel: pci-tgl: Fix device description (bsc#1012628). - ASoC: SOF: ipc4-topology: set dmic dai index from copier (bsc#1012628). - docs: Correct missing "d_" prefix for dentry_operations member d_weak_revalidate (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpt3sas: Fix NULL pointer access in mpt3sas_transport_port_add() (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix throttle_groups memory leak (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix config page DMA memory leak (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix mpi3mr_hba_port memory leak in mpi3mr_remove() (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix sas_hba.phy memory leak in mpi3mr_remove() (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Return proper values for failures in firmware init path (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix memory leaks in mpi3mr_init_ioc() (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: ioctl timeout when disabling/enabling interrupt (bsc#1012628). - scsi: mpi3mr: Fix expander node leak in mpi3mr_remove() (bsc#1012628). - ALSA: hda: Match only Intel devices with CONTROLLER_IN_GPU() (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nft_nat: correct length for loading protocol registers (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nft_masq: correct length for loading protocol registers (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nft_redir: correct length for loading protocol registers (bsc#1012628). - netfilter: nft_redir: correct value of inet type `.maxattrs` (bsc#1012628). - scsi: core: Add BLIST_NO_VPD_SIZE for some VDASD (bsc#1012628). - scsi: core: Fix a procfs host directory removal regression (bsc#1012628). - ftrace,kcfi: Define ftrace_stub_graph conditionally (bsc#1012628). - tcp: tcp_make_synack() can be called from process context (bsc#1012628). - vdpa/mlx5: should not activate virtq object when suspended (bsc#1012628). - wifi: nl80211: fix NULL-ptr deref in offchan check (bsc#1012628). - wifi: cfg80211: fix MLO connection ownership (bsc#1012628). - selftests: fix LLVM build for i386 and x86_64 (bsc#1012628). - nfc: pn533: initialize struct pn533_out_arg properly (bsc#1012628). - ipvlan: Make skb->skb_iif track skb->dev for l3s mode (bsc#1012628). - i40e: Fix kernel crash during reboot when adapter is in recovery mode (bsc#1012628). - vhost-vdpa: free iommu domain after last use during cleanup (bsc#1012628). - vdpa_sim: not reset state in vdpasim_queue_ready (bsc#1012628). - vdpa_sim: set last_used_idx as last_avail_idx in vdpasim_queue_ready (bsc#1012628). - PCI: s390: Fix use-after-free of PCI resources with per-function hotplug (bsc#1012628). - drm/i915/psr: Use calculated io and fast wake lines (bsc#1012628). - drm/i915/sseu: fix max_subslices array-index-out-of-bounds access (bsc#1012628). - bnxt_en: reset PHC frequency in free-running mode (bsc#1012628). - net/smc: fix NULL sndbuf_desc in smc_cdc_tx_handler() (bsc#1012628). - qed/qed_dev: guard against a possible division by zero (bsc#1012628). - net: dsa: mt7530: remove now incorrect comment regarding port 5 (bsc#1012628). - net: dsa: mt7530: set PLL frequency and trgmii only when trgmii is used (bsc#1012628). - block: do not reverse request order when flushing plug list (bsc#1012628). - loop: Fix use-after-free issues (bsc#1012628). - blk-mq: fix "bad unlock balance detected" on q->srcu in __blk_mq_run_dispatch_ops (bsc#1012628). - net: tunnels: annotate lockless accesses to dev->needed_headroom (bsc#1012628). - net: phy: smsc: bail out in lan87xx_read_status if ... changelog too long, skipping 532 lines ... - commit 581e0e0 ==== keyutils ==== Subpackages: libkeyutils1 - Drop pkgconfig(krb5) BuildRequires: this dependency was dropped upstream in commit f9c7b4e4 (2018-11-02). ==== kiconthemes ==== - Add patch to fix build failures: * 0001-Add-missing-comma-between-enum-values.patch ==== ldb ==== Version update (2.6.1 -> 2.7.1) Subpackages: libldb2 python3-ldb - Update to 2.7.1 * Build fix for Solaris, after removal of tevent ports backend (bso#15298) - Changes from 2.7.0 * Support python 3.12 * Have python functions operating on DNs raise LdbError * Don't call comparison() directly in LDB_TYPESAFE_QSORT * Use ldb_ascii_toupper() for case folding to support tr_TR.UTF-8 and other dotless i locales (bso#15248) ==== libadwaita ==== Version update (1.2.3 -> 1.3.1) Subpackages: libadwaita-1-0 typelib-1_0-Adw-1 - Update to version 1.3.1: + AdwAboutWindow: Add a missing Since annotation + AdwCarousel: Fix allocation + AdwFlap: - Add a missing setter annotation for :fold-policy - Correctly measure separator - Avoid notify emissions in dispose() + AdwTabBar: Fix clipped labels + AdwTabOverview - Fix clipped labels - Add a translator comment for "%u tabs" + Demo: Open primary menu with F10 + Don't show marshal functions in docs - Changes from version 1.3.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 1.3.rc: + Build: Depend on GTK 4.9.5 + AdwApplication: Disable style loading if Granite is present + AdwAvatar: Improve filtering for custom images + AdwCarousel: Doc updates + AdwEntryRow: Fix :disabled styles + AdwExpanderRow: Expose expanded state for a11y + AdwPropertyAnimationTarget: Remove critical when finalizing the object before the target + AdwSplitButton: - Correctly set a11y relations - Add a default tooltip to the dropdown + AdwStyleManager: - Fix regressions from 1.3.beta - Disable built-in styles if Granite is present + AdwTabOverview: Clarify docs + AdwToastOverlay: Fix a use-after-free when quickly creating and dismissing toasts + Docs: - Update named color descriptions - Update .linked widget list to keep up with GTK 4.9.x - Mention AdwHeaderBar along with GtkHeaderBar + Stylesheet: - Fix page switcher in GtkShortcutsWindow - Fix GtkSearchBar spacing + Memory leak fixes + Various cleanups + Updated translations. - Update to version 1.3.beta: + AboutWindow: - Prevent double clicks from opening troubleshooting page - Fix a GTK 4.9.x deprecation + AdwActionRow: Add :subtitle-selectable + AdwAnimation: Add :follow-enable-animations-setting + AdwBanner: Sizing fixes + AdwEntryRow: Make accessible + AdwLeaflet: Fix can-unfold=false + AdwMessageDialog: Increase spacing when heading or body are missing + AdwSpringAnimation: - Add calculate_value() and calculate_velocity() - Fix unsafe float comparisons - Fix critical damping velocity + AdwStyleManager: Support color schemes and high contrast on Windows + AdwSwipeable: Fix get_swipe_area() fallback + AdwTabBar, AdwTabOverview: Emit ::extra-drag-value on ::enter + AdwTabButton: - Fix needs-attention dot after viewing AdwTabPages in inspector - Fix warning when building in Visual Studio + AdwTabView: Make accessible + AdwToastOverlay: - Don't focus buttons on click - Prevent toast labels from wrapping + AdwViewStack: Make accessible + Demo: - Don't follow "enable animations" setting for the demo animation - Fix the switch on the avatar page + Stylesheet: - Style GtkMenuBar like header bars and similar widgets - Add minimum width to menu popovers - Fix GtkLevelBar fill colors - Fix GtkFileDialog path bar padding - Fix GtkAssistant sidebar color - Support marked days in GtkCalendar + Documentation fixes + Updated translations. - Update to version 1.3.alpha: + Introduce AdwBanner. + Introduce AdwTabButton and AdwTabOverview. + Fix or silence GTK 4.9.x deprecations. + Require GTK 4.9.2 and GLib 2.72.0. + Add developer name to metainfo. + AdwActionRow: - Deprecate icon-name property. - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes. + AdwAvatar: Correctly redraw on custom image changes. + AdwEntryRow: - Add adw_entry_row_grab_focus_without_selecting(). - Respect use-markup property. - Fix error/warning/success styles. - Fix spacing after removing all prefixes/suffixes. ... changelog too long, skipping 37 lines ... + Updated translations. ==== libaio ==== - Make the package respect %optflags and disable LTO. ==== libass ==== Version update (0.17.0 -> 0.17.1) - update to 0.17.1: * Fix buffer overread if soft-wrapping occurred and ASS_FEATURE_WHOLE_TEXT_LAYOUT was enabled via API or due to Encoding -1 * x86: detect GNU Hurd and configure NASM appropriately ==== libavtp ==== - Enable LTO as it builds fine. ==== libbsd ==== - Add libbsd-glibc-2.34-closefrom.patch to avoid conflicting with function provided by glibc 2.34 ==== libcap ==== - Enable LTO and add missing -ffat-lto-objects for the provided static libs. - Revert LTO again; it still breaks builds - Enable LTO as it works fine. ==== libeconf ==== Version update (0.5.1 -> 0.5.2) - Update to version 0.5.2: * Fixed build for aarch64 and gcc13. * Making the output verbose when a test fails. * Fixed a stack-buffer-overflow vulnerability in "econf_writeFile" function. * Fixed a stack-buffer-overflow vulnerability in "read_file" function. * Added new feature: econf_set_conf_dirs (const char **dir_postfix_list) Sets a list of directory structures (with order) which describes the directories in which the files have to be parsed. E.G. with the given list: {"/conf.d/", ".d/", "/", NULL} files in following directories will be parsed: "<default_dirs>/<project_name>.<suffix>.d/" "<default_dirs>/<project_name>/conf.d/" "<default_dirs>/<project_name>.d/" "<default_dirs>/<project_name>/" The entry "<default_dirs>/<project_name>.<suffix>.d/" will be added automatically. * General code cleanup. ==== libftdi1 ==== - Add patch to fix random build failures: * 0001-Fix-race-during-build-of-python-bindings.patch ==== libgweather4 ==== Subpackages: gweather4-data libgweather-4-0 typelib-1_0-GWeather-4_0 - Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen). ==== libinput ==== Version update (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0) Subpackages: libinput-udev libinput10 - Update to release 1.23 * This version has a new pointer acceleration profile: the "custom" profile. This profile allows users to tweak the exact response of their device based on their input speed. ==== liblouis ==== Version update (3.24.0 -> 3.25.0) Subpackages: liblouis-data liblouis20 python3-louis - Update to version 3.25.0: + Fixed several buffer overflow errors in ~lou_setDataPath~, ~lou_logFile~ and ~resolveSubtable~ (boo#1209429 boo#1209431 boo#1209432 CVE-2023-26767 CVE-2023-26768 CVE-2023-26769). + Braille table improvements. + Removed: vi.ctb (replaced by vi-cb8.utb). ==== libopenmpt ==== Version update (0.6.8 -> 0.6.9) - Update to 0.6.9 * [Bug] An exception could be thrown during rendering when trying to access the release node of an empty envelope. * The fix for the OPL cutoff bug introduced in libopenmpt 0.6.7 was incomplete. * ULT: Offset commands exceeding 65535 samples were sometimes not imported correctly even if there was room for them. * After seeking with seek.sync_samples=1, the filter settings of playing notes were not updated since libopenmpt 0.6.7. * Loading of and seeking inside (malformed) modules with thousands of short sub-songs has been sped up. ==== libostree ==== Version update (2022.7 -> 2023.2) Subpackages: libostree-1-1 - Update to version 2023.2: + Fixes for recent GLibs introducing warnings around unset standard::size - Update to version 2023.1: + ostree-metadata commit API + Various CLI improvements + fetcher: Avoid too large queues for metadata processing + bindings: Use default for uninitialized fields in checkout opts + ostree/prune: Calculate reachability under exclusive lock + lib/sysroot-upgrader: add some 'nullable' annotations + Documentation fixes + Build system updates ==== libpeas ==== Version update (1.34.0 -> 1.36.0) Subpackages: libpeas-1_0-0 libpeas-gtk-1_0-0 libpeas-loader-python3 typelib-1_0-Peas-1_0 typelib-1_0-PeasGtk-1_0 - Update to version 1.36.0: + PeasExtensionSet now implements GListModel. + libpeas now requires GLib 2.44 or newer for GListModel. + Updated translations. ==== libqt5-qtbase ==== Version update (5.15.8+kde160 -> 5.15.8+kde183) Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3 - Update to version 5.15.8+kde183: * Add nullptr guard in QStyleSheetStyle::drawPrimitive(PE_PanelLineEdit) * QAbstractItemView: don't access invalid indexes on copy-key * Apply CVE-2023-24607-qtbase-5.15.diff * QXcbConnection::getTimestamp: do not return stale timestamp * QToolButton: Elide text when constraints prevent from showing whole text * correctly set up ref counting in QThreadPool::tryStart(std::function) * Do not set Qt::ToolTip flag for QShapedPixmapWindow * Fix deletion order also for QImageReader/Writer::setDevice() * Fix deletion order in QImageReader/Writer destructors * QNetworkReply: Fix typos in the documentation * Doc: Fix typo in the online documentation template * Doc: Link to page documenting Qt trademarks in the copyright footer * [doc] Fix typo in QBuffer::setBuffer() description * qwindowsdrag: Fix typo in documentation * openglblacklists: Fix typo in description * qxcbscreen: Fix typo in documentation * Fix typos in SQL driver documentation * qxcbwindow.cpp: Fix sign-compare and another warnings * QToolButton: reimplement the fix for QTBUG-95255 * QSysInfo::prettyProductName(): Add macOS Ventura product name * QSysInfo::prettyProductName(): add missing macOS product names * xcb: correctly disconnect xsettings callbacks * ibus: add SetCursorLocationRelative in InputContext.xml ==== libqt5-qtimageformats ==== Version update (5.15.8+kde6 -> 5.15.8+kde9) - Update to version 5.15.8+kde9: * TGA Plugin: Fix reading of CMapDepth * Implement support for file memory mapping for tiff reading * Explicitly include QVarLengthArray header ==== libqt5-qtlocation ==== Version update (5.15.8+kde3 -> 5.15.8+kde4) - Update to version 5.15.8+kde4: * Update mapbox-gl-native - Drop patches, now upstream: * 0001-Add-some-missing-cstdint-inclusions-872.patch ==== libqt5-qtmultimedia ==== Version update (5.15.8+kde1 -> 5.15.8+kde3) - Update to version 5.15.8+kde3: * Drop obsolete QtOpengl dependency * Pass explicit GL api when initializing GStreamer backend ==== libqt5-qtwayland ==== Version update (5.15.8+kde57 -> 5.15.8+kde63) Subpackages: libQt5WaylandClient5 libQt5WaylandCompositor5 - Update to version 5.15.8+kde63: * Client: Remove flip popup constraints * client: set_constraint_adjustment() for popups in xdg * client: Do not cast placeholder screens to QWaylandScreen * Client: Manage QMimeData lifecycle * client: Force a roundtrip when an XdgOutput is not ready yet * Client: Fix handling of Qt::BlankCursor ==== librest ==== - Replace python3-gi-docgen build requirement with the more reliable pkgconfig(gi-docgen). ==== librsvg ==== Version update (2.55.1 -> 2.56.0) Subpackages: gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg librsvg-2-2 rsvg-thumbnailer typelib-1_0-Rsvg-2_0 - Update to version 2.56.0: + Fix crash when XML files get recursively included through XInclude. + When running the suite of reference tests, you can now use the TESTS_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable to specify where results for failures get written. See tests/ for details. + The minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) is 1.64. - Pass --skip filter_morphology_from_reference_page_svg to cargo_test, filter out new test that fails when building against cairo-1.17.8. - Update to version 2.55.92: + Update to cssparser 0.29.6; this adds support for hwb() color syntax, from the CSS Color Module Level 4 spec ( Note that values inside hwb() are *not* comma-separated, just whitespace. + Fix panic when a requested font-size is too big. + Validate all clipPath and mask transforms. + Add a performance tracking framework. This is part of an Outreachy internship. + Slight improvements in the size of generated code and memory consumption. + The Rust crate is now called "rsvg", for consistency with other crates that don't usually have a "lib" prefix. + The Rust API documentation is now available at - Add minimum harddisk size of 9G for x86_64 to constraints. The cargo test uses a lot of disk space. - Update to version 2.55.91: + Support "turn" unit for CSS <angle> values. + Support the feDropShadow element. + Fix panic when a feTile filter gets an empty source region. + Update to gtk-rs 0.17.0. + Simplify the NMake Makefiles for Windows; see win32/ for details. + Documentation and infrastructure updates. + Consolidate the scattered .md documents into the Development Guide. Updated links throughout. + Internal refactoring of the test suite. + Updated dependencies to avoid duplicated crates. - Changes from version 2.55.90: + rsvg-convert now supports Tab completion for bash, elvish, fish, powershell, and zsh. Please run rsvg-convert - -completion bash to generate the completion file. You can use the other shells' names as an argument to the --completion option. + Support vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" for paths. + Apply width, height when <use>ing an <svg>. + There is a new development guide for librsvg, for people who want to help in its development. I hope this will be especially useful to Outreachy and Summer of Code interns: + In the use element, honor the overflow:hidden property of a referenced symbol. + Treat property and attribute parse errors / invalid values as if they were not present, per the specs. Previously this would cause the offending element's subtree to not be rendered. + Make feGaussianBlur work as a pass-through filter if the stdDeviation is invalid. + Define missing crate metadata for Cargo.toml. + Add some tests that were missing for the C API. + Fix the basic test suite in Windows. + Miscellaneous fixes for the build and CI. + Plenty of internal refactoring to enable more consistent logging. + Slight reductions in memory consumption for elements with context-stroke and context-fill. + Experimental gdk-pixbuf loader in Rust. This is not installed yet. + Update the gtk-rs crates to 0.16.0. + Port rsvg-convert's argument parsing to the clap4 crate. + Updates to the dependencies. + The CI now has a cargo-deny step, which should help us notice when there are security advisories for dependencies ==== libsigc++2 ==== Version update (2.10.8 -> 2.12.0) - Update to version 2.12.0: + Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj(). + Examples, tests: - examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual. - Don't use auto where a slot is required. + Build: - Meson: . Avoid configuration warnings. . Detect if we build from a git subtree. . Simplify lookup of python command. . Add build_tests option. - Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of msvc_recommended_pragmas.h. - Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false. ==== libsoup ==== Version update (3.2.2 -> 3.4.0) Subpackages: libsoup-3_0-0 typelib-1_0-Soup-3_0 - Update to version 3.4.0: + Fix possible crash in SoupContentSniffer. + Fix socket leak. + Add missing annotation to soup_header_g_string_append_param_quoted(). - Update to version 3.3.1: + Fix regression in `SoupCookieJar` not handling valid Secure cookies. + Fix crash when skipping HTTP/1 response stream with chunked enconding. + Change Session to unqueue finished items earlier without an extra MainContext iteration. - Update to version 3.3.0: + Add `SoupMessage::got-body-data` signal to monitor progress of reads + Add `soup_session_send_and_splice()` and `soup_session_send_and_splice_async()` convenience APIs + Add `soup_message_set_force_http1()` and `soup_message_get_force_http1()` APIs + Change `soup_cookie_copy()` to not retain default ports + Ensure `SoupServerMessage` socket is available in websocket handler + Fix `soup_message_new()` not erroring when URI has an empty host + Fix thread-saftey issues in `SoupConnectionAuth` + Fix various connection leaks + Fix the possibility of sending invalid empty `Sec-WebSocket-Protocol` header + Fix IO errors not being handled on `CONNECT` messages + Numerous improvements to cookies: - Add support for cookie prefixes (`__Secure-` and `__Host-`) - Reject cookies with control characters in name or value - Reject `SameSite=None` cookies without `Secure` - Change `soup_cookie_parse()` to be more strict about what is considered whitespace - Change default SameSite value to `Lax` - Fix `soup_cookie_equal()` with `NULL` path ==== libstorage-ng ==== Version update (4.5.85 -> 4.5.88) Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1 - Translated using Weblate (Polish) (bsc#1149754) - 4.5.88 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#920 - propagate failure of snapper installation-helper (bsc#1089823) - cleanup - 4.5.87 - merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#919 - always delegate used_features from Action to Device - 4.5.86 ==== lua54 ==== - Added more numbered patches from upstream: * luabugs10.patch ==== lzo ==== - adjust lzo-2.08-rhbz1309225.patch download reference - Build AVX2 enabled hwcaps library for x86_64-v3 ==== microos-tools ==== Version update (2.19 -> 2.20) - Update to version 2.20: - 98selinux-microos: don't load the policy to label the system ==== mpg123 ==== Version update (1.31.2 -> 1.31.3) Subpackages: libmpg123-0 mpg123-openal - Update to version 1.31.3 build: * Fix --disable-8bit. * Fix some pedantic compiler warnings, avoid breaking libtool wrappers. mpg123: * Fix verbose position printout for new resampling outside libmpg123 (where output rate differs from decoding rate). libsyn123: * Fix reconfiguration of resampler to avoid double free when reducing decimator stages to zero. ==== multipath-tools ==== Version update (0.9.4+79+suse.25c23a9 -> 0.9.4+86+suse.4d8901e) Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0 * libmultipath: avoid grouping paths wrongly with "find_multipaths smart" (bsc#1209623) ==== mutter ==== Version update (43.3+2 -> 44.0+8) - Update to version 44.0+8: + clutter: Safely transform paths to strings and vice versa + Export meta_window_has_pointer () + compositor/window-drag: Fix keyboard resize + backends: Fall back to the default and not the unknown color space + wayland/buffer: Avoid spamming the log when a buffer is not scanoutable + kms/device: Avoid leaking some fields + kms/impl-device: Fix result listener list leak + kms/impl-device/simple: Avoid destroying a NULL hash table - Update to version 44.0: + Fix state confusion and delay on startup. + Fix night light regression. + Fix fullscreen regression with many SDL apps. + Fixed crashes. + Updated translations. - Drop patch needed for mutter-43.x, not needed in GNOME:Next where we have mutter-44.rc: + mutter-prevent-newly-focused-windows-to-steal-focus-from-shell.patch ==== nautilus ==== Version update (43.2 -> 44.0) Subpackages: gnome-shell-search-provider-nautilus libnautilus-extension4 - Update to version 44.0: + Bugfixes: - Prevent rubberband selection instead of drag and drop. - Fix critical errors with recent GLib versions. + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Fix crashes caused by extra free call + Fix file order after renaming + Fix libadwaita include path + Fix handling of missing dates from Tracker + Cache clock format setting + Try to own dbus name at the correct time + Exchange mismatched error messages + Updated translations. - Add explicit tracker BuildRequires, now needed for tests due to changes in tracker/tracker-miners. - Update to version 44.beta: + Enhacements: - Make various appdata and desktop file improvements - Make rubberband to have rounded corners - Make several documentation improvements + Bugfixes: - Fix crashes caused by inverted g_assert condition - Fix various drag and drop issues - Fix several memory leaks - Fix various three expander issues - Export FileManager1 iface from dbus_register vfunc - Fix other issues + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.alpha: + Enhancements: - Allow expanding subfolders in the list. - Enrich tab context menus. - Allow pasting image data into new PNG file. - Use pregenerated thumbnails when available, e.g. MTP. - Add shortcut for Preferences. - Show full filename in grid, using tooltips. - Reintroduce 64px icon size for grid view. - Remove upper limit on thumbnailing file size range. - Reword "application" to "app". - Other papercuts. + Other bugfixes: - Avoid many crashes. - Fix and improve autorun support. - Fix some drag-and-drop issues. - Fix some view focus and selection issues. - Fix properties extensions bugs. - Fix memory leaks. - Fix building on certain cases. - Fix bugs with file operations. - Resolve some performance issues. - Resolve stuttering scrolling. - Save and restore sort column. - Reimplement view navigation from the previewer. + Updated translations. ==== net-tools ==== - Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798) ==== openssh ==== Subpackages: openssh-clients openssh-common openssh-server - Remove BuildRequires for libtirpc, we don't use it - Remove pam_lastlog from sshd PAM config. sshd is doing the same, too, which leads to e.g. duplicate entries in wtmp [bsc#1208243] ==== orca ==== Version update (43.1 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + General: - Fix double-presentation of indentation information - Interrupt speech immediately prior to speaking "screen reader off" - Add command-line Orca modifier documentation - Fix issue when using the new AT-SPI device API + Web: - Fix jumping in sites caused by ARIA selection-changed events - Fix incorrect browsing in Firefox when popup has focus - Fix double-presentation of content in ARIA's tab role - Fix structural navigation commands sometimes failing to work after script reactivation + Updated translations. ==== pam ==== - Add common-session-nonlogin and postlogin-* pam.d config files for, pam_lastlog2 and upcoming pam_wtmpdb. - Enable livepatching support on x86_64. ==== pam-config ==== Version update (1.9 -> 2.2) - Update to version 2.2 - Fix ecryptfs and fscrypt - Add support for pam_wtmpdb - Update to version 2.1 - Bug fix release - Update to version 2.0 - Add support for pam_fscrypt - Add support for pam.d/common-session-nonlogin - Add support for pam.d/postlogin-{account,auth,password,session} ==== pam-full-src ==== - Add common-session-nonlogin and postlogin-* pam.d config files for, pam_lastlog2 and upcoming pam_wtmpdb. - Enable livepatching support on x86_64. ==== patterns-microos ==== Subpackages: patterns-microos-alt_onlyDVD patterns-microos-apparmor patterns-microos-base patterns-microos-base-microdnf patterns-microos-base-packagekit patterns-microos-base-zypper patterns-microos-basesystem patterns-microos-cloud patterns-microos-cockpit patterns-microos-defaults patterns-microos-desktop-common patterns-microos-desktop-gnome patterns-microos-desktop-kde patterns-microos-hardware patterns-microos-ima_evm patterns-microos-onlyDVD patterns-microos-ra_agent patterns-microos-ra_verifier patterns-microos-selinux patterns-microos-sssd_ldap - Change xdg-desktop-portal-gnome to xdg-desktop-portal-gtk: it's meant for GNOME DE - Add Requires gtk4-metatheme-breeze - Clean specfile - Add openconnect VPN support to both Gnome and Plasma (boo#1209171) - Add NetworkManager-openconnect-gnome - Add plasma-nm5-openconnect ==== pipewire ==== Subpackages: gstreamer-plugin-pipewire libpipewire-0_3-0 pipewire-alsa pipewire-libjack-0_3 pipewire-modules-0_3 pipewire-pulseaudio pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2 pipewire-spa-tools pipewire-tools - Add pkgconfig(lc3) BuildRequires, and pass bluez5-codec-lc3=enabled to meson. ==== plasma-branding-MicroOS ==== Version update (20230214 -> 20230323) - Use new transactional-update drop-in config for Desktop notification configuration - 20230323 ==== podman ==== Version update (4.4.2 -> 4.4.4) Subpackages: podman-cni-config - Update to version 4.4.4: * Bump to v4.4.4 * Release notes for v4.4.4 * libpod: always use direct mapping * macos pkginstaller: do not fail when podman-mac-helper fails * podman-mac-helper: install: do not error if already installed * Bump to v4.4.4-dev - spec: Bump required version for libcontainers-common (bsc#1209495) - Update to version 4.4.3: * Bump to v4.4.3 * Release notes for v4.4.3 * compat: /auth: parse server address correctly * vendor * pkginstaller: bump Qemu to version 7.2.0 * podman machine: Adjust Chrony makestep config * [v4.4] fix --health-on-failure=restart in transient unit * podman logs passthrough driver support --cgroups=split * journald logs: simplify entry parsing * podman logs: read journald with passthrough * journald: remove initializeJournal() * netavark: only use aardvark ip as nameserver * compat API: network create return 409 for duplicate * fix "podman logs --since --follow" flake * system service --log-level=trace: support hijack * podman-mac-helper: exit 1 on error * bump to v0.8.0 * Fix package restore * Quadlet - use the default runtime * Bump to v4.4.3-dev - Remove patch (merged upstream): * Quadlet-use-the-default-runtime.patch ( ==== protobuf ==== Subpackages: libprotobuf-lite3_21_12 libprotobuf3_21_12 python310-protobuf - Enable LTO (boo#1133277). ==== protobuf-c ==== - Enable LTO again. ==== pulseaudio ==== Subpackages: libpulse-mainloop-glib0 libpulse0 pulseaudio-setup pulseaudio-utils system-user-pulse - Enable LTO as the GCC issue is fixed with gcc13 (boo#1133278). ==== python-CommonMark ==== - Remove not needed requirement python-setuptools ==== python-M2Crypto ==== - Adapt tests for OpenSSL v3.1.0 * Add openssl-adapt-tests-for-3.1.0.patch ==== python-async_timeout ==== - Remove not needed dependency typing_extensions, just needed for python < 3.8 ==== python-charset-normalizer ==== Version update (3.0.1 -> 3.1.0) - update to 3.1.0: * Argument `should_rename_legacy` for legacy function `detect` and disregard any new arguments without errors (PR #262) * Removed Support for Python 3.6 (PR #260) * Optional speedup provided by mypy/c 1.0.1 ==== python-click ==== - Remove not needed requirement python-setuptools ==== python-cryptography ==== Version update (39.0.2 -> 40.0.1) - update to 40.0.1: * Support for Python 3.6 is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. * Deprecated the current minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) of 1.48.0. In the next release we will raise MSRV to 1.56.0. Users with the latest ``pip`` will typically get a wheel and not need Rust installed * Deprecated support for OpenSSL less than 1.1.1d. The next release of ``cryptography`` will drop support for older versions. * Deprecated support for DSA keys in :func:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_s sh_public_key` and :func:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_s sh_private_key`. * Deprecated support for OpenSSH serialization in :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.DSAP ublicKey` and :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.DSAP rivateKey`. * Added support for parsing SSH certificates in addition to public keys with :func:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_s sh_public_identity`. :func:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_s sh_public_key` continues to support only public keys. * Added support for generating SSH certificates with :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.SSHCe rtificateBuilder`. * Added :meth:`~cryptography.x509.Certificate.verify_directly_i ssued_by` to :class:`~cryptography.x509.Certificate`. * Added a check to :class:`~cryptography.x509.NameConstraints` to ensure that :class:`~cryptography.x509.DNSName` constraints do not contain any ``*`` wildcards. * Removed many unused CFFI OpenSSL bindings. This will not impact you unless you are using ``cryptography`` to directly invoke OpenSSL's C API. Note that these have never been considered a stable, supported, public API by ``cryptography``, this note is included as a courtesy. * The X.509 builder classes now raise ``UnsupportedAlgorithm`` instead of ``ValueError`` if an unsupported hash algorithm is passed. * Added public union type aliases for type hinting ==== python-gobject ==== Version update (3.42.2 -> 3.44.1) Subpackages: python310-gobject python310-gobject-Gdk python310-gobject-cairo - Update to version 3.44.1: + Fix tests with glib 2.76.x - Update to version 3.44.0: + No changes compared to 3.43.1 - Update to version 3.43.1: + Drop support for Python 3.6 + meson: bump minimum version to 0.53.0 and update subprojects + gimodule: fix floating state of python objects created with g_object_new + Gtk.Template: Accept PathLike objects as a filename + info: Show which type/object callables are bound to + IntrospectionModule: handle two threads loading type at same time + Port to Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN + Other cleanups/improvements ==== python-hiredis ==== Version update (2.0.0 -> 2.2.2) - Replace 0001-Use-system-libhiredis.patch with the upstream provided (gh#redis/hiredis-py!161) 161-use-system-hiredis.patch for proper use of the system hiredis library. - Update to 2.2.2: - Reverting gcc -BSymbolic due to symbol collisions - Add pack_command to support writing via hiredis-py - Fixing broken windows builds on python < 3.8 - Fix url in Issue tracker - Restores publishing of source distribution - Supporting hiredis 1.1.0 - Modernizing: Restoring CI, Moving to pytest - Adding LICENSE to Repository - Python 3.11 trove, and links back to the project - Integrating release drafter - Implement pack_command that serializes redis-py command to the RESP bytes object. - Add 159-sdsalloc-to-alloc.patch (gh#redis/hiredis-py#158), which replaces use of sdsalloc with plain alloc. ==== python-pexpect ==== - Skip test_interrupt, test_multiple_interrupts, test_existing_spawn when running in QEmu linux-user emulation - disable some tests [bsc#1209560] * test_spawn_uses_env - seen failed on s390x * test_forced_terminate - seen failed on armv7l * test_interact_escape_None - seen failed on s390x ==== python-pyOpenSSL ==== Version update (23.0.0 -> 23.1.1) - update to 23.1.1: * Worked around an issue in OpenSSL 3.1.0 which caused `X509Extension.get_short_name` to raise an exception when no short name was known to OpenSSL. - update to 23.1.0: * ``cryptography`` maximum version has been increased to 40.0.x. * Add ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.DTLSv1_get_timeout`` and ``OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.DTLSv1_handle_timeout`` to support DTLS timeouts `#1180 ==== python-pytz ==== Version update (2022.7.1 -> 2023.2) - update to 2023.2: * Update to IANA 2023b ==== python-urllib3 ==== Version update (1.26.14 -> 1.26.15) - update to 1.26.15: * Fix socket timeout value when ``HTTPConnection`` is reused * Remove "!" character from the unreserved characters in IPv6 Zone ID parsing * Fix IDNA handling of '<80>' byte ==== qemu ==== - Enable again LTO for x86_64 target (boo#1133281). - Further fixes for bsc#1209546 * Patches added: test-vmstate-fix-bad-GTree-usage-use-aft.patch - Fix bsc#1209546 * Patches added: qemu-osdep-Switch-position-of-extern-and.patch - Fix bsc#1209064 - Backport the "acpi: cpuhp: fix guest-visible maximum access size to the legacy reg block" patch, as it makes developing and testing OVMF/EDK2 easier * Patches added: acpi-cpuhp-fix-guest-visible-maximum-acc.patch s390x-pci-reset-ISM-passthrough-devices-.patch s390x-pci-shrink-DMA-aperture-to-be-boun.patch ==== rpm ==== Subpackages: librpmbuild9 - Add upstream patch libmagic-exceptions.patch that speeds up libreoffice package build. - add cpuid_lzcnt.patch ==== rubygem-ruby-dbus ==== Version update (0.19.0 -> 0.20.0) - 0.20.0 Features: * For EXTERNAL authentication, try also without the user id, to work with containers (gh#mvidner/ruby-dbus#126). * Thread safety, as long as the non-main threads only send signals. ==== runc ==== Version update (1.1.4 -> 1.1.5) - Update to runc v1.1.5. Upstream changelog is available from <>. Includes fixes for the following CVEs: - CVE-2023-25809 bsc#1209884 - CVE-2023-27561 bsc#1208962 - CVE-2023-28642 bsc#1209888 * Fix the inability to use `/dev/null` when inside a container. * Fix changing the ownership of host's `/dev/null` caused by fd redirection (a regression in 1.1.1). bsc#1168481 * Fix rare runc exec/enter unshare error on older kernels. * nsexec: Check for errors in `write_log()`. - Drop version-specific Go requirement. ==== samba ==== Version update (4.17.5+git.320.c38ca0f84a -> 4.18.0+git.294.508b693e5c) Subpackages: libsamba-policy0-python3 samba-ad-dc-libs samba-client samba-client-libs samba-libs samba-libs-python3 samba-python3 - Update to 4.18.0 * SMB server performance improvements * More succinct samba-tool error messages * Color output with samba-tool --color The NO_COLOR environment variable will disable colour output * New samba-tool dsacl subcommand for deleting ACEs * New wbinfo option --change-secret-at * Net option to change the NT ACL default location * Azure AD / Office365 synchronization improvements ==== selinux-policy ==== Version update (20221019 -> 20230321) Subpackages: selinux-policy-targeted - Update to version 20230321: * make kernel_t unconfined again - Update to version 20230316: * prevent labeling of overlayfs filesystems based on the /var/lib/overlay path * allow kernel_t to relabel etc_t files * allow kernel_t to relabel sysnet config files * allow kernel_t to relabel systemd hwdb etc files * add systemd_hwdb_relabel_etc_files to allow labeling of hwdb files * change sysnet_relabelto_net_conf and sysnet_relabelfrom_net_conf to apply to files and lnk_files. lnk_files are commonly used in SUSE to allow easy management of config files * add files_relabel_etc_files_basic and files_relabel_etc_lnk_files_basic interfaces to allow labeling on etc_t, not on the broader configfiles attribute * Allow systemd-timesyncd to bind to generic UDP ports (bsc#1207962). The watch permissions reported are already fixed in a current policy. - Reinstate and remove container-selinux from the service. Having both repos in there causes issues and makes the update process easier in general. Updated README.Update ==== shaderc ==== Version update (2022.4 -> 2023.2) - Update to release 2023.2 * Fix C++20 compatibility: explicitly construct string_piece when comparing to `char *` ==== snapper ==== Subpackages: libsnapper6 snapper-zypp-plugin - enable SELinux (and allow to disable via conditional build) (bsc#1209515) - avoid some extra checks if SELinux is compile-time disabled ==== spandsp ==== - Enable LTO as it builds with now (boo#1136056). ==== sqlite3 ==== Version update (3.41.0 -> 3.41.2) Subpackages: libsqlite3-0 sqlite3-tcl - Update to 3.41.2: * Multiple fixes for reads past the end of memory buffers * Fix the sqlite3_error_offset() so that it does not return out-of-range values when reporting errors associated with generated columns. * Multiple fixes in the query query optimizer for problems that cause incorrect results for bizarre, fuzzer-generated queries. * Increase the size of the reference counter in the page cache object to 64 bits to ensure that the counter never overflows. * Fix a performance regression caused by a bug fix in patch release 3.41.1. * Fix a few incorrect assert() statements. - Update to 3.41.1: * Ensure that the datatype for column t1.x in "CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CAST(7 AS INT) AS x;" continues to be INT and is not NUM, for historical compatibility. * Enhance PRAGMA integrity_check to detect when extra bytes appear at the end of an index record. * Fix various obscure bugs reported by the user community ==== system-config-printer ==== Subpackages: python3-cupshelpers system-config-printer-common system-config-printer-dbus-service udev-configure-printer - Fix printer icon location/type, needed due to changes in Adwaita. ==== systemd ==== Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-coredump systemd-doc udev - Import commit d914e29c33c0248226a01112a3e03181ef17b06b d914e29c33 Revert "hwdb: fix swapped buttons for Logitech Lift left" (bsc#1209618) 8360811d23 udev-rules: fix nvme symlink creation on namespace changes (bsc#1207410) b77c13a130 systemctl: explicitly cast the constants to uint64_t (bsc#1209305) 51011f280d test: assume and unit tests are installed in the same directory d86e346f6b tests: don't use absolute paths when installing binaries in TEST-58-REPART 97e886c1f4 tests: fix inverted condition in - Drop 5002-systemctl-explicitly-cast-the-constants-to-uint64_t.patch, it's been merged in 'SUSE/v253', see above. - Add python3-pefile as requires for experimental, needed for the ukify tool. - Drop 0005-udev-create-default-symlinks-for-primary-cd_dvd-driv.patch These obsolete symlinks were kept because several years ago VLC was still relying on some of them. However it's been a long a time ago that it's been fixed and cdrom or similar devices are discovered in a better way. - Enable that systemd can load the IMA policy from /etc/ima/ima-policy. This is used to complement dracut-ima when using SELinux, as the SELinux policy should not be loaded in the initrd ( ==== systemd-presets-branding-MicroOS ==== - Remove tallow (package got dropped long ago) - Enable lastlog2-import ==== talloc ==== Version update (2.3.4 -> 2.4.0) Subpackages: libtalloc2 python3-talloc - Update to 2.4.0 * Add talloc_asprintf_addbuf() * Support python 3.12 ==== tdb ==== Version update (1.4.7 -> 1.4.8) Subpackages: libtdb1 python3-tdb - Update to 1.4.8: * Support python 3.12 ==== tevent ==== Version update (0.13.0 -> 0.14.1) Subpackages: libtevent0 python3-tevent - Update to version 0.14.1 * Build fix for GNU/Hurd * Build fix for Solaris, after removal of ports backend (bso#15298) - Changes from version 0.14.0 * Support python 3.12 * Remove solaris port backend * Make tevent_find_ops_byname() available for callers * Allow the "standard" backend to be overloaded * Add interface for request/subrequest call depth tracking ==== texinfo ==== Version update (7.0.2 -> 7.0.3) Subpackages: info info-lang info-std - texinfo 7.0.3: * texi2any: fix performance regression when Perl binary extension (XS) modules are not being used (e.g. with TEXINFO_XS=omit) * info: further fix of recoding of UTF-8 files to ASCII to avoid text disappearing from nodes * info: avoid possible freeze at start of a file with `-v nodeline=pointers' ==== tigervnc ==== Version update (1.13.0 -> 1.13.1) Subpackages: libXvnc1 xorg-x11-Xvnc xorg-x11-Xvnc-module - update to 1.13.1: * x0vncserver can either crash itself, or crash the X server it is connected to * The servers might crash if the clipboard is updated just as a client is connected * The vncserver service can fail to start on SELinux system if ~/.vnc doesn't exist ==== timezone ==== Version update (2022g -> 2023b) - timezone update 2023b: * In 2032 Lebanon springs forward April 20/21 not March 25/26 - timezone update 2023a: * Egypt now uses DST again, from April through October. * This year Morocco springs forward April 23, not April 30. * Palestine delays the start of DST this year. * Much of Greenland still uses DST from 2024 on. * America/Yellowknife now links to America/Edmonton. * tzselect can now use current time to help infer timezone. * The code now defaults to C99 or later. - Refresh tzdata-china.diff - Remove upstreamed patch gcc13-fix.patch ==== tracker ==== Version update (3.4.2 -> 3.5.0) Subpackages: libtracker-sparql-3_0-0 tracker-data-files - Update to version 3.5.0: + Documentation improvements. + Dark theme fixes in documentation. + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.5.0.rc: + Reworked documentation, based on gi-docgen. + Make unicode library runtime loadable as a module. + Memory leak fixes. + Updated translations. - Add graphviz and pkgconfig(gi-docgen) BuildRequires: New dependencies. - Update to version 3.5.0.beta: + VAPI generation fixes + Fixes for possible FTS index corruptions + Fixes for tracker_sparql_connection_load_statement_from_gresource with UPDATE statements + Refurbished and modernized functional tests + Documentation improvements + Increased test coverage + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.5.0.alpha: + New auto-generated VAPI file. This file is not compatible with the previous VAPI, updates may be necessary. + TrackerSparqlStatement may now be used with SPARQL updates. + JSON-LD is now supported as a RDF format. + Improved gobject-introspection annotations. + Improved generic handling of RDF data types. + Build GVDB as a meson subproject. + Performance improvements. + Fix some printf format strings. + Build fixes. ==== tracker-miners ==== Version update (3.4.3 -> 3.5.0) Subpackages: tracker-miner-files - Add 'tracker' to runtime dependencies (boo#1209737) - Update to version 3.5.0: + Test suite fixes. + Added membarrier syscall to seccomp. - Update to version 3.5.0.rc: + Fix deletion of not yet extracted files. + Fix some memory leaks. + Updated translations. - Update to version 3.5.0.beta: + The filesystem miner moved all SPARQL queries and updates to a GResource. Consistently uses TrackerSparqlStatement/TrackerResource for updates. + The "tracker3 tag" has been fixed, and functional tests added to avoid regressions. + The functional tests have been refurbished and modernized. + Internal code refactors. + The extractor test suite has been extended. - Update to version 3.5.0.alpha: + Fix GSource leak in tracker-extract-3. + Disable 'fluidsynthmidi' GStreamer module. + Delegate tracker-miner-fs D-Bus SPARQL endpoint to a separate thread. ==== transactional-update ==== Version update (4.1.4 -> 4.1.5) Subpackages: dracut-transactional-update libtukit4 transactional-update-zypp-config tukit - Version 4.1.5 - Add support for configuration file snippets ==== vlan ==== - Replace transitional %usrmerged macro with regular version check (boo#1206798) ==== vmaf ==== - Fix "no such built-in model" due to missing build dependency ==== vte ==== Version update (0.70.3 -> 0.72.0) - Update to version 0.72.0: + fonts: - Keep the PangoLayout unchanged - Keep layout text available for cairo - Update to version 0.71.99: + pty: Do not typecast to GSpawnFlags + fonts: Remove unnecessary context change call + widget: - Fix a deprecation warning - gtk4: Hint and quantize font metrics - Fix introspection API - Don't consume right clicks on gtk4 - Update to version 0.71.92: + all: Remove SIXEL support from stable branch + app: - Disconnect signal handlers on dispose - Filter unwanted environment variables + build: - Add define for darwin - Add define for openbsd - Fix netbsd define - Print warning on unstable release - Update meson req version + lib: - Add gresources to vte/gtk4 - Fix spawning on netbsd + missing: Add better fdwalk implementation for darawin + parser: - Add more OSC codes - modes: Mark modes that should not be reset by DECSTR - Update list of known OSC codes + pty: - netbsd fix - Remove useless setenv calls + widget: - Add API to get text as HTML - clipboard: Add missing else - Clipboard fixes for gtk4 - Defer alignment API to next cycle - Ensure the ringview is updated before converting coordinates - Fix value type check - Fix Widget::regex_match_check_at() - gtk4: . Don't grab the focus on focus-in . Only notify terminal when focused . Translate control+key events when using multiple layouts - Implement clipboard for gtk4 - Modernise HTML output - Offer text/html also in UTF-8 format - Use correct end row for getting the selected text - Use correct view coordinates + Updated translations. - Rebase vte-enable-build-flag-pie.patch with quilt. ==== webkit2gtk3 ==== Version update (2.38.5 -> 2.40.0) Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles - Add gcc13-fix.patch fix that handles invalid code as reported here: - Fix provides of libwebkit2gtk-4.[01]: Provide WebKitGTK-4.x. This symbol is only needed by the lang packages and those have been renamed from WebKit2GTK to WebKitGTK. - Update to version 2.40.0: + New GTK4 API is now stable. + Use ANGLE for WebGL implementation and enable WebGL2. + Prefer EGL over X11, intead of GLX, where available. + Add support for speech synthesis using Flite. + Enable the async clipboard API. + Add API to query the permission state of web features. + Add API to support asynchronously returning values from user script messages. + Make it possible to handle WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal asynchronously. + Add new JavaScript execution APIs. + Make webkit://gpu output exportable as JSON. + Fix large memory allocation when uploading content. - Add regression-fix.patch: [GLib] Broke WebKitUserContentManager::script-message-received - Update to version 2.39.91: + Rename WebKitWebExtension to WebKitWebProcessExtension in GTK4 API. + Remove WebKitJavascriptResult in favor of using JSCValue directly in GTK4 API. + Add new API to get the request body of WebKitURISchemeRequest. + Make it possible to handle WebKitDownload::decide-destination signal asynchronously. + Allow WebKitDownload destination to be a path instead of a URI. + Make webkit://gpu output exportable as JSON. + Improve scrolling performance in accelerated compositing mode. + Implement KeyboardEvent.repeat. + Fix a crash in MiniBrowser when the favicon is updated. + Fix the build in Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian Stable. + Fix several crashes and rendering issues. + Updated translations. - Drop no-forced-sse.patch: Due to changes in the code, trying to build without SSE2 support fails even with this patch. We are forced to give up on this, SSE2 support is now mandatory for all build targets. - Add new defines and sub-packages in conditional ways, upstream did a lot of changes for new gtk4 variant. - Update to version 2.39.90: + Add new JavaScript execution APIs. + Merge functions of registering and unregistering script message handler in GTK4 API. + Mark non-derivable types as final and make instance and class struct declarations private in GTK4 API. + Make favicon and snapshot API use GdkTexture instead of cairo surfaces in GTK4 API. + Fix scrolling after a history navigation with PSON enabled. + Fix criticals from webkitOptionMenuSetEvent when opening any combo box. + Fix large memory allocation when uploading content. + Always update the active uri of WebKitFrame. + Fix several crashes and rendering issues. + Updated translations. - Drop webkit2gtk3-missing-include.patch: Fixed upstream ==== xdg-desktop-portal-gnome ==== Version update (43.1 -> 44.0) - Update to version 44.0: + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.rc: + Grant restore permission to transient mode by default + Updated translations. - Update to version 44.beta: + Act as a service channel for portals for Mutter. + Updated translations. ==== xdg-user-dirs-gtk ==== - Build with %optflags - Don't treat -Wcast-align as error ==== xdm ==== - No longer run "localectl set-x11-keymap ..." and only run "localectl set-keymap ..." if XKBLAYOUT is not set, i.e. if nobody was making use of "localectl set-x11-keymap" after installation (boo#1209594, comment#24) - keytable: exit 0 was executed too early, so "localectl set-x11-keymap" wasn't executed; fixed this (boo#1209594, comment#19) - keytable: no longer ignore XKBLAYOUT (and XKBMODEL, XKBVARIANT, XKBOPTIONS) variables if available in /etc/vconsole.conf, i.e. no longer overwrite keyboard settings if anybody used "localectl set-x11-keymap" himself; fixed "check systemd mapping" if KEYMAP_TOGGLE has been set (boo#1209594) ==== xfsprogs ==== Version update (6.1.1 -> 6.2.0) - update to 6.2.0: - xfs_repair: fix incorrect dabtree hashval comparison - mkfs: protofile can now create directories with spaces in their names - mkfs: check dirent names when reading protofile - xfs_io: fix bmap command not detecting realtime files with xattrs - xfs_io: set fs_path when opening files on foreign filesystems - xfs_scrub: fix broken realtime free blocks unit conversions - xfs_spaceman: fix broken -g behavior in freesp command - xfs_admin: correctly parse IO_OPTS parameters - Fix autoconf during debian package builds - xfs_admin: fsuuid cmd can now retrive UUID of mounted filesystems ==== xorg-x11-server ==== Subpackages: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb xorg-x11-server-extra - U_xserver-composite-Fix-use-after-free-of-the-COW.patch * overlay window use-after-free (CVE-2023-1393, ZDI-CAN-19866, bsc#1209543) ==== xscreensaver ==== Subpackages: xscreensaver-data xscreensaver-lang - Drop obsolete patch (bsc#1203594). - xscreensaver-slideshow-dri-detect.patch - Use autosetup ==== xwayland ==== Version update (22.1.8 -> 23.1.0) - Update to version 23.1.0: * test: Use either wayland-info or weston-info. - Changes from version 23.1.0.rc2: * A regression with keymaps which were not applied anymore. * Various regressions with DRM format modifiers. - Changes from version 23.1.0.rc1: * Support for linux_dmabuf v4 protocol. * Support for wl_pointer.axis_v120 (high-resolution scrolling). * Support for xwayland_shell protocol. * Improved "rootful" mode for using Xwayland as a nested Xserver. * Improved emulated XRandR support exposing the output names. * Support for byte-swapped clients is now disabled by default. ==== xz ==== Version update (5.4.1 -> 5.4.2) Subpackages: liblzma5 - Update to version 5.4.2: * All fixes from 5.2.11 that were not included in 5.4.1. * If xz is built with support for the Capsicum sandbox but running in an environment that doesn't support Capsicum, xz now runs normally without sandboxing instead of exiting with an error. * liblzma: - Documentation was updated to improve the style, consistency, and completeness of the liblzma API headers. - The Doxygen-generated HTML documentation for the liblzma API header files is now included in the source release and is installed as part of "make install". All JavaScript is removed to simplify license compliance and to reduce the install size. - Fixed a minor bug in lzma_str_from_filters() that produced too many filters in the output string instead of reporting an error if the input array had more than four filters. This bug did not affect xz. * Build systems: - now invokes the doxygen tool via the new wrapper script doxygen/update-doxygen, unless the command line option - -no-doxygen is used. - Added microlzma_encoder.c and microlzma_decoder.c to the VS project files for Windows and to the CMake build. These should have been included in 5.3.2alpha. * Tests: - Added a test to the CMake build that was forgotten in the previous release. - Added and refactored a few tests. * Translations: - Updated the Brazilian Portuguese translation. - Added Brazilian Portuguese man page translation. ==== yast2 ==== Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2) Subpackages: yast2-logs - Replace calls to mkinitrd with dracut as mkinitrd will be dropped (bsc#1203019) - 4.6.2 ==== yast2-country ==== Version update (4.6.0 -> 4.6.1) Subpackages: yast2-country-data - Replace call to mkinitrd with dracut (bsc#1203019) - 4.6.1 ==== yast2-storage-ng ==== Version update (4.6.1 -> 4.6.2) - Fixed crash in the proposal code when the requested candidate device does not exist (bsc#1209523) - 4.6.2 ==== zchunk ==== Version update (1.2.4 -> 1.3.0) - update to 1.3.0: * Add ZCK_NO_WRITE option to disable writing to a file * meson: Use global function in argp check ==== zenity ==== Version update (3.44.0 -> 3.91.0) - Update to version 3.91.0: + tree: Port to GtkColumnView + desktop file: Remove spurious translation comment + i18n: rename POTFILES to + help: - Fix invalid markup in German help translation - spec fixes + Updated translations.