Packages changed:
  docbook-xsl ( ->
  hwdata (0.373 -> 0.376)
  libeconf (0.5.2 -> 0.6.0)
  libiscsi (1.19.0+git.20230208 -> 1.19.0+git.20231114)
  libosinfo (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
  libtommath (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
  lsof (4.98.0 -> 4.99.0)
  openvpn (2.6.6 -> 2.6.7)
  osinfo-db (20230719 -> 20231027)
  publicsuffix (20231028 -> 20231108)
  python-alembic (1.12.0 -> 1.12.1)
  rubygem-benchmark (0.2.1 -> 0.3.0)
  rubygem-bundler (2.3.26 -> 2.4.22)
  rubygem-chef-utils (18.0.185 -> 18.3.0) (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0)
  rubygem-csv (3.2.5 -> 3.2.8)
  rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source (0.10.18 -> 3.2.2)
  rubygem-domain_name (0.5.20190701 -> 0.6.20231109)
  rubygem-dry-types (1.7.0 -> 1.7.1)
  rubygem-excon (0.99.0 -> 0.104.0)
  rubygem-execjs (2.8.1 -> 2.9.1)
  rubygem-fast_gettext (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0)
  rubygem-flog (4.6.6 -> 4.8.0)
  rubygem-fluentd (1.15.3 -> 1.16.3)
  rubygem-fog-libvirt (0.10.1 -> 0.12.0)
  rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails (1.9.0 -> 1.12.0)
  rubygem-gli (2.21.0 -> 2.21.1)
  rubygem-globalid (1.1.0 -> 1.2.1)
  rubygem-googleapis-common-protos-types (1.9.0 -> 1.10.0)
  rubygem-gpgme (2.0.22 -> 2.0.23)
  rubygem-grape (1.6.2 -> 2.0.0)
  rubygem-haml (6.0.12 -> 6.2.3)
  rubygem-highline (2.0.3 -> 2.1.0)
  rubygem-hoe (3.26.0 -> 4.0.5)
  rubygem-http (5.1.0 -> 5.1.1)
  rubygem-json-jwt (1.16.1 -> 1.16.3)
  rubygem-json-schema (3.0.0 -> 4.1.1)
  rubygem-jwt (2.5.0 -> 2.7.1)
  rubygem-launchy (2.5.0 -> 2.5.2)
  rubygem-liquid-4 (4.0.3 -> 4.0.4)
  rubygem-loofah (2.19.1 -> 2.22.0)
  rubygem-mail (2.8.0 -> 2.8.1)
  rubygem-mime-types (3.4.1 -> 3.5.1)
  rubygem-mime-types-data (3.2022.0105 -> 3.2023.1003)
  rubygem-mini_mime (1.1.2 -> 1.1.5)
  rubygem-mocha (2.0.2 -> 2.1.0)
  rubygem-msgpack (1.6.0 -> 1.7.2)
  rubygem-multipart-post (2.2.3 -> 2.3.0)
  rubygem-mysql2 (0.5.4 -> 0.5.5)
  rubygem-net-ldap (0.17.1 -> 0.18.0)
  rubygem-nio4r (2.5.8 -> 2.5.9)
  rubygem-omniauth (2.1.0 -> 2.1.1)
  rubygem-optimist (3.0.1 -> 3.1.0)
  rubygem-parallel (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0)
  rubygem-parallel_tests (4.0.0 -> 4.3.0)
  rubygem-pkg-config (1.5.1 -> 1.5.5)
  rubygem-po_to_json (1.0.1 -> 2.0.0)
  rubygem-pry (0.14.1 -> 0.14.2)
  rubygem-pry-doc (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)
  rubygem-puma-5 (5.6.5 -> 5.6.7)
  rubygem-puma (6.2.2 -> 6.4.0)
  rubygem-rack (3.0.7 -> 3.0.8)
  rubygem-rack-protection (3.0.4 -> 3.1.0)
  rubygem-rack-proxy (0.7.4 -> 0.7.7)
  rubygem-rails-dom-testing (2.0.3 -> 2.2.0)
  rubygem-rake-compiler (1.2.0 -> 1.2.5)
  rubygem-red-datasets (0.1.5 -> 0.1.7)
  rubygem-regexp_parser (2.6.1 -> 2.8.2)
  rubygem-rice (4.0.4 -> 4.1.0)
  rubygem-rouge (4.0.0 -> 4.2.0)
  rubygem-rspec-core (3.12.0 -> 3.12.2)
  rubygem-rspec-expectations (3.12.0 -> 3.12.3)
  rubygem-rspec-mocks (3.12.3 -> 3.12.6)
  rubygem-rspec-support (3.12.0 -> 3.12.1)
  rubygem-rubocop-ast (1.29.0 -> 1.30.0)
  rubygem-ruby-progressbar (1.11.0 -> 1.13.0)
  rubygem-ruby_parser (3.19.2 -> 3.20.3)
  rubygem-sdoc (2.4.0 -> 2.6.1)
  rubygem-serverengine (2.3.0 -> 2.3.2)
  rubygem-sexp_processor (4.16.1 -> 4.17.0)
  rubygem-sigdump (0.2.4 -> 0.2.5)
  rubygem-simplecov (0.21.2 -> 0.22.0)
  rubygem-slim (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0)
  rubygem-slop (4.9.3 -> 4.10.1)
  rubygem-spring (4.1.0 -> 4.1.2)
  rubygem-sprockets (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1)
  rubygem-sshkit (1.21.3 -> 1.21.5)
  rubygem-temple (0.10.0 -> 0.10.3)
  rubygem-thor (1.2.1 -> 1.3.0)
  rubygem-tilt (2.0.11 -> 2.3.0)
  rubygem-tzinfo-1.2 (1.2.10 -> 1.2.11)
  rubygem-tzinfo (2.0.5 -> 2.0.6)
  rubygem-tzinfo-data (1.2022.7 -> 1.2023.3)
  rubygem-version_gem (1.1.1 -> 1.1.3)
  rubygem-websocket (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)
  rubygem-websocket-driver (0.7.5 -> 0.7.6)
  rubygem-xmlrpc (0.3.2 -> 0.3.3)
  rubygem-yard (0.9.28 -> 0.9.34)
  rubygem-zeitwerk (2.6.6 -> 2.6.12)
  sdbootutil (1+git20231102.beb4c19 -> 1+git20231114.6bcf1d3)
  thin-provisioning-tools (0.9.0 -> 1.0.7)
  vim (9.0.2078 -> 9.0.2103)

=== Details ===

==== Mesa ====
Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libOSMesa8 libgbm1

- build with valgrind only on 64bit platforms

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva

- build with valgrind only on 64bit platforms

==== docbook-xsl ====
Version update ( ->

- Raise version to
  Integrate latest changes from assembly/assemble.xsl and
- Remove docbook-xsl-1.79.2-assembly-assemble.xsl.patch
  We copy the two files directly.
  These two files contains the following overall changes:
- Fix #254: Pass structure/@xml:lang to result doc
- Support filterin/filterout elements
- Fix problem with resourceref to another structure in assemblies
- fix #28 assemble.xsl: imagedata filerefs in assembled output
  document may be incorrect
- Fix #27 to allow merge from resource of titles not inside info
  because they are equivalent to titles inside info. Also fixe
  a couple of other problems noticed during testing.
  For details, see the upstream Git repo and run:
  $ git diff release/1.79.2..master -- \
    xsl/assembly/assemble.xsl xsl/assembly/effectivity.xsl

==== hwdata ====
Version update (0.373 -> 0.376)

- update to 0.376:
  * Update pci, usb and vendor ids

==== libdrm ====
Subpackages: libdrm2 libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_nouveau2 libdrm_radeon1

- use valgrind support only on 64bit platforms

==== libeconf ====
Version update (0.5.2 -> 0.6.0)

- Update to version 0.6.0:
  * Supporting Linux Userspace API (UAPI) Group
    chapter "Configuration Files Specification".
- Update to version 0.5.3:
  * Added bindings for python3 and C#
- Update to version 0.5.2:
  * Add python bindings (#188)
  * docu version 0.5.2
  * Fix test (#185)
  * Plug memory leak (#186)

==== libiscsi ====
Version update (1.19.0+git.20230208 -> 1.19.0+git.20231114)

- Update to version 1.19.0+git.20231114:
  * Log necessary message on internal reconnect
  * Dump opcode string in iscsi_dump_pdu_header()
  * Introduce helper function scsi_opcode_str
  * Declare value-string maps as static
  * Distinguish command timeout
  * doc: Add iscsi-md5sum
  * fixup! checking if task is in outqueue
  * checking if task is in outqueue
  * Add add  a timeout to the event_loop in sync.c
  * iscsi-discard: adapt block limits
  * gitignore: Add utils/iscsi-md5sum
  * iscsi-md5sum: Add new tool
  * gitignore: add utils/iscsi-discard
  * iscsi-discard: Add new tool
  * utils: use strtol instead of atoi
  * Add iscsi_set_fd_dup_cb
  * Add /utils/iscsi-pr into .gitignore
  * iscsi-perf: Add -h/--help

==== libosinfo ====
Version update (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0)
Subpackages: libosinfo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Libosinfo-1_0

- Update to version 1.11.0 (jsc#PED-2104)
  Changes in this release include:
  * Several minor memory leak fixes
  * Several CI improvements
  * Several translations improvements
- Drop 3a0fef72.patch as it is now part of the tarball

==== libtommath ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)

- Update to version 1.2.1 (bsc#1214927, CVE-2023-36328):
  + Bugfix release because of potential integer overflow (
- Drop 546.patch: fixed upstream.
- Update libtommath.keyring to contain gpg key

==== libxml2 ====
Subpackages: libxml2-2 libxml2-tools

- Security fix: CVE-2023-45322 (bsc#1216129)
  * use-after-free in xmlUnlinkNode() in tree.c
  * Added file libxml2-CVE-2023-45322.patch

==== libxml2-python ====

- Security fix: CVE-2023-45322 (bsc#1216129)
  * use-after-free in xmlUnlinkNode() in tree.c
  * Added file libxml2-CVE-2023-45322.patch

==== lsof ====
Version update (4.98.0 -> 4.99.0)

- lsof 4.99.0:
  * Do not hard-code fd numbers in epoll test
  * --with-selinux configure option.
  * Improve performance by using closefrom()
  * Introduce liblsof for programmatic access over spawning lsof
    in a subprocess
- build with libtirpc
- switch to upstream tarball again as it dropped proprietary code

==== nfs-utils ====
Subpackages: libnfsidmap1 nfs-client nfs-kernel-server

- Build with --enable-junction so that nfsref is built

==== openvpn ====
Version update (2.6.6 -> 2.6.7)

- update to 2.6.7:
  * CVE-2023-46850 OpenVPN versions between 2.6.0 and 2.6.6 incorrectly
    use a send buffer after it has been free()d in some circumstances,
    causing some free()d memory to be sent to the peer. All configurations
    using TLS (e.g. not using --secret) are affected by this issue.
  * CVE-2023-46849 OpenVPN versions between 2.6.0 and 2.6.6 incorrectly
    restore --fragment configuration in some circumstances, leading to a
    division by zero when --fragment is used. On platforms where division
    by zero is fatal, this will cause an OpenVPN crash.
  * DCO: warn if DATA_V1 packets are sent by the other side - this a hard
    incompatibility between a 2.6.x client connecting to a 2.4.0-2.4.4
    server, and the only fix is to use --disable-dco.
  * Remove OpenSSL Engine method for loading a key. This had to be removed
    because the original author did not agree to relicensing the code with
    the new linking exception added. This was a somewhat obsolete feature
    anyway as it only worked with OpenSSL 1.x, which is end-of-support.
  * add warning if p2p NCP client connects to a p2mp server - this is a
    combination that used to work without cipher negotiation (pre 2.6 on
    both ends), but would fail in non-obvious ways with 2.6 to 2.6.
  * add warning to --show-groups that not all supported groups are listed
    (this is due the internal enumeration in OpenSSL being a bit weird,
    omitting X448 and X25519 curves).
  * --dns: remove support for exclude-domains argument (this was a new 2.6
    option, with no backend support implemented yet on any platform, and it
    turns out that no platform supported it at all - so remove option again)
  * warn user if INFO control message too long, do not forward to management
    client (safeguard against protocol-violating server implementations)
  * DCO-WIN: get and log driver version (for easier debugging).
  * print "peer temporary key details" in TLS handshake
  * log OpenSSL errors on failure to set certificate, for example if the
    algorithms used are in acceptable to OpenSSL (misleading message would be
    printed in cryptoapi / pkcs11 scenarios)
  * add CMake build system for MinGW and MSVC builds
  * remove old MSVC build system
  * improve cmocka unit test building for Windows

==== osinfo-db ====
Version update (20230719 -> 20231027)

- Update to database version 20231027 (jsc#PED-2104)

==== procps ====
Subpackages: libprocps8

- procps-ng-3.3.17-logind.patch: Fix crash of "w -s -h"

==== procps4 ====
Subpackages: libproc2-0

- Remove duplicate BuildRequires

==== publicsuffix ====
Version update (20231028 -> 20231108)

- Update to version 20231108:
  * Update public_suffix_list.dat (#1848)
  * util: gTLD data autopull updates for 2023-11-03T15:13:18 UTC (#1887)
  * Add `` (#1684)

==== python-alembic ====
Version update (1.12.0 -> 1.12.1)

- update to 1.12.1:
  * Fixed regression caused by :ticket:`879` released in 1.7.0
    where the ".info" dictionary of ``Table`` would not render in
    autogenerate create table statements.
    This can be useful for custom create table DDL rendering
    schemes so it is restored.
  * Improved typing in the
    ectives` callable to better indicate that the passed-in type is
    :class:`.MigrationScript`, not the :class:`.MigrationOperation`
    base class, and added typing to the example at
    :ref:`cookbook_no_empty_migrations` to illustrate.
  * Repaired :class:`.ExecuteSQLOp` so that it can participate in
    "diff" operations; while this object is typically not present
    in a reflected operation stream, custom hooks may be adding
    this construct where it needs to have the correct
    ``to_diff_tuple()`` method.
  * Improved the ``op.execute()`` method to correctly accept the
  * ``Executable`` type that is the same which is used in
    SQLAlchemy ``Connection.execute()``.
  * Improve typing of the revision parameter in various command
  * Fixed autogen render issue where expressions inside of
    indexes for PG need to be double-parenthesized, meaning a
    single parens must be present within the generated ``text()``
  * Alembic now accommodates for Sequence and Identity that
    support dialect kwargs.
    This is a change that will be added to SQLAlchemy v2.1.

==== rubygem-benchmark ====
Version update (0.2.1 -> 0.3.0)

- 0.3.0:
  [#]# What's Changed
  * Migrate `set-output` to `$GITHUB_OUTPUT` by @znz in
  * Replace reusing actions by @hsbt in
  * Don't use version.rb by @hsbt in
  [#]# New Contributors
  * @znz made their first contribution in
  * *Full Changelog**:

==== rubygem-bundler ====
Version update (2.3.26 -> 2.4.22)

- New upstream release 2.4.22, see bundled

==== rubygem-chef-utils ====
Version update (18.0.185 -> 18.3.0)

- New upstream release 18.3.0, no changelog found

==== ====
Version update (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0)

- New upstream release 1.8.0, see bundled Changes

==== rubygem-csv ====
Version update (3.2.5 -> 3.2.8)

- New upstream release 3.2.8, no changelog found

==== rubygem-debase-ruby_core_source ====
Version update (0.10.18 -> 3.2.2)

- ## [3.2.2](
  * ruby-3.3.0-preview2 sources added
  * ruby-3.3.0-preview1 sources removed
  [#]# [3.2.1](
  * ruby-3.3.0-preview1 sources added
  * tags naming changed to the version without v
  [#]# [3.2.0](
  * ruby-3.2.0 sources added
  * ruby-3.2.0 preview sources removed
  * ruby-2.0.x sources removed (let's keep 10 last releases here)
  * versioning changed to match current ruby version

==== rubygem-domain_name ====
Version update (0.5.20190701 -> 0.6.20231109)

- ## [v0.6.20231109]( (2023-11-14)
  [Full Changelog](
- Update the eTLD database to 2023-11-09 00:10:10 UTC
- Require Ruby >=2.7 and drop the dependency on unf

==== rubygem-dry-types ====
Version update (1.7.0 -> 1.7.1)

- ## 1.7.1 2023-02-17
  [#]## Fixed
- Warning from jruby about overwritten keyword (@flash-gordon + @klobuczek in #454)
  [Compare v1.7.0...v1.7.1](

==== rubygem-excon ====
Version update (0.99.0 -> 0.104.0)

- New upstream release 0.104.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-execjs ====
Version update (2.8.1 -> 2.9.1)

- New upstream release 2.9.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-fast_gettext ====
Version update (2.2.0 -> 2.3.0)

- New upstream release 2.3.0, see bundled CHANGELOG

==== rubygem-flog ====
Version update (4.6.6 -> 4.8.0)

- New upstream release 4.8.0, see bundled History.rdoc

==== rubygem-fluentd ====
Version update (1.15.3 -> 1.16.3)

- ## Release v1.16.3 - 2023/11/14
  [#]## Bug Fix
  * in_tail: Fix a stall bug on !follow_inode case
  * in_tail: add warning for silent stop on !follow_inodes case
  * Buffer: Fix NoMethodError with empty unstaged chunk arrays
  * Fix for rotate_age where Fluentd passes as Symbol
- # v1.16
  [#]# Release v1.16.2 - 2023/07/14
  [#]## Bug Fix
  * in_tail: Fix new watcher is wrongly detached on rotation when `follow_inodes`,
  which causes stopping tailing the file
  * in_tail: Prevent wrongly unwatching when `follow_inodes`, which causes log
  * in_tail: Fix warning log about overwriting entry when `follow_inodes`
  * in_tail: Ensure to discard TailWatcher with missing target when `follow_inodes`
  * MessagePackFactory: Make sure to reset local unpacker to prevent received
  broken data from affecting other receiving data
  * Fix failure to launch Fluentd on Windows when the log path isn't specified in
  the command line
  * logger: Prevent growing cache size of `ignore_same_log_interval` unlimitedly
  * Update sigdump to 0.2.5 to fix wrong value of object counts
  [#]## Misc
  * in_tail: Check detaching inode when `follow_inodes`
  * in_tail: Add debug log for pos file compaction
  * Code improvements detected by RuboCop Performance
  * Add notice for unused argument `unpacker` of `ChunkMessagePackEventStreamer.each`
  [#]# Release v1.16.1 - 2023/04/17
  [#]## Enhancement
  * in_tcp: Add `message_length_limit` to drop large incoming data
  [#]## Bug Fix
  * Fix NameError of `SecondaryFileOutput` when setting secondary other than
  * Server helper: Suppress error of `UDPServer` over `max_bytes` on Windows
  * Buffer: Fix that `compress` setting causes unexpected error when receiving
  already compressed MessagePack
  [#]## Misc
  * Update
  * Update security policy
  * Plugin template: Remove unnecessary code
  * Revive issue auto closer
  * Fix a link for the repository of td-agent
  * in_udp: add test of message_length_limit
  * Fix a typo of an argument of `Fluent::EventStream#each`
  * Test in_tcp: Fix undesirable way to assert logs
  [#]# Release v1.16.0 - 2023/03/29
  [#]## Enhancement
  * in_tcp: Add `send_keepalive_packet` option
  * buffer: backup broken file chunk
  * Add warning messages for restoring buffer with `flush_at_shutdown true`
  * Add logs for time period of restored buffer possibly broken
  [#]## Bug Fix
  * http_server_helper: Fix format of log messages originating from Async gem
  * Change to not generate a sigdump file after receiving a `SIGTERM` signal on
  * out_forward: fix error of ack handling conflict on stopping with
  `require_ack_response` enabled
  * Fix problem that some `system` configs are not reflected
    ... changelog too long, skipping 41 lines ...

==== rubygem-fog-libvirt ====
Version update (0.10.1 -> 0.12.0)

- New upstream release 0.12.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-gettext_i18n_rails ====
Version update (1.9.0 -> 1.12.0)

- New upstream release 1.12.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-gli ====
Version update (2.21.0 -> 2.21.1)

- New upstream release 2.21.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-globalid ====
Version update (1.1.0 -> 1.2.1)

- New upstream release 1.2.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-googleapis-common-protos-types ====
Version update (1.9.0 -> 1.10.0)

- ### 1.10.0 (2023-11-06)
  [#]### Features
  * Automated update of googleapis-common-protos-types ([#200](

==== rubygem-gpgme ====
Version update (2.0.22 -> 2.0.23)

- New upstream release 2.0.23, no changelog found

==== rubygem-grape ====
Version update (1.6.2 -> 2.0.0)

- New upstream release 2.0.0, see bundled

==== rubygem-haml ====
Version update (6.0.12 -> 6.2.3)

- New upstream release 6.2.3, see bundled

==== rubygem-highline ====
Version update (2.0.3 -> 2.1.0)

- ### 2.1.0 / 2022-12-31
  * PR #255 - Change minimum Ruby version requirement to 2.3 (@abinoam)
  * PR #254 - Improve Github Actions file (@abinoam)
  * PR #253, PR #251 - Setup GitHub Actions and remove Travis (@petergoldstein, rev by @AlexWayfer)
  * PR #250 - Fix file permissions (@bdunne)

==== rubygem-hoe ====
Version update (3.26.0 -> 4.0.5)

- New upstream release 4.0.5, see bundled History.rdoc

==== rubygem-http ====
Version update (5.1.0 -> 5.1.1)

- New upstream release 5.1.1, see bundled

==== rubygem-json-jwt ====
Version update (1.16.1 -> 1.16.3)

- ### Fixed
- Remove padding oracle by @btoews in
  [#]# [1.16.0] - 2022-10-08

==== rubygem-json-schema ====
Version update (3.0.0 -> 4.1.1)

- New upstream release 4.1.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-jwt ====
Version update (2.5.0 -> 2.7.1)

- New upstream release 2.7.1, see bundled

==== rubygem-launchy ====
Version update (2.5.0 -> 2.5.2)

- New upstream release 2.5.2, see bundled

==== rubygem-liquid-4 ====
Version update (4.0.3 -> 4.0.4)

- New upstream release 4.0.4, see bundled

==== rubygem-loofah ====
Version update (2.19.1 -> 2.22.0)

- ## 2.22.0 / 2023-11-13
  [#]## Added
  * A `:targetblank` HTML scrubber which ensures all hyperlinks have `target="_blank"`. [#275] @stefannibrasil and @thdaraujo
  * A `:noreferrer` HTML scrubber which ensures all hyperlinks have `rel=noreferrer`, similar to the `:nofollow` and `:noopener` scrubbers. [#277] @wynksaiddestroy
- ## 2.21.4 / 2023-10-10
  [#]## Fixed
  * `Loofah::HTML5::Scrub.scrub_css` is more consistent in preserving whitespace (and lack of whitespace) in CSS property values. In particular, `.scrub_css` no longer inserts whitespace between tokens that did not already have whitespace between them. [[#273](, fixes [#271](]
  [#]# 2.21.3 / 2023-05-15
  [#]## Fixed
  * Quash "instance variable not initialized" warning in Ruby < 3.0. [[#268](] (Thanks, [@dharamgollapudi](!)
  [#]# 2.21.2 / 2023-05-11
  [#]## Dependencies
  * Update the dependency on Nokogiri to be `>= 1.12.0`. The dependency in 2.21.0 and 2.21.1 was left at `>= 1.5.9` but versions before 1.12 would result in a `NameError` exception. [[#266](]
  [#]# 2.21.1 / 2023-05-10
  [#]## Fixed
  * Don't define `HTML5::Document` and `HTML5::DocumentFragment` when Nokogiri is `< 1.14`. In 2.21.0 these classes were defined whenever `Nokogiri::HTML5` was defined, but Nokogiri v1.12 and v1.13 do not support Loofah subclassing properly.
  [#]# 2.21.0 / 2023-05-10
  [#]## HTML5 Support
  Classes `Loofah::HTML5::Document` and `Loofah::HTML5::DocumentFragment` are introduced, along with helper methods:
- `Loofah.html5_document`
- `Loofah.html5_fragment`
- `Loofah.scrub_html5_document`
- `Loofah.scrub_html5_fragment`
  These classes and methods use Nokogiri's HTML5 parser to ensure modern web standards are used.
  ⚠ HTML5 functionality is only available with Nokogiri v1.14.0 and higher.
  ⚠ HTML5 functionality is not available for JRuby. Please see [this upstream Nokogiri issue]( if you're interested in helping implement and support HTML5 support.
  [#]## `Loofah::HTML4` module and namespace
  `Loofah::HTML` has been renamed to `Loofah::HTML4`, and `Loofah::HTML` is aliased to preserve backwards-compatibility. `Nokogiri::HTML` and `Nokogiri::HTML4` parse methods still use libxml2's (or NekoHTML's) HTML4 parser.
  Take special note that if you rely on the class name of an object in your code, objects will now report a class of `Loofah::HTML4::Foo` where they previously reported `Loofah::HTML::Foo`. Instead of relying on the string returned by `Object#class`, prefer `Class#===` or `Object#is_a?` or `Object#instance_of?`.
  Future releases of Nokogiri may deprecate `HTML` classes and methods or otherwise change this behavior, so please start using `HTML4` in place of `HTML`.
  [#]## Official support for JRuby
  This version introduces official support for JRuby. Previously, the test suite had never been green due to differences in behavior in the underlying HTML parser used by Nokogiri. We've updated the test suite to accommodate those differences, and have added JRuby to the CI suite.
  [#]# 2.20.0 / 2023-04-01
  [#]## Features
  * Allow SVG attributes `color-profile`, `cursor`, `filter`, `marker`, and `mask`. [[#246](]
  * Allow SVG elements `altGlyph`, `cursor`, `feImage`, `pattern`, and `tref`. [[#246](]
  * Allow protocols `fax` and `modem`. [[#255](] (Thanks, [@cjba7](!)

==== rubygem-mail ====
Version update (2.8.0 -> 2.8.1)

- New upstream release 2.8.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-mime-types ====
Version update (3.4.1 -> 3.5.1)

- New upstream release 3.5.1, see bundled

==== rubygem-mime-types-data ====
Version update (3.2022.0105 -> 3.2023.1003)

- New upstream release 3.2023.1003, see bundled

==== rubygem-mini_mime ====
Version update (1.1.2 -> 1.1.5)

- 08-08-2023
  - Version 1.1.5
  - Update mime types from upstream
  - Version 1.1.4
  - Version 1.1.3 had issues on Windows which does not support pread, added a polyfill
  - Version 1.1.3
  - Added fork safety by migrating from seek+read to pread

==== rubygem-mocha ====
Version update (2.0.2 -> 2.1.0)

- New upstream release 2.1.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-msgpack ====
Version update (1.6.0 -> 1.7.2)

- 2023-07-18 1.7.2:
  * Fix a potential GC bug when packing data using recursive extensions and buffers containing over 512KkiB of data (See #341).
  * Fix a regression where feeding an empty string to an Unpacker would be considered like the end of the buffer.
  2023-05-19 1.7.1:
  * Fix JRuby 9.4 compatibility.
  * Fix compilation on older compilers (gcc 4.x).
  * Fix an infinite recursion issue when registering a Symbol type with a `nil` packer.
  2023-03-29 1.7.0:
  * Fix a possible double-free issue when GC triggers inside `_msgpack_rmem_alloc2`.
  * `Unpacker#feed` now always directly read in provided strings instead of copying content in its buffer.
  * `Unpacker#feed` is now an alias of `Unpacker#feed_reference`.
  * Implement `Factory::Pool#unpacker` and `Factory::Pool#packer` to allow for more precise serialization.
  * Require Ruby 2.5+.
  2023-03-03 1.6.1:
  * Undefine `#clone` and `#dup` on `MessagePack::Buffer`, `MessagePack::Packer` and `MessagePack::Unpacker`.
  These methods were never intended, and using them could cause leaks or crashes or worse.
  * Fix a possible GC crash when GC trigger inside `` (#314).

==== rubygem-multipart-post ====
Version update (2.2.3 -> 2.3.0)

- New upstream release 2.3.0, see bundled

==== rubygem-mysql2 ====
Version update (0.5.4 -> 0.5.5)

- 0.5.5:
  [#] New
  * Support for Ruby GC compaction (#1192)
  * Add `--with-openssl-dir` option for improved linking with OpenSSL (#1303)
  [#] Changed
  * Lock on the current Fiber rather than current Thread (#1284)
  * Improve SSL support on MySQL 5.6.36+ and MariaDB Connector/C 3.0+ (#1304, #1306)
  * Additional search paths to find MySQL libraries by Homebrew (#1278)
  * README: Improve docs for SSL/TLS (#1142, #1306)
  * CI: Upgrade RuboCop and run in its own CI step (#1259, #1268, #1295)
  * CI: Update runtime environments (#1290, #1291, #1292, #1298, #1299)
  Full Changelog:

==== rubygem-net-ldap ====
Version update (0.17.1 -> 0.18.0)

- New upstream release 0.18.0, see bundled History.rdoc

==== rubygem-nio4r ====
Version update (2.5.8 -> 2.5.9)

- ## 2.5.8 (2021-08-03)
  * [#276](
  Fix missing return statement in function returning non-void (issue [#275](
  * Remove `guard-rspec` from development dependencies ([@ioquatix])
  [#]# 2.5.7 (2021-03-04)
  * [#267](
  Don't try to link universal extension
  [#]# 2.5.6 (2021-03-04)
  * [#268](
  Prefer kqueue when on OSX >= v10.12.2

==== rubygem-omniauth ====
Version update (2.1.0 -> 2.1.1)

- New upstream release 2.1.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-optimist ====
Version update (3.0.1 -> 3.1.0)

- New upstream release 3.1.0, see bundled

==== rubygem-parallel ====
Version update (1.22.1 -> 1.23.0)

- New upstream release 1.23.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-parallel_tests ====
Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.3.0)

- New upstream release 4.3.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-pkg-config ====
Version update (1.5.1 -> 1.5.5)

- New upstream release 1.5.5, see bundled NEWS

==== rubygem-po_to_json ====
Version update (1.0.1 -> 2.0.0)

- ## [2.0.0]( - 2023-07-18
  * Fix escape double quote in msgid (@chaomao)
  [#]# [1.1.0]( - 2023-04-28
  * Optionally remove var keyword to use a global (@illiatdesdindes)

==== rubygem-pry ====
Version update (0.14.1 -> 0.14.2)

- ### [v0.14.2][v0.14.2] (January 9, 2023)
  [#]### Features
  * Configure `code` as a supported editor on Pry::Editor
  * Added support for Ruby 3.2
  * Added support for Ruby 3.1
  [#]### Bug fixes
  * Short circuit eval regexes in finding module definition
  * Revert "Escape non-printing characters"
  * Fixed bug where WeirdMethodLocator would fail to find the source of a method breaking whereami
  * Fixed bug where pry would throw an FrozenError when dealing with incomplete tokens
  * Restore --no-history CLI flag functionality
  * Fixed bug where reading from the `_out_` sticky local variable could return
  wrong results ([#2201](
  [#]### Breaking Changes
  * Remove support for Ruby 1.9 and JRuby < 9.0

==== rubygem-pry-doc ====
Version update (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0)

- New upstream release 1.4.0, see bundled

==== rubygem-puma-5 ====
Version update (5.6.5 -> 5.6.7)

- 5.6.7:
  Address HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities with zero-length Content Length header and trailer fields ([GHSA-68xg-gqqm-vgj8](

==== rubygem-puma ====
Version update (6.2.2 -> 6.4.0)

- Update to 6.4.0
  * Features
  * on_thread_exit hook ([#2920])
  * on_thread_start_hook ([#3195])
  * Shutdown on idle ([#3209], [#2580])
  * New error message when control server port taken ([#3204])
  * Refactor
  * Remove `Forwardable` dependency ([#3191], #3190)
  * Update URLMap Regexp usage for Ruby v3.3 ([#3165])
  * Bugfixes
  * Bring the cert_pem: parameter into parity with the cert: parameter to ssl_bind. ([#3174])
  * Fix using control server with IPv6 host ([#3181])
  * control_cli.rb - add require_relative 'log_writer' ([#3187])
  * Fix cases where fallback Rack response wasn't sent to the client ([#3094])
- 6.3.1:
  * Security
  * Address HTTP request smuggling vulnerabilities with
    zero-length Content Length header and trailer fields
- Update to 6.3.0
  - Features
  - Add dsl method `supported_http_methods` ([#3106], [#3014])
  - Puma error responses no longer have any fingerprints to
    indicate Puma ([#3161], [#3037])
  - Support decryption of SSL key ([#3133], [#3132])
  - Bugfixes
  - Don't send 103 early hints response when only invalid headers
    are used ([#3163])
  - Handle malformed request path ([#3155], [#3148])
  - Misc lib file fixes - trapping additional errors, CI helper
  - Fixup req form data file upload with "r\n" line endings
  - Restore rack 1.6 compatibility Restore rack 1.6 compatibility
  - Refactor
  - const.rb - Update Puma::HTTP_STATUS_CODES ([#3162])
  - Clarify Reactor#initialize ([#3151])

==== rubygem-rack ====
Version update (3.0.7 -> 3.0.8)

- 3.0.8:
  [#]# What's Changed
  * Backport "Fix some unused variable verbose warnings" by @skipkayhil in
  [#]# New Contributors
  * @skipkayhil made their first contribution in
  * *Full Changelog**:

==== rubygem-rack-protection ====
Version update (3.0.4 -> 3.1.0)

- New upstream release 3.1.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-rack-proxy ====
Version update (0.7.4 -> 0.7.7)

- New upstream release 0.7.7, no changelog found

==== rubygem-rails-dom-testing ====
Version update (2.0.3 -> 2.2.0)

- New upstream release 2.2.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-rake-compiler ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.5)

- New upstream release 1.2.5, see bundled

==== rubygem-red-datasets ====
Version update (0.1.5 -> 0.1.7)

- New upstream release 0.1.7, see bundled

==== rubygem-regexp_parser ====
Version update (2.6.1 -> 2.8.2)

- New upstream release 2.8.2, no changelog found

==== rubygem-rice ====
Version update (4.0.4 -> 4.1.0)

- ## 4.1
  Rice 4.1 builds on the 4.0 release and has a number of improvements that both polish Rice and extend its functionality. However, there are three incompatibilities to know about:
  * Exception handlers are now registered globally versus per module. This requires updating code that calls Class#add_handler to use register_handler instead.
  * Rename Arg#isValue to Arg#setValue and then Arg#getIsValue to Arg#isValue
  * Rename Return#isValue to Return#setValue and Return#getIsValue to Return#isValue
  New or improved functionality includes:
  * Add support for std::map, std::unordered_map, std::variant, std::monostate and std::reference_wrapper
  * Enable calling of C++ member functions that are defined in ancestor classes
  * Make it easy to wrap C++ iterators like std::vector begin and end
  * Enable creating enumerators for C++ collections like std::vector and std::map
  * Enable calling more Ruby API methods including those with a variable number of parameters such as rb_yield_values
  * Add additional C++ to Ruby exception mappings (for example, std::system_error to SystemCallError)
  * Updated documentation, including new pages for instance tracking, iterators, exceptions and newly supported STL classes
  * Add support for calling Ruby methods with keywords from Rice::Object and its descendants
  * Automatically translate C++ character arrays that start with colons to symbols (ie, ":mysymbol") when sending them to Ruby
  * Add a constructor for Rice::Module that takes a name, to enable code like Module("Kernel")
  * Fix comparison methods in Rice::Object, such as Object#is_equal, to return the correct result
  * Fix various compiler warnings
  * Remove deprecated APIs
  * Remove support for Ruby 2.5 and 2.6 which are officially out of support
  * Add support for building tests with CMake
  * And lots of other fixes and code improvements
  Rice also includes experimental support for instance tracking so that Rice maps the same C++ instance to the same Ruby instance each time it is passed to Ruby. See the documentation for more information.

==== rubygem-rouge ====
Version update (4.0.0 -> 4.2.0)

- 4.2.0:
  This release introduce 2 new levers: Code Owners and Svelte.  In addition, we have also made some improvements across BPF, Dart, Elixir, Groovy, Python and Xoji lexer. Thank you for all the wonderful contributors ❤️ Happy lexing!
  * *Full Changelog**:
  This release brings some improvements on IRB, XQuery, TypeSCript, HCL and Terraform Lexer. Thank you for all our wonderful contributors.
  * *Full Changelog**:
  This small release includes some bug fixes across Wollok and Python lexer.
  * *Full Changelog**:
  This release introduces a number of bug fixes and enhancements across Dart, Dot, JavaScript, Liquid, Mosel, OpenEdge, PHP, Python, Ruby, Rush and Shell lexer. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release. Happy Lexing!
  Welcome to the first release of 2023! This release introduces a new lexer, Cisco IOS, and many fixes and enhancements across C#, CPP, JavaScript, PHP, Python and YAML lexer. We also address an issue with handling long paths in Windows and support a new dark variant of the GitHub theme.
  Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this release. It is wonderful to see some first-time contributors. May all your wishes come true in 2023!
  * *Full Changelog**:
  This release introduces a number of updates and fixes across Coq, Gherkin, HTTP, Java, JavaScript, LLVM, Powershell, Praat, SystemD, Vala and YAML lexer.
  Thanks to all the contributors who help make Rouge better. On behalf of the Rouge maintainers, we wish you a season full of joy and magic and a bright New Year.
  * *Full Changelog**:

==== rubygem-rspec-core ====
Version update (3.12.0 -> 3.12.2)

- New upstream release 3.12.2, see bundled

==== rubygem-rspec-expectations ====
Version update (3.12.0 -> 3.12.3)

- New upstream release 3.12.3, see bundled

==== rubygem-rspec-mocks ====
Version update (3.12.3 -> 3.12.6)

- New upstream release 3.12.6, see bundled

==== rubygem-rspec-support ====
Version update (3.12.0 -> 3.12.1)

- New upstream release 3.12.1, see bundled

==== rubygem-rubocop-ast ====
Version update (1.29.0 -> 1.30.0)

- New upstream release 1.30.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-ruby-progressbar ====
Version update (1.11.0 -> 1.13.0)

- New upstream release 1.13.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-ruby_parser ====
Version update (3.19.2 -> 3.20.3)

- New upstream release 3.20.3, see bundled History.rdoc

==== rubygem-sdoc ====
Version update (2.4.0 -> 2.6.1)

- 2.6.0
  * #193 Add support for Ruby 3.2 as File.exists? has been removed [@sato11](
  * #192 Add padding and rounded borders to code examples [@p8](
  * #191 Add css class for constant [@p8](
  * #189 `index_path` should handle a nil `main_page` [@ghiculescu](

==== rubygem-serverengine ====
Version update (2.3.0 -> 2.3.2)

- New upstream release 2.3.2, see bundled Changelog

==== rubygem-sexp_processor ====
Version update (4.16.1 -> 4.17.0)

- New upstream release 4.17.0, see bundled History.rdoc

==== rubygem-sigdump ====
Version update (0.2.4 -> 0.2.5)

- 2023-07-03 version 0.2.5:
  * Added nil guard for thread.backtrace (by @yui-knk)
  * Fixed wrong calculation for array_size and hash_size (by @fatkodima)
  * Improved dumping speed (by @fatkodima)

==== rubygem-simplecov ====
Version update (0.21.2 -> 0.22.0)

- 0.22.0 (2022-12-23)
  [#]# Enhancements
  * On Ruby 3.2+, you can now use the new Coverage library feature for `eval` - See Thanks [@mame](!
  [#]# Bugfixes
  * Fix for making the test suite pass against the upcoming Ruby 3.2 - See Thanks [@mame](

==== rubygem-slim ====
Version update (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0)

- New upstream release 5.2.0, see bundled CHANGES
- 5.1.1 (2023-05-16)
  * Support lambda functions as shortcuts - #677 #813 #903
  * Support --enable-frozen-string-literal - #851

==== rubygem-slop ====
Version update (4.9.3 -> 4.10.1)

- v4.10.1 (2023-02-26)
  Bug fixes
  * Fix boolean flags from being invalid when followed by arguments #279
  v4.10.0 (2023-02-15)
  * Add support for optional type validation [#278]( (Victor Gama)

==== rubygem-spring ====
Version update (4.1.0 -> 4.1.2)

- New upstream release 4.1.2, no changelog found
- New upstream release 4.1.1, no changelog found

==== rubygem-sprockets ====
Version update (4.1.1 -> 4.2.1)

- New upstream release 4.2.1, see bundled

==== rubygem-sshkit ====
Version update (1.21.3 -> 1.21.5)

- New upstream release 1.21.5, see bundled

==== rubygem-temple ====
Version update (0.10.0 -> 0.10.3)

- 0.10.3
  * Remove test files from the gem package (#146)
  * Add DynamicMerger filter (#147)
  * Fix Sinatra capture_generator problem (#145)
  * Use specified :capture_generator for nested captures (#112, #144)
  * Compatibility with frozen string literals

==== rubygem-thor ====
Version update (1.2.1 -> 1.3.0)

- 1.3.0:
  [#]# What's Changed
  * use the correct class for shared namespaces by @Gerst20051 in
  * Allow to Override Order of Commands in Help by @alessio-signorini in
  * Add support for providing http headers to get by @dnlgrv in
  * Don't document negative boolean option named `no_*` by @BrentWheeldon in
  * CreateFile#identical? fixed for files containing multi-byte UTF-8 codepoints by @tomclose in
  * Drop support to Ruby 2.6 by @rafaelfranca in
  * Fix dashless option usage info by @sambostock in
  * Support Range in enum option by @phene in
  * Check if `type: array` values are in `enum` by @movermeyer in
  * Fix inject into file warning by @nicolas-brousse in
  * Support `Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess#slice` method by @shuuuuun in
  * 🌧️ long_desc: new option to disable wrapping by @igneus in
  * Print default in help when option type is :boolean and default is false by @nevesenin in
  * Silence encoding warnings in specs by @p8 in
  * Validate arguments for `method_option` and `class_option` by @p8 in
  * Fix help for file_collision method without block by @shuuuuun in
  * Extract print methods to seperate classes by @p8 in
  * Add support for printing tables with borders by @p8 in
  * Fix printing tables with borders and indentation by @p8 in
  [#]# New Contributors
  * @Gerst20051 made their first contribution in
  * @alessio-signorini made their first contribution in
  * @dnlgrv made their first contribution in
  * @BrentWheeldon made their first contribution in
  * @tomclose made their first contribution in
  * @sambostock made their first contribution in
  * @phene made their first contribution in
  * @movermeyer made their first contribution in
  * @nicolas-brousse made their first contribution in
  * @shuuuuun made their first contribution in
  * @igneus made their first contribution in
  * @nevesenin made their first contribution in
  * *Full Changelog**:
  [#]# What's Changed
  * Respect implicit encoding of thorfiles by @timdiggins in
  * Switch hash from MD5 to SHA256 by @stanhu in
  * Respect the updated NO_COLOR specification by @coderjoe in
  * Remove support for deprecated OS by @peterzhu2118 in
  * Support `thor install <uri>` to install remote thor files by @deivid-rodriguez in
  * Update error message for content already exists case. by @jpgeek in
  * Allow setting file permissions with create_file by @skipkayhil in
  * Properly pad aliases for option usage by @p8 in
  [#]# New Contributors
  * @ytkg made their first contribution in
  * @timdiggins made their first contribution in
  * @stanhu made their first contribution in
  * @jdufresne made their first contribution in
  * @peterzhu2118 made their first contribution in
  * @casperisfine made their first contribution in
  * @jpgeek made their first contribution in
  * @skipkayhil made their first contribution in
  * @p8 made their first contribution in
  * *Full Changelog**:

==== rubygem-tilt ====
Version update (2.0.11 -> 2.3.0)

- New upstream release 2.3.0, no changelog found

==== rubygem-tzinfo-1.2 ====
Version update (1.2.10 -> 1.2.11)

- Version 1.2.11 - 28-Jan-2023
  * Eliminate Object#untaint deprecation warnings on JRuby #145.

==== rubygem-tzinfo ====
Version update (2.0.5 -> 2.0.6)

- 2.0.6:
  * Eliminate `Object#untaint` deprecation warnings on JRuby #145.
  [TZInfo v2.0.6 on](

==== rubygem-tzinfo-data ====
Version update (1.2022.7 -> 1.2023.3)

- New upstream release 1.2023.3, no changelog found

==== rubygem-version_gem ====
Version update (1.1.1 -> 1.1.3)

- New upstream release 1.1.3, see bundled

==== rubygem-websocket ====
Version update (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)

- ## Edge
  [#]# 1.2.10
- ensure correct port is always specified for handshake
- no longer using Base64 for compatibility with Ruby 3.4+

==== rubygem-websocket-driver ====
Version update (0.7.5 -> 0.7.6)

- ### 0.7.6 / 2023-07-25
- Fix handling of default ports in `Host` headers on Ruby 3.1+

==== rubygem-xmlrpc ====
Version update (0.3.2 -> 0.3.3)

- New upstream release 0.3.3, see bundled

==== rubygem-yard ====
Version update (0.9.28 -> 0.9.34)

- # [0.9.34] - April 12nd, 2023
- Add changelog to yard.gemspec
- Fix fork behavior in `yard server --fork`
  [#] [0.9.33] - April 11st, 2023
- Ensure .yardopts is present in gem package (internal YARD documentation change)
  [#] 0.9.32 - April 9th, 2023
- Fix issue with custom Rack::Request attributes in `yard server`
  [#] [0.9.31] - April 9th, 2023
- Remove dependency on webrick in YARD::Server::Commands::StaticFileHelpers
  [#] [0.9.30] - April 9th, 2023
- Hot release fix to correct issue with gem packaging missing templates (#1490)
  [#] [0.9.29] - April 8th, 2023
- Enable table support for CommonMarker (#1443)
- Parser performance improvements (#1452, #1453, #1454, #1455)
- Fix autoload of RipperParser (#1460)
- Remove dependency on webrick for better Ruby 3.1+ support
- Improvements for mixin resolution (#1467, #1468)

==== rubygem-zeitwerk ====
Version update (2.6.6 -> 2.6.12)

- New upstream release 2.6.12, no changelog found

==== sdbootutil ====
Version update (1+git20231102.beb4c19 -> 1+git20231114.6bcf1d3)
Subpackages: sdbootutil-rpm-scriptlets sdbootutil-snapper

- Update to version 1+git20231114.6bcf1d3:
  * Fix quoting when calling dracut

==== thin-provisioning-tools ====
Version update (0.9.0 -> 1.0.7)

- Update to version 1.0.7:
  * v1.0.7
  * [thin_generate_metadata] Fix command line parsing
  * [tests] Introduce era_generate_metadata
  * [era] Factor out MetadataGenerator
  * [era_invalidate] Fix missing value_parser for the --written-since option
  * [tests] Support additional program-specific arguments in IO tests
  * [examples] Add a custom emitter examples
  * Remove unnecesary type casting
  * [file_utils] Verify ioctl request code in tests
  * [file_utils] Fix the ioctl request code for the powerpc architecture
  * bump version to 1.0.6
  * [build] Update dependencies
  * [thin_delta] Remove redundant code
  * [thin_delta] Fix range mappings construction
  * [thin_delta] Fix command line parsing
  * [pack/unpack] Fix clippy lints
  * Bump version to v1.05
  * Add some test cases to delta_list
  * [pack/unpack]  Fix some wrapping issues
  * [tests] Ensure the scope of thin_check --super-block-only
  * [tests] Test repairing thin metadata with stale superblock
  * [thin_generate_damage] Support overriding superblock fields
  * [tests] Validate more fields in repaired thin superblock
  * [thin_explore] Fix visiting empty leaves
  * [xml] Improve xml value parsing and error handling
  * [all] Update error messages for xml parsers
  * [build] Update quick-xml to v0.29
  * [build] Update clap to v4.3
  * [build] Update dependencies
  * [thin_rmap] Check the input ranges
  * [thin_dump/repair] Fix the ordering of found empty roots
  * [report] Fix stderr redirection
  * [thin_dump/repair] Ensure the tools never fail with repairable metadata
  * [build] allow overriding PDATA_TOOLS in Makefile
  * [build] fix build on musl
  * [thin_stat] Display column headers and further statistics
  * [thin_stat] Display data run length statistics for measuring data locality
  * [thin_explore] Fix unit conversion for data block size
  * [thin_explore] Display space maps usage and roots
  * [thin_stat] Fix opening read-only files
  * [thin_dump] Fix a regression that cannot keep shared defs with only one predecessor
  * [commands] Print out error root cause if available
- Update to version 1.0.4:
  * Bump version to 1.0.4
  * [build] Update dependencies
  * [all] Fix clippy lints for Rust 1.69.0
  * [build] Drop the nix crate
  * [file_utils] Fix the BLKGETSIZE64 ioctl for 32-bit platoforms
  * [file_utils] Use stat64 explicitly to handle large files on 32-bit systems
  * [write_batcher] Fix compilation error on 32-bit platforms

==== vim ====
Version update (9.0.2078 -> 9.0.2103)
Subpackages: vim-data vim-data-common xxd

- Update to version 9.0.2103
- drop
  * recursive callback may cause issues on some archs
  * matchparen highlight not cleared in completion mode
  * improve the breakpoint sign label (#13525)
  * Improve
  * Renamed "makefile_*.mak" for Vim documentation (#13517)
  * Update for Lynx 2.8.9 (#13510)
  * Improve :let-heredoc syntax highlighting (#12923)
  * clarify when formatoptions applies
  * Update for i3 4.23 (#13522)
  * Update usr_51.txt to be more inclusive (#13496)
  * Add missing null_<type> help tags (#13498)
  * labeler.yml use all instead of any for doc detection (#13507)
  * No filetype support for xcompose files
  * clarify `:help inclusion` section
  * labeler.yml: Add some more component detection rules (#13511)
  * No support for cypher files
  * Vim9: confusing usage of private
  * labeler.yml: add documentation label (#13506)
  * fix grammar in termdebug doc, remove trailing spaces (#13505)
  * improve window handling, shorten var types
  * handle buffer-local mappings properly
  * statusline may look different than expected
  * Vim9: need more assignment tests
  * Update for Wget2 2.1.0 (#13497)
  * Unsupported option causes skipping of modeline test
  * tests: failure in test_arabic
  * Switch Hindu-Arabic to Arabic numerals in arabic keymap (#13430)
  * Update the translation of Russian messages to Vim 9.0.2091 (#13490)
  * improve the error detection
  * document vim-script library function
  * Make dist/vim.vim work properly when lacking vim9script support (#13487)
  * Vim9: cannot convert list to string using +=
  * add legacy version for central vim library
  * centralize safe executable check and add vim library (#13413)
  * clarify terminal capabilities for focus reporting
  * complete_info() skips entries with 'noselect'
  * Add Makefile for the Vim documentation on Windows (#13467)
  * sound_playfile() fails when using powershell
  * Vim9: still allows abstract static methods
  * Update sh syntax and add shDerefOffset to shDerefVarArray for bash (#13480)
  * make strace ft check less strict (#13482)
  * build-failure in vim9class
  * code cleanup for option callbacks needed
  * Vim9: abstract can be used in interface
  * Vim9: abstract static methods are possible
  * runtime(sh) Update sh syntax and add shDblParen to shCaseList (#13469)
  * Perl: xsubpp may be in non-standard location
  * Add noble (24.04 LTS) as Ubuntu release name (#13472)
  * test_channel may fail because of IPv6 config issue
  * smoothscroll may result in wrong cursor position
  * add shDblParen to shLoopList for bash (#13445)
  * vim9_script test too large
  * all secure options should note this restriction in the documentation (#13448)
  * Not all Dart files detected