Packages changed:
  alsa (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)
  alsa-ucm-conf (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)
  alsa-utils (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)
  at-spi2-core (2.48.3 -> 2.48.4)
  bluez (5.68 -> 5.69)
  drbd (9.0.30~1+git.8e9c0812 -> 9.1.16)
  drbd-utils (9.19.0 -> 9.25.0)
  glib2 (2.76.4 -> 2.76.5)
  gnome-shell (44.3 -> 44.4)
  javapackages-tools (6.1.0 -> 6.2.0)
  libadwaita (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)
  libei (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0)
  libgphoto2 (2.5.30 -> 2.5.31)
  libstorage-ng (4.5.136 -> 4.5.139)
  mozilla-nss (3.92 -> 3.93)
  mozjs102 (102.14.0 -> 102.15.0)
  multipath-tools (0.9.5+68+suse.d1b6a1c -> 0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e)
  mutter (44.3 -> 44.4)
  nodejs20 (20.5.1 -> 20.6.0)
  perl-URI (5.19 -> 5.210.0)
  pigz (2.7 -> 2.8)
  python-async_timeout (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3)
  python-chardet (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0)
  python-psycopg2 (2.9.6 -> 2.9.7)
  python-setuptools (67.8.0 -> 68.1.2)
  qpdf (11.5.0 -> 11.6.0)
  shaderc (2023.4 -> 2023.6)
  suse-module-tools (16.0.34 -> 16.0.35)
  unbound (1.17.1 -> 1.18.0)
  wireless-regdb (20230721 -> 20230901)
  yast2-trans (84.87.20230818.ea489402e5 -> 84.87.20230901.be24cb382f)
  zvbi (0.2.41 -> 0.2.42)
  zypper (1.14.62 -> 1.14.64)

=== Details ===

==== alsa ====
Version update (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)
Subpackages: libasound2 libatopology2

- Update to version 1.2.10:
  * MIDI 2.0 feature support
  * build fixes for various platforms
  * various documentation fixes
  * misc topology fixes
  * ucm fixes and cleanups
  For details, see:
- Took upstream fix for possible build errors:

==== alsa-ucm-conf ====
Version update (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)

- Update to version 1.2.10:
  * updates / fixes for various devices: mtk-rt5650, usb-audio, tegra
    es8316, sof-essx8336, pinephone, Steinberg UR44C, AMD ACP RPL,
    ACP63, sof-hda-dsp, etc
  For details, see:
- Upstream regression fix:

==== alsa-utils ====
Version update (1.2.9 -> 1.2.10)

- Update to alsa-utils 1.2.10:
  * MIDI 2.0 / UMP support for sequencer programs
  * nhlt: add nhlt-dmic-info utility
  * Build fixes and cleanups
  * speaker-test: allow large buffer and period time setup - up to 100 seconds
  * various topology fixes
  For details, see:
- Fix the builds with old gcc:

==== at-spi2-core ====
Version update (2.48.3 -> 2.48.4)
Subpackages: libatk-1_0-0 libatk-bridge-2_0-0 libatspi0 typelib-1_0-Atk-1_0 typelib-1_0-Atspi-2_0

- Update to version 2.48.4:
  + Add atspi_get_version() to return the runtime version of the
    AT-SPI library.
  + collection:
  - Fix match testing for attributes.
  - Avoid locking up if an object has a very large child count.
  + Fix possible NULL pointer dereference when deregistering an
    event listener.
  + Various fixes for the new key grabbing API.

==== bluez ====
Version update (5.68 -> 5.69)
Subpackages: bluez-auto-enable-devices bluez-cups bluez-zsh-completion libbluetooth3

- update to 5.69
  * Fix issue with BAP enabling state correctly when resuming.
  * Fix issue with detaching source ASEs only after Stop Ready.
  * Fix issue with handling VCP audio location and descriptor.
  * Fix issue with generating IRK for adapter with privacy enabled.
  * Add support for BAP broadcast sink.
- Add three new man pages

==== crypto-policies ====
Subpackages: crypto-policies-scripts

- Tests: Fix pylint versioning for TW and fix the parsing of the
  policygenerators to account for the commented lines correctly.
  * Add crypto-policies-pylint.patch
  * Rebase crypto-policies-policygenerators.patch
- FIPS: Adapt the fips-mode-setup script to use the pbl command
  from the perl-Bootloader package to replace grubby. Add a note
  for transactional systems [jsc#PED-4578].
  * Rebase crypto-policies-FIPS.patch

==== drbd ====
Version update (9.0.30~1+git.8e9c0812 -> 9.1.16)
Subpackages: drbd-kmp-64kb drbd-kmp-default

- Update DRBD version from 9.0.30+ to 9.1.16 (PED-6362)
  * 9.1.16 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * shorten times DRBD keeps IRQs on one CPU disabled. Could lead
    to connection interruption under specific conditions
  * fix a corner case where resync did not start after resync-pause
    state flapped
  * fix online adding of volumes/minors to an already connected resource
  * fix a possible split-brain situation with quorum enabled with
    ping-timeout set to (unusual) high value
  * fix a locking problem that could lead to kernel OOPS
  * ensure resync can continue (bitmap-based) after interruption
    also when it started as a full-resync first
  * correctly handle meta-data when forgetting diskless peers
  * fix a possibility of getting a split-brain although quorum enabled
  * correctly propagate UUIDs after resync following a resize operation.
    Consequence could be a full resync instead of a bitmap-based one
  * fix a rare race condition that can cause a drbd device to end up
    with WFBitMapS/Established replication states
  * 9.1.15 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * fix how flush requests are marked when submitted to the Linux IO
    stack on the secondary node
  * when establishing a connection failed with a two-pc timeout, a
    receiver thread deadlocked, causing drbdsetup calls to block on
    that resource (difficult to trigger)
  * fixed a NULL-ptr deref (a OOPS) caused by a rare race condition
    while taking a resource down
  * fix a possible hard kernel-lockup, can only be triggerd when a
    CPU-mask is configured
  * updated kernel compatibility to at least Linux head and also fixed
    a bug in the compat checks/rules that caused OOPSes of the previous
    drbd releases when compiled with Linux-6.2 (or on RHEL 9.2 kernel).
  * fix an aspect of the data-generation (UUID) handling where DRBD
    failed to do a resync when a diskless node in the remaining
    partition promotes and demotes while a diskful node is isolated
  * fix an aspect of the data-generation (UUID) handling where DRBD
    considered a node to have unrelated data; this bug was triggered by
    a sequence involving removing two nodes from a cluster and readding
    one with the "day-0" UUIDs.
  * do not block specific state changes (promote, demote, attach, and
    detach) when only some nodes add a new minor
  * 9.1.14 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * fix a race with concurrent promotion and demotion, which can
    lead to an unexpected "split-brain" later on
  * fix a specific case where promotion was allowed where it should not
  * fix a race condition between auto-promote and a second two-phase
    commit that can lead to a DRBD thread locking up in an endless loop
  * fix several bugs with "resync-after":
  - missing resync-resume when minor numbers run in opposite
    direction as the resync-after dependencies
  - a race that might lead to an OOPS in add_timer()
  * fix an OOPS when reading from in_flight_summary in debugfs
  * fix a race that might lead to an endless loop of printing
    "postponing start_resync" while starting a resync
  * fix diskless node with a diskfull with a 4KiB backend
  * simplify remembering two-pc parents, maybe fixing a one-time-seen bug
  * derive abort_local_transaction timeout from ping-timeout
  * 9.1.13 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * when calculating if a partition has quorum, take into account if
    the missing nodes might have quorum
  * fix forget-peer for diskless peers
  * clear the resync_again counter upon disconnect
  * also call the unfence handler when no resync happens
  * do not set bitmap bits when attaching to an up-to-date disk (late)
  * work on bringing the out-of-tree DRBD9 closer to DRBD in the upstream
    kernel; Use lru_cahche.ko from the installed kernel whenever possible
  * 9.1.12 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * fix a race that could result in connection attempts getting aborted
    with the message "sock_recvmsg returned -11"
  * rate limit messages in case the peer can not write the backing storage
    and it does not finish the necessary state transitions
  * reduced the receive timeout during connecting to the intended 5 seconds
    (ten times ping-ack timeout)
  * losing the connection at a specific point in time during establishing
    a connection could cause a transition to StandAlone; fixed that, so
    that it keeps trying to connect
  * fix a race that could lead to a fence-peer handler being called
    unexpectedly when the fencing policy is changed at the moment before
  * 9.1.11 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * The change introduced with 9.1.10 created another problem that might
    lead to premature request completion (kernel crash); reverted that
    change and fix it in another way
  * 9.1.10 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * fix a regression introduced with 9.1.9; using protocol A on SMP
    with heavy IO can might cause kernel crash
  * 9.1.9 (api:genl2/proto:86-121/transport:18)
  * fix a mistake in the compat generation code; it broke DRBD on
    partitions on kernel older than linux 5.10 (this was introduced
    with drbd-9.1.8; not affected: logical volumes)
  * fix for a bug (introduced with drbd-9.0.0), that caused possible
    inconsistencies in the mirror when using the 'resync-after' option
  * fix a bug that could cause a request to get stuck after an unlucky
    timing with a loss of connection
  * close a very small timing window between connect and promote that
    could lead to the new-current-uuid not being transmitted to the
    concurrently connecting peer, which might lead to denied connections
    later on
  * fix a recently introduced OOPS when adding new volumes to a
    connected resource
    ... changelog too long, skipping 131 lines ...
  - bsc-1206791-09-pmem-use-fs_dax_get_by_bdev-instead-of-dax_get_by_ho.patch

==== drbd-utils ====
Version update (9.19.0 -> 9.25.0)

- Update to 9.25.0 (PED-5842)
  * drbdsetup,v9,show: fix meta disk format for json
  * drbdmeta: {hex,}dump superblock
  * drbdmon: major rewrite
  * build: gcc v12 cleanups
  * misc: put locks into separate dir
  * selinux: add fowner fsetsid, they dropped a global noaudit rule
  * v9: Support user-defined block-size
  * doc,v9: improvements all over the place
  * drbdadm,v9: implement drbdadm role <res:peer>
  * drbdadm,v9: pass --verbose/--statistics to drbdsetup status
  * drbd{adm,meta}: add repair-md subcommand
  * drbdadm,v9,resync-after: fix too strict check
  * drbdadm,v9,floating: fixup fake uname for 9.2.x strict_names=1
  * drbdadm,v9,parser: fixup globs, also rm GNU libc specific extensions
  * drbdadm,v9,parser: allow via outside-address for NATed peers
  * parser,v9: deprecate named connections
  * drbd-selinux: add sub package, minor packaging/spec changes
  * drbdadm: allow files from expanded glob to vanish
  * drbdadm,v9: fix potential segfault in postparse
  * drbdadm,v9: fix sh-ip when set on connection/path
  * drbdmeta: fix apply-al for bitmap sizes > 4GiB
  * add secondary --force
  * ocf: fix for dropped --peer option
  * drbdsetup,v9: show susupend reason in json output
  * drbdsetup,v9: add secondary --force
  * drbdsetup,v9: fix *susp_str() for events2 diff mode
  * drdbdadm,v9: fix sh-resource
  * drdbdadm,v9: rm --peer=connect_to_host
  * ocf: deal with situation where PM node name and actual node name do not
  * deal with unset DRBD_PEER env variable
  * crm-fence-peer: fix timeout with Pacemaker 2.0.5
  * drbdmeta: don't wait for confirmation if not a TTY
  * drbdadm,v9: Pass '--force' to certain drbdmeta commands
  * drbdmeta: do init in chunks; allow different methods
  * build: various minor fixes (udev detection, POSIX,
  compiler flags, allow doc building with asciidoctor,...)
  * drbd.ocf: fix type (relevant for certain pcs versions)
  * crm-fence-peer: fix timeout with Pacemaker 2.1
  * v9,proxy: allow multiple sharing a proxy node
  * v9,drbdsetup: quote resource name in "show"
  * build: allow building for RHEL9.0, minor cleanups
  * reactor/systemd: allow proper actions (e.g., reboot) if
  demotion fails.
- introduce new systemd service:
- remove v83 v84 binaries (incompatible with kmp)
- drop patches which are already included in latest code:
  - 0001-crm-fence-peer-fix-timeout-with-Pacemaker-2.1-milli-.patch
  - 0002-crm-fence-peer-fix-timeout-with-Pacemaker-2.0.5-mill.patch
- add upstream patch:
  + 0001-drbdadm-v9-do-not-segfault-when-re-configuring-proxy.patch
  + 0002-user-drbrdmon-add-missing-stdint.h-includes.patch
  + 0003-Introduce-default_types.h-header.patch
- change patch name:
  - 0001-Disable-quorum-in-default-configuration-bsc-1032142.patch
  + bsc-1032142_Disable-quorum-in-default-configuration.patch
- rebase patch:
  + pie-fix.patch
  + rpmlint-build-error.patch

==== elfutils-debuginfod ====
Subpackages: debuginfod-client debuginfod-profile libdebuginfod1

- Conditionalize config(debuginfod-profile) Requires tag in the
  debuginfod-client sub-package, with the help of the %sle_version
  macro, so only Tumbleweed (currently the only distro supported by sets it.

==== glib2 ====
Version update (2.76.4 -> 2.76.5)
Subpackages: glib2-tools libgio-2_0-0 libglib-2_0-0 libgmodule-2_0-0 libgobject-2_0-0 libgthread-2_0-0

- Update to version 2.76.5:
  + Bugs fixed:
  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in
  - Possible SEGV (null pointer deref) in _g_resource_file_new().
  - Backport !3529 “gmenuexporter: synchronization in
    org_gtk_Menus_get_interface.” to glib-2-76.
  - Backport !3547 “glib/gfileutils.c: use 64 bits for value in
    get_tmp_file()” to glib-2-76.
  - Backport !3554 “gresourcefile: Fix crash if called with a
    badly escaped URI” to glib-2-76.
  - Backport !3555 “gkeyfile: Fix overwriting of GError” to
  - Backport !3539 “gdbusmessage: Validate required headers have
    the right type” to glib-2-76.

==== gnome-shell ====
Version update (44.3 -> 44.4)
Subpackages: gnome-extensions gnome-shell-calendar

- Update to version 44.4:
  + Fix accessibility of quick settings sliders.
  + Allow notification dismissal with backspace.
  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
  + Updated translations.

==== grep ====

- export CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/sh before running configure: results in
  the shell script (egrep/fgrep) to receive a /bin/sh shebang
  instead of requiring bash (the local shell used to build).

==== grub2 ====
Subpackages: grub2-arm64-efi grub2-snapper-plugin grub2-systemd-sleep-plugin

- grub2-mkconfig-riscv64.patch: Handle riscv64 in mkconfig

==== javapackages-tools ====
Version update (6.1.0 -> 6.2.0)
Subpackages: javapackages-filesystem

- Upgrade to upstream version 6.2.0
  * Întegrate our changes from javapackages-6.1.0-maven-depmap.patch
- Removed patch:
  * javapackages-6.1.0-maven-depmap.patch
    + upstreamed
- Added patch:
  * 0001-Make-the-alias-generation-reproducible.patch
    + separate patch for our reproducible changes that was not
    part of the integrated pull request

==== konsole ====
Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang konsole-zsh-completion

- Add upstream crash fix (kde#473043)
  * 0001-Fix-crashes-in-testTerminalInterface.patch

==== libadwaita ====
Version update (1.3.4 -> 1.3.5)
Subpackages: libadwaita-1-0 typelib-1_0-Adw-1

- Update to version 1.3.5:
  + Set the correct gettext domain on all widgets.
  + AdwExpanderRow: Accessibility fixes.
  + AdwStyleManager: Fix over-releasing a string on macOS.
  + Demo: Correctly dismiss the last toast in the dialogs demo.
  + Stylesheet:
  - Fix menubutton.card corners.
  - Fix button.card focus ring transition.
  - Avoid background overdraw in GtkColumnView.
  + Updated translations.

==== libei ====
Version update (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0)

- Update to release 1.1
  * Correct documentation for ei_touch_(get|set)_user_data
- Update to release 1.0.901 (1.1.0~rc1)
  * ei_device_get_region_at() and its libeis equivalent was added
    as a helper to obtain a device's region at a given point.
  * ei_region_get_mapping_id() returns the mapping id previously
    set by the EIS implementation via
    eis_region_set_mapping_id(). This mapping id can be used to
    identify external resources that have a relationship with
    this region.
    This is a protocol addition and bumps the ei_device protocol
    to version 2.

==== libgphoto2 ====
Version update (2.5.30 -> 2.5.31)
Subpackages: libgphoto2-6 libgphoto2_port12

- updated to 2.5.31 release
  * do better event queueing during capture (makes capture faster, avoids losing events)
  * Canon EOS: OLC logic rewritten to be table driven, more debugging of the content,
    config "testolc" to generate debugoutput. Supports more cameras better.
  * Canon EOS: various bugfixes
  * Sony Alpha: Added config options: focusarea, liveviewsettingeffect
  * Olympus: Enabled OM-1 capture
  * Battery Level: also support ENUM style battery reporting for Canon
  * Nikon 1: S1 also does not support everything
  * Sony Alpha: small changes in config setters
  * merged some improvements from NorthOfYou fork for Canon EOS, Nikon and Sony
  * New ids:
  - Canon EOS 850D, R7, R10, R5 C, R6m2
  - Fuji X-H2, X-T5
  - GOPRO HERO 11 BLACK, 11 BLACK mini
  - new ids also imported from libmtp
  - Nikon Z30, Z8
  - Pentax KP (PTP mode)
  - Ricoh GR IIIx
  - Sigma fp L
  - Sony A7S III, ILCE-1, ILME-FX3, 7RM5 aka A7-RV,
  * fixed init to not switch to webcam mode
  * Added Pentax KP
  * disable log formatting when we are not logging (speeds up large downloads, as
    we are not hex dumping the whole data and immediately discard the result)
  * libltdl usage now thread-safe. (some other library pieces are not threadsafe yet)
  * some time_t 32bit vs 64bit fixes
  * some cleanups and warning fixes
  * updated swedish, spanish
  * added georgian, friulian
- libgphoto2-enable-vusb-ptp.patch: upstream

==== libstorage-ng ====
Version update (4.5.136 -> 4.5.139)
Subpackages: libstorage-ng-lang libstorage-ng-ruby libstorage-ng1

- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#946
- improved json parse functions to handle string and integer
- 4.5.139
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#945
- fixed parsing of lsscsi version for older lsscsi versions
- 4.5.138
- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#944
- add awk to GitHub action for Tumbleweed
- 4.5.137

==== lsb-release ====

- add 797e459ecaa482bf8e7bfe02cf5f1cea367ba9e9.patch to fix

==== man ====

- Fix the content in patch file man-propose-online.patch

==== mozilla-nss ====
Version update (3.92 -> 3.93)
Subpackages: libfreebl3 libsoftokn3 mozilla-nss-certs mozilla-nss-tools

- Update to NSS 3.93:
  + bmo#1849471 - Update zlib in NSS to 1.3.
  + bmo#1848183 - softoken: iterate hashUpdate calls for long inputs.
  + bmo#1813401 - regenerate NameConstraints test certificates (boo#1214980).
- Rebase nss-fips-pct-pubkeys.patch.

==== mozjs102 ====
Version update (102.14.0 -> 102.15.0)

- Update to version 102.15.0:
  + Various security fixes and other quality improvements.
  + CVE-2023-4573: Memory corruption in IPC CanvasTranslator
  + CVE-2023-4574: Memory corruption in IPC
  + CVE-2023-4575: Memory corruption in IPC FilePickerShownCallback
  + CVE-2023-4576: Integer Overflow in
  + CVE-2023-4581: XLL file extensions were downloadable without
  + CVE-2023-4584: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 117, Firefox
    ESR 102.15, Firefox ESR 115.2, Thunderbird 102.15, and
    Thunderbird 115.2

==== multipath-tools ====
Version update (0.9.5+68+suse.d1b6a1c -> 0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e)
Subpackages: kpartx libmpath0

- Update to version 0.9.6+71+suse.f07325e:
  * avoid changing SCSI timeouts in "multipath -d" (bsc#1213809)
- Update to version 0.9.6+70+suse.63925e8:
  Upstream feature additions and bug fixes:
  * ignore nvme devices by default if nvme native multipath is enabled
  * add "group_by_tpg" path_grouping_policy
  * add config options "detect_pgpolicy" and "detect_pgpolicy_use_tpg"
  * libmultipath: add ALUA tpg path wildcard "%A"
  * make prioritizer timeouts consistent with checker timeouts
  * fix dev_loss_tmo even if not set in configuration (bsc#1212440)
  * libmultipath: fix max_sectors_kb on adding path
  * fix warnings reported by udevadm verify

==== mutter ====
Version update (44.3 -> 44.4)

- Update to version 44.4:
  + Fix xwayland-allow-byte-swapped-clients setting.
  + Fix restoring focus when leaving the overview.
  + Fix touch move operations on subsurfaces.
  + Fix flickering when DRI driver isn't available.
  + Fix unexpected cursor changes over non-resizable windows.
  + Fix restoring maximized state of SSD windows.
  + Fix window focus unexpectedly moving to secondary monitor when
    changing workspaces.
  + Fixed crash.
  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
  + Updated translations.

==== nodejs20 ====
Version update (20.5.1 -> 20.6.0)
Subpackages: npm20

- Update to 20.6.0:
  * add support for .env files to configure envrionment variables
  * import.meta.resolve unflagged
  * deps: npm updated to 9.8.1
- nodejs.keyring: updated to include current upstream releasers

==== open-isns ====

- Disable SLP by default for Factory and ALP (bsc#1214884)

==== perl-URI ====
Version update (5.19 -> 5.210.0)

- updated to 5.21
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-URI/Changes
  5.21      2023-08-23 16:02:14Z
  - Fix version declarations in and (GH#131) (Olaf Alders)
  5.20      2023-08-23 14:13:23Z
  - Remove Shebang and Taint from all tests.
  - Fix t/query.t to get rid of a warning about join() on
    array with undef
  - Add icap and icaps URIs (GH#130) (david-dick)

==== pigz ====
Version update (2.7 -> 2.8)

- version update to 2.8
  - Fixed a version bug when compiling with the just-released zlib 1.3
  - Will save a modification time only for regular files (just like gzip since 1.10)
  - Will write all available uncompressed data on an error, for partial data recovery
- deleted patches
  - pigz-2.7-NOTHREAD-tests.patch (upstreamed)

==== python-async_timeout ====
Version update (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3)

- update to 4.0.3:
  * Fixed compatibility with asyncio.timeout() on Python 3.11+.
  * Added support for Python 3.11.
  * Dropped support for Python 3.6.

==== python-chardet ====
Version update (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0)

- update to 5.2.0:
  * Adds support for running chardet CLI via `python -m chardet`

==== python-lxml ====

- skip html5lib tests - cyclic dependency with html5lib tests
- remove python 2.x from testing

==== python-outcome ====

- drop outdated depndendy on async_generator

==== python-psycopg2 ====
Version update (2.9.6 -> 2.9.7)

- update to 2.9.7:
  * Fix propagation of exceptions raised during module
  * Fix building when pg_config returns an empty string

==== python-setuptools ====
Version update (67.8.0 -> 68.1.2)

- update to 68.1.2
  * Fix editable install finder handling of nested packages, by only
    handling 1 level of nesting and relying on importlib.machinery
    to find the remaining modules based on the parent package path.
- add sphinx72.patch: address circular imports in sphinx 7.2+
- update to 68.1.0
  * Removed code referencing bdist_wininst in install_scripts.
  * Promote pyproject.toml’s [tool.setuptools] out of beta.
  * Automatically add files listed in Extension.depends to sdists,
    as long as they are contained in the project directory
  * Require Python 3.8 or later.
  * Use default encoding to create .pth files with editable_wheel.
  * Detects (and complain about) scripts and gui-scripts set via when pyproject.toml does not include them in dynamic.
- update to 68.0.0:
  * Removed verification for existing ``depends.txt`` file
  * Remove autofixing of broken ``.egg-info`` directories
    containing the ``-`` character in their base name (without suffix).
  * Remove deprecated APIs in ``easy_install``:
    ``get_script_header`` and ``get_writer``.
  * Removed ``egg_info.get_pkg_info_revision`` (deprecated
  * Removed ``setuptools.dist._get_unpatched`` (deprecated
  * Removed support for SVN in
    ``setuptools.package_index`` (deprecated since 2018).
  * Removed support for invalid ``pyproject.toml`` files.
  * Added symlink support to launcher for installed
    executables -- by :user:`eugene-sevostianov-sc`
  * Updated vendored ``packaging`` version from 23.0 to
    23.1 -- by :user:`MetRonnie`
  * Implemented workaround for old versions of
    ``vswhere``, which miss the
  * ``-requiresAny`` parameter, such as the ones distributed
    together with Visual Studio 2017 < 15.6.
  * Changed ``DistutilsMetaFinder`` to skip
    ``spec_for_pip`` on Python >= 3.12.
  * Removed ``_distutils_hack.remove_shim`` on Python >=
    3.12 (since ``distutils`` was removed from the standard library,
    ``DistutilsMetaFinder`` cannot be disabled on Python >=
  * #3920: Add a link to deprecation warning in ``pkg_resources``
    and improve ``stacklevel`` for better visibility.
- drop use-tarfile-extraction_filter.patch (upstream)

==== qpdf ====
Version update (11.5.0 -> 11.6.0)

- version update to 11.6.0
  - Bug fixes:
  - Fix corner case in the ASCII85 decoder.
  - Properly report warnings when ``--pages`` is used and the
    warnings appear in other than the primary file.
  - Improve ``--bash-completion`` and ``--zsh-completion`` to better
    support paths with spaces in them.
  - Move detection of random number device from compile-time to
    runtime to improve cross compilation.
  - Fix bugs around attempting to copy ``/Pages`` objects with
    ``copyForeignObject`` (which explicitly doesn't allow this).

==== rdma-core ====
Subpackages: libefa1 libibverbs libibverbs1 libmana1 libmlx4-1 libmlx5-1 librdmacm1 rdma-ndd

- Add missing-quoting.patch
- Use normal GNU tar option syntax
- Remove old RPM spec logic (%defattr)

==== shaderc ====
Version update (2023.4 -> 2023.6)

- Update to release 2023.6
  * Build system updates only

==== suse-module-tools ====
Version update (16.0.34 -> 16.0.35)
Subpackages: suse-module-tools-scriptlets

- Update to version 16.0.35:
  * split off regenerate-initrd-posttrans in the kernel-scriptlets package
  * wm2: Update for usrmerge (boo#1214428)

==== unbound ====
Version update (1.17.1 -> 1.18.0)
Subpackages: libunbound8 unbound-anchor

- Update to 1.18.0:
  * Features:
  - Аdd a metric about the maximum number of collisions in lrushah.
  - Set max-udp-size default to 1232. This is the same default value
    as the default value for edns-buffer-size. It restricts client
    edns buffer size choices, and makes unbound behave similar to
    other DNS resolvers.
  - Add harden-unknown-additional option. It removes unknown records
    from the authority section and additional section.
  - Added new static zone type block_a to suppress all A queries for
    specific zones.
  - [FR] Ability to use Redis unix sockets.
  - [FR] Ability to set the Redis password.
  - Features/dropqueuedpackets, with sock-queue-timeout option that
    drops packets that have been in the socket queue for too long.
    Added statistics num.queries_timed_out and query.queue_time_us.max
    that track the socket queue timeouts.
  - 'eqvinox' Lamparter: NAT64 support.
  - [FR] Use kernel timestamps for dnstap.
  - Add cachedb hit stat. Introduces 'num.query.cachedb' as a new
    statistical counter.
  - Add SVCB dohpath support.
  - Add validation EDEs to queries where the CD bit is set.
  - Add prefetch support for subnet cache entries.
  - Add EDE (RFC8914) caching.
  - Add support for EDE caching in cachedb and subnetcache.
  - Downstream DNS Server Cookies a la RFC7873 and RFC9018. Create server
    cookies for clients that send client cookies. This needs to be explicitly
    turned on in the config file with: `answer-cookie: yes`.
  * Bug Fixes
  - Response change to NODATA for some ANY queries since 1.12.
  - Fix not following cleared RD flags potentially enables
    amplification DDoS attacks.
  - Set default for harden-unknown-additional to no. So that it
    does not hamper future protocol developments.
  - Fix to ignore entirely empty responses, and try at another authority.
    This turns completely empty responses, a type of noerror/nodata into
    a servfail, but they do not conform to RFC2308, and the retry can fetch
    improved content.
  - Allow TTL refresh of expired error responses.
  - Fix: Unexpected behavior with client-subnet-always-forward and serve-expired
  - Fix unbound-dnstap-socket test program to reply the finish frame over
    a TLS connection correctly.
  - Fix: reserved identifier violation
  - Fix: Unencrypted query is sent when forward-tls-upstream: yes is used
    without tls-cert-bundle
  - Extra consistency check to make sure that when TLS is requested,
    either we set up a TLS connection or we return an error.
  - Fix: NXDOMAIN instead of NOERROR rcode when asked for existing CNAME record.
  - Fix: Bad interaction with 0 TTL records and serve-expired
  - Fix RPZ IP responses with trigger rpz-drop on cache entries.
  - Fix RPZ removal of client-ip, nsip, nsdname triggers from IXFR.
  - Fix dereference of NULL variable warning in mesh_do_callback.
  - Fix ip_ratelimit test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
  - Fix for iter_dec_attempts that could cause a hang, part of capsforid
    and qname minimisation, depending on the settings.
  - Fix uninitialized memory passed in padding bytes of cmsg to sendmsg.
  - Fix stat_values test to work with dig that enables DNS cookies.
  - unbound.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV.
    Fixes cachedb configuration handling.
  - Fix: processQueryResponse() THROWAWAY should be mindful of fail_reply.

==== vsftpd ====

- Use pam macros to install pam config in /usr/lib/pam.d
- Adjust vsftpd.pam to include postlogin config (replace wtmp with
  wtmpdb for Y2038 [jsc#3144])

==== webkit2gtk3 ====
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0 libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0 typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1 typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1 webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles

- Expand lang sub-package in spec file unconditionally to handle
  previous name change from WebKit2GTK-lang to WebKitGTK-lang. This
  change affected the automatic generated Requires tag on
  WebKit2GTK-%{_apiver}, then getting out of sync of what's being
  required and what's being provided. Now, any sub-package that was
  providing WebKit2GTK-%{_apiver} will provide WebKitGTK-%{_apiver}
  instead (boo#1214835, boo#1214640).

==== webkit2gtk3-soup2 ====
Subpackages: libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18 libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37 webkit2gtk-4_0-injected-bundles

- Expand lang sub-package in spec file unconditionally to handle
  previous name change from WebKit2GTK-lang to WebKitGTK-lang. This
  change affected the automatic generated Requires tag on
  WebKit2GTK-%{_apiver}, then getting out of sync of what's being
  required and what's being provided. Now, any sub-package that was
  providing WebKit2GTK-%{_apiver} will provide WebKitGTK-%{_apiver}
  instead (boo#1214835, boo#1214640).

==== wireless-regdb ====
Version update (20230721 -> 20230901)

- Update to version 20230901:
  * wireless-regdb: update regulatory database based on preceding changes
  * wireless-regdb: Update regulatory rules for Australia (AU) for June 2023

==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20230818.ea489402e5 -> 84.87.20230901.be24cb382f)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu

- Update to version 84.87.20230901.be24cb382f:
  * Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
  * Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
  * Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
  * Translated using Weblate (Czech)
  * Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
  * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'.
  * Translated using Weblate (Kurdish)
  * Translated using Weblate (Kurdish)

==== zvbi ====
Version update (0.2.41 -> 0.2.42)

- version update to 0.2.42
  * Fix several compiler warnings.
  * Apply patch to consider ERASE_PAGE flag with single page transmissions.

==== zypper ====
Version update (1.14.62 -> 1.14.64)
Subpackages: zypper-log zypper-needs-restarting

- Fix name of the bash completion script (bsc#1215007)
  In 1.14.63 the location of the bash completion script was changed
  to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/. But the patch failed
  to also rename the completion script. The original script name is not recognized at the new location.
- Update notes about failing signature checks (bsc#1214395)
  It might be a transient issue if the server is in the midst of
  receiving new data. Retry after a few minutes might work.
- Improve the SIGINT handler to be signal safe (bsc#1214292)
  This patch updates the SIGINT handling strategy to be signal
  safe. Meaning the signal handler will do not much more than
  setting a flag, which we are going to check in the normal program
  flow as much as possible.
- version 1.14.64
- Changed location of bash completion script (bsc#1213854).
  This changes the location of bash completion script
  from /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/.
- version 1.14.63