Packages changed:
  GraphicsMagick (1.3.40 -> 1.3.42)
  Mesa (23.1.8 -> 23.2.0)
  Mesa-drivers (23.1.8 -> 23.2.0)
  dLeyna (0.8.2 -> 0.8.3)
  gtk4 (4.12.2 -> 4.12.3)
  libsigc++2 (2.12.0 -> 2.12.1)
  libsigc++3 (3.2.0 -> 3.6.0)
  mozjs115 (115.2.1 -> 115.3.1)
  qalculate (4.8.0 -> 4.8.1)
  qpdf (11.6.0 -> 11.6.1)
  tracker-miners (3.6.0 -> 3.6.1)
  webkit2gtk3 (2.42.0 -> 2.42.1)
  webkit2gtk3-soup2 (2.42.0 -> 2.42.1)
  xdg-dbus-proxy (0.1.4 -> 0.1.5)

=== Details ===

==== GraphicsMagick ====
Version update (1.3.40 -> 1.3.42)
Subpackages: libGraphicsMagick++-Q16-12 libGraphicsMagick-Q16-3 libGraphicsMagick3-config

- version update to 1.3.42
  Bug fixes:
  * TIFF: Default the alpha channel to type EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA(2).
  * BMP: Many fixes for reading esoteric BMP sub-formats.
  * TranslateTextEx(): Revert change so now a NULL pointer is returned
    when given an empty string.  Some algorithms (e.g. montage) were
    depending on this!.
  * PAM: Fix reading comments.
  * PNG: Added Add missing module aliases "PNG00", "PNG48", "PNG64", so
    it is again possible to request these subformats directly.
  * TIFF: For common formats with the required number of channels, but
    one is an 'unspecified' channel, promote unspecified alpha to
    unassociated alpha so that the alpha channel is not ignored.
  * "Magick" command line emulation: Eliminate duplicate utility name
    output in error messages
  New Features:
  * BMP: Added the ability to read and write BMP using JPEG compression.
  Use '-define bmp:allow-jpeg' to allow use of JPEG compression.
  * BMP: Added support for BI_ALPHABITFIELDS compression
  * BMP: Added support for reading BMP with PNG compression.
- modified patches
  % GraphicsMagick-disable-insecure-coders.patch (refreshed)
- deleted patches
  - strlcpy-wrong-sizing.patch (upstreamed)

==== Mesa ====
Version update (23.1.8 -> 23.2.0)
Subpackages: Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libOSMesa8 libgbm1

- Update to Mesa 23.2.0-rc4
  - ->
- supersedes U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
- disabled u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch (no longer needed?)
- adjusted n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch

==== Mesa-drivers ====
Version update (23.1.8 -> 23.2.0)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva

- Update to Mesa 23.2.0-rc4
  - ->
- supersedes U_llvmpipe-only-include-old-Transform-includes-when-ne.patch
- disabled u_fix-build-on-ppc64le.patch (no longer needed?)
- adjusted n_drirc-disable-rgb10-for-chromium-on-amd.patch

==== dLeyna ====
Version update (0.8.2 -> 0.8.3)

- Update to version 0.8.3:
  + Build: Fix compatibility with Meson 1.2
  + Renderer: Fix locale initialization
  + Server:
  - Fix locate initialization
  - Fix uninitialized variable warning
  - Properly handle optional actions
  - Fix browse not working properly
- Drop 61d24fdc.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Change compression of tarball in service and spec to zst from xz.

==== gtk4 ====
Version update (4.12.2 -> 4.12.3)
Subpackages: gtk4-schema gtk4-tools libgtk-4-1 typelib-1_0-Gtk-4_0

- Update to version 4.12.3:
  + GtkWindow: Don't assume titlebars are GtkHeaderBar
  + GtkTreeView: Fix a crash in gtk_tree_view_is_blank_at_pos
  + printing: Fix some issues with the portal implementation
  + GSK:
  - Some optimizations in the GL renderer
  - Fix memory leaks in the Broadway renderer
  + demos: Fix a crash in gtk4-demo
  + Updated translations.

==== libsigc++2 ====
Version update (2.12.0 -> 2.12.1)

- Update to version 2.12.1:
  + Documentation:
  - slot, signal: Describe the slot<void(int)> syntax more
  - connection: Improve the class documentation
  - Improve Visual Studio build documentation
  - Remove AUTHORS and add general information to
  + Build:
  - Meson:
    . Don't copy files with configure_file()
    . Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
  - Visual Studio: Support static builds
- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
- Update URL to new home.

==== libsigc++3 ====
Version update (3.2.0 -> 3.6.0)

- Update to version 3.6.0:
  + sigc++config.h.*: Update and clean up a bit for Visual Studio
  + scoped_connection: New wrapper to auto-disconnect a slot
  + signal: Add connect_first()
  + Documentation:
  - connection: Improve the class documentation
  - Improve Visual Studio build documentation
  - Remove AUTHORS and add general information to
  - manual: Add paragraph about new scoped_connection
  + Tests: Add test_scoped_connection
  + Build:
  - Meson:
    . Don't copy files with configure_file()
    . Fix the evaluation of is_git_build on Windows
    . Don't require the 'dot' command to build the documentation
  - CMake: Prevent multiple target declaration for uninstall
  - Visual Studio: Support static builds
- Use autosetup macro.
- Update to version 3.4.0:
  + Add track_object(), deprecate track_obj()
  + Add trackable_signal_with_accumulator and trackable_signal
  + Examples, tests:
  - examples/member_method: Make on_print() non-virtual
  - clang++ requires another 'template'
  - Don't use auto where a slot is
  + Documentation: signal::make_slot(): Note that signal does not
    derive from trackable
  + Build:
  - Meson, MSVC: Compensate for the lack of
  - Fix build with -Dbuild-deprecated-api=false
  - Meson:
    . Avoid configuration warnings
    . Detect if we build from a git subtree
    . Simplify lookup of python command
    . Add build_tests option
- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
- Update URL to new home.

==== mozjs115 ====
Version update (115.2.1 -> 115.3.1)

- Update to version 115.3.1:
  + Security fix: CVE-2023-5217: Heap buffer overflow in libvpx.
- Changes from version 115.3.0:
  + Various security fixes and other quality improvements.
  + CVE-2023-5168: Out-of-bounds write in FilterNodeD2D1
  + CVE-2023-5169: Out-of-bounds write in PathOps
  + CVE-2023-5171: Use-after-free in Ion Compiler
  + CVE-2023-5174: Double-free in process spawning on Windows
  + CVE-2023-5176: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 118, Firefox
    ESR 115.3, and Thunderbird 115.3

==== qalculate ====
Version update (4.8.0 -> 4.8.1)
Subpackages: libqalculate22 qalculate-data

- version update to 4.8.1
  * Fix besselj() and bessely()
  * Fix display of matrices and vectors with complex number form other than
    rectangular (default)
  * Fix conflict between decibel units (e.g. "0dB") and duodecimal 0d… syntax
    (now requires at least two digits)
  * Fixes for title options in plot() function
  * Add additional buttons and button menus to general keypad (Qt)
  * Add option to show all functions, units, and variables in tool button
    menus (Qt)
  * Add recently used objects to functions, units, and variables menus (Qt)
  * Add option to bypass dialog for functions in menu (Qt)
  * Add option, in context menu, to display text for tool buttons (Qt)
  * Open functions, units, and variables tool button menus using long-press
    or right-click (in addition to arrow button), and add keyboard shortcuts (Qt)
  * Use keypad tool button menu as context menu and show keypad type in
    title bar of keypad (Qt)
  * Auto-update number bases above programming keypad when entering simple
    integers, even if calculate-as-you-type is deactivated (GTK)

==== qpdf ====
Version update (11.6.0 -> 11.6.1)

- version update to 11.6.1
  * Bug fixes:
  - Fix a logic error introduced in 11.6.0 in the fix to copyForeignObject.
    The bug could result in some pages not being copied.

==== tracker-miners ====
Version update (3.6.0 -> 3.6.1)
Subpackages: tracker-miner-files

- Update to version 3.6.1:
  + Avoid the special thread in tracker-extract-3, and extend the
    seccomp jail to the full process.
  + Updated translations.
- Add a tracker_basever define, and set it to 3.6. We have a hard
  Requires on what tracker version is needed and it is currently
  set at the same or newer version, change this to tracker_basever
  (tracker-miners have never been at a higher patch version

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Version update (2.42.0 -> 2.42.1)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.42.1:
  + Fix enable-html5-database setting to properly enable/disable
    IndexedDB API.
  + Fix the build with GBM disabled.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- switch to pkgconfig(icu-i18n) instead of libicu-devel, to allow
  switching to a different libicu*-devel (jsc#PED-6193)

==== webkit2gtk3-soup2 ====
Version update (2.42.0 -> 2.42.1)
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Update to version 2.42.1:
  + Fix enable-html5-database setting to properly enable/disable
    IndexedDB API.
  + Fix the build with GBM disabled.
  + Fix several crashes and rendering issues.
- switch to pkgconfig(icu-i18n) instead of libicu-devel, to allow
  switching to a different libicu*-devel (jsc#PED-6193)

==== xdg-dbus-proxy ====
Version update (0.1.4 -> 0.1.5)

- Update to version 0.1.5:
  + Fix handling of object paths > 255 bytes
  + Print better errors when message parsing fails
  + Optionally install tests for "as-installed" testing